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Miss Rizos: Beauty, Identity and Empowerment

Changing the world by redefining beauty standards and facilitating self-love one curl at a time!

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Miss Rizos: Beauty, Identity and Empowerment

Miss Rizos: Beauty, Identity and Empowerment

Miss Rizos: Beauty, Identity and Empowerment

Miss Rizos: Beauty, Identity and Empowerment

Miss Rizos: Beauty, Identity and Empowerment

Changing the world by redefining beauty standards and facilitating self-love one curl at a time!

Changing the world by redefining beauty standards and facilitating self-love one curl at a time!

Changing the world by redefining beauty standards and facilitating self-love one curl at a time!

Changing the world by redefining beauty standards and facilitating self-love one curl at a time!

Carolina Contreras
Carolina Contreras
Carolina Contreras
Carolina Contreras
2 Campaigns |
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
$10,180 USD 220 backers
50% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

My name is Carolina and I am the creator of, a community and online platform that celebrates and promotes afro-textured hair! Miss Rizos’ vision is to change our societies standards of beauty through facilitating individual self-acceptance for women and girls through their hair. We’ve created this campaign to increase our social impact by creating a physical space that will not only provide hair care services, but will allow us to sustain our social impact initiatives. Your investment will help fund the opening of this one of a kind multi-purpose space.


Growing up in the U.S, I thought my hair was malo (bad in Spanish) because it was what I learned from my mom, family, and society. I didn't see people that looked like me or with my afro-textured hair on TV, magazine covers, or in movies. So for nearly 15 years I subjected myself to painful chemical treatments that straightened my hair because it was deemed ugly, unprofessional and not beautiful. 

On July 2010, while living in the Dominican Republic, I finally cut all of my processed hair. It took me nearly a year to feel fully beautiful, free and comfortable in my skin. This radiated as I walked the streets of the Dominican Republic and women began to stop and ask me how I made the decision to grow my natural hair, my hair care regimen, and how I dealt with the challenging family members, bosses, and friends who openly criticized this choice. I became an example and resource, which led to the creation of My online platform and content address these hair care questions, and simultaneously fight the ongoing and deeply rooted discrimination that many people face because of their afro-textured hair at work, schools, and other public and private spaces here in the DR.

Our Impact 

Over three years later and Miss Rizos has:

  • Reached over 50,000 followers, readers and subscribers from 79 countries
  • Hosted well-attended events in over 20 cities including Madrid, Port au Prince, Santo Domingo, New York and others
  • Received coverage in online, print and TV publications including NPR, Huff Post, Radio Caracol in Colombia, Viu Mag in Peru, and many more
  • Participated as keynote speaker and panelist at SUNY Albany, George Washington University, and Girl Power Day in Florida
  • Hosted many identity, empowerment and educational hair workshops for young girls, including one for the Mariposa Foundation in Cabarete, DR and Peace Corps girl empowerment program, Chicas Brillantes in San Cristobal
  • Sponsored fellow curly girl Yaritza Reyes, who was the winner of the 2013 Miss Dominican Republic pageant, making her only the third winner of African descent since it’s creation in 1927, keeping in mind that the Dominican Republic is 92% Afro-descendent
  • Launched  a campaign and t-shirt line called "Yo Amo Mi Pajón" (I love my afro)
  • Encouraged family members like my mother and three sisters to return to their natural hair. They celebrate themselves and each other and spread the Miss Rizos message of self-love and acceptance everywhere they go. 

"I've been wearing your t-shirt through my many months in Africa, and I get lots of "what does that mean?" and when I explain, everyone loves it. Even better, I get to talk a bit about the Afro-Latino experience, and my own Dominican/Puerto Rican background, all because of your shirt. So, a very big thank you! You’re making your mark in Africa."  ~Diana, Puerto Rican-Dominican in Namibia


What we need to make this happen...

We've been able to accomplish a lot of this with the little revenue we get from our t-shirts sales and sponsorships. But we've found that sponsorships have, at times, clouded our message. Your donation will allow us to create this space that will finally give us the financial stability to get our programs and services to those we cannot reach online, while we grow our mission and serve more people OUR WAY. This is our dream and we need your help to make it a reality. 

We will create a unique and one of a kind store, salon and community center that will support and sustain our innovative projects for social change. Miss Rizos multi-purpose space will create:

  • a  space for workshops, meetings and gatherings,
  • a one stop shop for natural hair care
  • a fun and inviting safe space for all curly women, men and children in the DR
  • and a mini studio/office for YouTube content for our MissRizosTV channel, our blog ( and our social media spaces 

We need $20,000 to:

  • Fund the initial legalization process for this space  
  • Cover plumbing, electric and construction services 
  • Furnish the space to accommodate a store, salon and community center
  • Supply initial inventory
  • Cover initial overhead for our first 3 months 

Expected Impact 

The Dominican Republic

We will be organizing  free monthly empowerment and hair education workshops for women in the campo and barrios of the Dominican Republic who don't have access to our online content. We will also collaborate with several local organizations who have solicited workshops and presentations in different parts of the country. 

