Who We Are and How We Got Here:
Mira's Homemade was founded in 2012 with the idea that snack foods could and should be simple and healthy. Mira has always loved preparing food for family and friends and has spent years experimenting to make dishes that are optimally nutritious, ethically conscious, and fantastically delicious. Frustrated by the complicated ingredient lists and dubious nutrition of most commercially available snack foods, Mira developed a simple, crowd-pleasing granola and started making it available to her community. Almost before we knew it, Mira's Homemade was proudly sitting on the aisle of natural grocers all over the Mid-Adlantic region. The reaction to our granola has been inspiring and encouraging, and we have had an amazing four years of learning and discovery. Now we hope to adapt to what we've learned and lay a strong foundation for future expansion so that we can continue to make healthy snacks our friends and global neighbors can feel good about eating.
Obstacles You Can Help Us Overcome:
We are a small, family-run company and, true to our name, Mira herself still makes and packages everything by hand. While this is rewarding, it doesn't leave a lot of time or resources for the other demands of the business. Right now, we can just keep up with the contracts we have, but we lack the resources to take things much further. That's where your contribution can really make a difference!
How We're Going to Do It:
We love hearing from our customers and we consider their feedback very closely. One thing we've learned is that people really enjoy the versatility of our product and they connect to it as a snack food more than as a granola. We've also had requests for smaller-portioned packaging and encouraging interest in an expanded product line. These are great ideas, and we believe that they will be beneficial to our long-term success. In order to take our company to the next level, we are hoping to raise twenty-five thousand dollars for new packaging, new equipment to accommodate the smaller bags, and payroll for an employee to help meet increased demand. This injection of capital will boost us to a level that is more sustainable by streamlining our production process and reducing costs. Once we achieve this goal, we hope to distribute our granola on a national (or even global) scale, expand our product line, and continue our mission to create snacks that do 'the least amount of harm to, and the most amount of good for, animals, humans, and the natural resources on our precious planet.'
Why Support Vegan, Organic, etc.?
Many people are searching for more sustainable, ethical, or healthier dietary options. Some people are required to eat certain kinds of food due to a medical condition. Regardless of why people choose or need to eat these foods, the fact is that these options are becoming more popular.
We believe our snackable granola will appeal to a wide audience and grow into a major player in the health food industry.
Want to Donate, but Simply Can't?
Money is not the only way you can help...
~ Ask your local health food store (or larger retailer) to carry Mira's Homemade
~Tell your friends about us
~Visit and share our website, Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr, and campaign page
Thank you for helping us spread the raw granola love!
Most gratefully yours,