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Mental Heatlh FundRaiser

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Mental Heatlh FundRaiser

Mental Heatlh FundRaiser

Mental Heatlh FundRaiser

Mental Heatlh FundRaiser

Mental Heatlh FundRaiser

Sarmad Rizwan
Sarmad Rizwan
Sarmad Rizwan
Sarmad Rizwan
6 Campaigns |
Karachi, Pakistan
$6,623 USD 35 backers
110% of $6,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk


$25 USD
0 claimed


$50 USD
3 claimed


$50 USD
0 claimed

Help ONE person re-integrate

$250 USD
1 claimed

Zakat for ONE person's rehab

$250 USD
4 claimed

Sponsor a Group

$1,250 USD
0 claimed
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects

Giving Zakah? Please read instructions at end below and to your right hand side


Why You Need to Help

About 14 million Pakistanis suffer from Mental Illnesses.

In urban centres like Karachi alone, this number is as high as 6 million people

That's 14 million people in need of YOUR help.

14 million people with very little access to Mental Health and almost no access to finding their way back to a normal, productive life.

Imagine the social impact you can have by helping just one person find normalcy. 


Who are We?

CareForHealth is a registered Charitable Trust in Pakistan, filling a critical gap in Pakistan's Mental Health infrastructure.

Our website is :

See the 11 min documentary on our work below



What do we Do?

In terms of Mental Health, Pakistan is one of the worst effected developing countries, Mental Health is greatly misunderstood in Pakistan and is a taboo subject.

Due to social stigma, people with Mental illness (Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Anxiety) find it nearly impossible to become a part of mainstream society, even after they have been treated.

CFH aims to give sufferers their life back.

We work with Hospitals, Industry and Vocational Institutes to ensure that patients are rehabilitated properly and are then given jobs to ensure they are re-integrated into society.

This is no mean feat. And we need YOUR help to make it a success.


How do we do it?


We do this by providing:

Counselling for patients referred to us by hospitals - this is a 9-12 month rehabilitation program to ensure the patient has fully recovered.

Training new practitioners to expand our outreach.

Raising Awareness in workplaces. This will be expanded into awareness and outreach programs for neighbourhoods and families.

Re-Integration into society by improving our network in Industry and Training Institutes. We ensure each willing person has a job placement along with regular followups from our team to mark progress, thereby adding to his well-being and setting them on the path to complete recovery.

We have been doing this voluntarily since 2012 and now it’s time to make a larger mark & expand our reach.


How can YOU help?


Re-educating a society on Mental Health and Re-integrating people back to being their productive best is no easy task.

We have broken down the funds we need to expand & continue our work.

A total of $6,000 will take us through this fiscal year as we aim to:

Rehabilitate & Reintegrate at least 40 people this year.

Hire & Train 4 new practitioners.

Awareness Campaigns (seminars, brochures, ads, etc)

Outreach Campaigns (industry networking, hospital affiliations, etc)


Our campaign target is $6,000 but in no way should you stop donating even if our target is reached.

Just $250 can mean that you've helped one person and his whole family find normalcy again.


We need your help:


Tell others to Donate!



Make your organization a Networking Partner with CFH (contact or or



If you are paying any part of your Zakat to us, then please leave a comment at the end of the process saying this money is for "Zakat". 

We will then ensure your money is going towards our Zakat eligible clients only.


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