Our online and international impact

Currently we have an average monthly online reach of 50,000 people worldwide. One week we reached over 200,000 people just on our Facebook page. One of the goals once the store is running, is to dedicate more time to content creation for our YouTube channel and blog. This will allow us to continue to grow this online community and provide information and resources to those women who are not in the Dominican Republic.

We recognize that we have a very big and engaged following and would like to take advantage of that to showcase other women and men who are doing important work in their communities.         

What you'll get...

By contributing to this campaign we’ll provide you with updates leading up to our grand opening. As a blogger, I know a thing or two about documenting and sharing things on the web and am committed to sharing this life changing process with you. We'll upload videos and pictures of each milestone right here on the campaign’s gallery.

Check out all of the awesome gifts we have picked out for our amazing supporters including two all-expense paid trips to the Dominican Republic for the grand opening of our store!


Risks and Challenges

The truth is that nothing will hold us back from making this space a reality. We literally eat, sleep and breathe Miss Rizos and we are committed to making it happen. We'll face common business challenges, but what makes us unique is that we have been active and engaging consumers for over 3 years and have already built the base that will keep this business growing. 

We also have a volunteer bank of over 50 people who are willing to lend a hand with many of our social impact activities and campaigns. There are so many people committed and invested in making Miss Rizos thrive that we are confident that we'll overcome any hurdles that come along the way.

What happens if we don't reach our goal or if we surpass our goal?  If we don't reach our goal, we will use the proceeds to move forward with creating this space and will continue to be creative with other fundraising ideas. If we surpass our goal we will not only create this incredible space, but we’ll immediately begin many of the social impact initiatives that have already been developed, but are in need of funding.

Other ways you can help

Spread the word by sharing our Indiegogo campaign with your family and friends and by sharing the link of the campaign on social media.

THANK YOU in advance for your generosity and support!

About Miss Rizos’ founder

I graduated from Ursinus College in 2009 with a double major in Peace and Justice Studies and French. I love languages, traveling, food, and knitting. After graduating and spending a month in Dubai as a photography intern, I decided to return to the Dominican Republic, my native country and a place that I had only visited once before. I wanted to “rediscover my roots”. Recently I found an old tweet from September 14th 2009 when I was 22, while at the airport waiting to board my plane, “the biggest risk is not to risk at all, on my way to DR in search of my personal legend”.  Pablo Coehlo defines a personal legend as your blessing, the path God has chosen for you here on Earth. He says that whenever a person does that which gives them enthusiasm, they are following their Personal Legend. My personal legend is Miss Rizos and I never imagined that I would come back to my native country to discover it!



Miss Rizos: Belleza, Identidad y Empoderamiento

 ¡Ayúdanos a llegar a más personas y cambiar el mundo un rizo a la vez!

Antes que nada quiero decirle a mi gente hispanohablante que esta plataforma y su contenido está princpalmente en Inglés porque nuestro blog y nuestras redes sociales están todas exclusivamente en Español, y para poder poner todo en un mejor contexto debimos abundar más en este idioma. Si te interesa saber más de cualquiera de los puntos que tocamos debajo, no dudes en entrar a En el blog encontrarán mi historia, información de prensa, y mucho más. 

¡Ahora sí! Saludos, mi nombre es Carolina y soy la creadora de, una comunidad que celebra y promueve el cabello rizado. Empecé Miss Rizos hace 3 años en la República Dominicana, un año después de que decidí llevar mi cabello en su estado natural. Durante más de 15 años me sometí a tratamientos químicos dolorosos que laceaban mi cabello porque consideraba que era feo, poco profesional y que simplemente no obedecía los estándares de belleza.

Decidí crear a Miss Rizos porque que muchas mujeres me paraban en la calle y me preguntaban cómo deje mi cabello al natural, que productos usaba, y cómo lidiaba con los molestos miembros de la familia, jefes, y amigos que critican abiertamente esta decisión. Miss Rizos también fue creada para luchar contra la discriminación que enfrentan muchas personas a causa de su cabello afro en el trabajo, las escuelas y otros espacios públicos y privados.

Tres años más tarde, Miss Rizos ha: 

  • Llegado a más de 79 países 
  • Acogido eventos en más de 20 ciudades en España, los Estados Unidos, República Dominicana, Puerto Rico, Haití, entre otros, donde he conocido a más de 2,000 lectoras 
  • Aparecido en varias publicaciones en línea, impresas y televisivas, incluyendo NPR, Ebony Magazine, Miami Herald y Huffington Post en Estados Unidos, Radio Caracol en Colombia, Viu Magazine en Perú, y muchos más.
  • Organizado varios talleres de identidad, empoderamiento y educación del cabello afro para niñas en el país
  • Patrocinado a la chica rizada Yaritza Reyes, quien fue la ganadora del concurso de Miss República Dominicana Universo 2013, haciéndola sólo la tercera ganadora de descendencia Africana desde su creación en 1927, aun cuando un 92% de la población Dominicana es afrodescendiente.
  • Lanzado una campaña llamada "Yo Amo Mi Pajón" que ha llegado a lugares como Namibia, en África

Ya estoy de vuelta en la República Dominicana, mi país natal, después de dejar mi trabajo en los Estados Unidos y tomar la decisión de hacer lo que me apasiona. Estoy aquí porque realmente creo que con el mensaje de amor propio y empoderamiento, Miss Rizos puede y va a impactar y cambiar la situación sobre la identidad y discriminación en la isla. 

Aquí y ahora es donde ustedes pueden ayudar!

Mi equipo y yo hemos estado trabajando incansablemente para crear un espacio tipo tienda, salón y centro comunitario que proporcionará sostenibilidad económica para todas nuestras ideas innovadoras para el cambio social. Queremos, por ejemplo, poder hacer talleres educativos en lugares remotos de la República Dominicana y otros países, donde no hay acceso a internet y por lo tanto tampoco a las informaciones que compartimos. Asimismo, queremos dar apoyo legal a todas esos casos que nos llegan a diario sobre discriminación.

Necesitamos su ayuda para:

  • Financiar el proceso legal de la apertura de la tienda
  • Pagar los costos de plomería, electricidad, y construcción
  • El inventario inicial 
  • Los gastos generales del espacio por sus primeros 3 meses

Hemos armado unos regalos increíbles incluyendo dos viajes con todo pago para la gran apertura de nuestra tienda en la República Dominicana.

Miss Rizos tiene más de 50,000 seguidores en las redes sociales y más de 25,000 mil lectores de todo el mundo. ¡Ayúdanos a llegar a más personas y cambiar el mundo, un rizo a la vez!


Vídeo: Manuel Miniño, Ondina Sosa 

Photos: Ivonne Peña

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Be a Founder!

$20 USD
BE A FOUNDER! We'll put your name in full on our FOUNDERS WALL at our space in the Dominican Republic! ¡SE UN(A) FUNDADOR(A)! Pondremos tu nombre completo en nuestra pared de fundadora/es en nuestro espacio en la República Dominicana!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
34 out of 200 of claimed

Virtual High Five

$1 USD
We appreciate you for supporting our campaign, so we want to tell our largest social media platform, Facebook (27K followers) that you contributed to making this project a reality! Saludo Virtual Te apreciamos por apoyar nuestra campaña y queremos que nuestra plataforma más grande, Facebook (27 mil seguidores), también se entere que tu hiciste posible que este sueño se convierta en realidad.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
4 claimed

Thank you email

$5 USD
We'll send you a personal Thank you email for your contribution! Correo electrónico de agradecimiento Te enviaremos un correo personalizado agradeciéndote por su contribución.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
10 claimed

Social media mentions

$10 USD
We’re so thankful for your support that we want to make sure that our over 43,000 followers also find out! We’ll send you a shout-out on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter ¿Qué lo qué? Estamos tan agradecidos por tu apoyo que queremos asegurar que los más de 43,000 seguidores que tenemos en nuestras diferentes plataformas también se enteren. Te enviaremos un saludo en nuestro Facebook, Instagram y Twitter.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
30 claimed

Libreta de Cupones

$20 USD
Este "perk" esta diseñado específicamente para nuestros futuros clientes! Por sólo USD$20 o RD$850 pesos recibirás una libreta con ofertas y cupones que podrás utilizar durante nuestros primeros 3 meses! En esta libreta encontraras productos gratis, cupones de 20-40% de descuento en tus compras y mucho más! Coupon Booklet This perk is designed specifically for our in store customers! You will receive a coupon booklet full of deals that you can use throughout our first 3 months!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
3 out of 200 of claimed

Sticker + Personalized Note

$25 USD
As a way to say thanks we will mail you our popular Yo Amo Mi Pajón (I love my fro) sticker and a handwritten note from Miss Rizos wherever you are in the world! You can put it on your bike, car, laptop, fridge, or anywhere you want! Pegatina y nota personalizada Te enviaremos una de nuestra fabulosas pegatinas de Yo Amo Mi Pajón y una notita escrita a mano por Miss Rizos donde sea que este en el mundo. ¡Podrá poner su sticker en tu vehículo, bicicleta, laptop, nevera o donde quieras!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
15 out of 200 of claimed

Piña Factory Bandana

$30 USD
We are really excited about offering these really versatile and practical bandanas perfect for the "pineapple method" at our store! You'll get one of these awesome locally handmade hair accessory by Piña Factory. Ships only to US, Canada, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. ¡Estamos muy felices de ofrecer estas bellas y prácticas bandanas en nuestra tienda! Si adquieres este beneficio, recibirás una de estas bandanas hechas a mano en la República Dominicana, perfectas para el método de la piña.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
9 out of 50 of claimed


$50 USD
That’s right you’ll get a t-shirts of your choice and a free sticker! Ships only to US, Canada, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Camiseta Así es, te enviaremos una camiseta de tu gusto y una pegatina. Los envíos sólo llegan a los EE.UU., Canadá, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
22 out of 100 of claimed

Tote Bag

$60 USD
You’ll receive one of large tote bag of your choice and a free Yo Amo Mi Pajón sticker! Ships only to US, Canada, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Bolso ¡Recibirás un bolso de tu preferencia y una pegatina de Yo Amo Mi Pajón! Los envíos sólo llegan a los EE.UU., Canadá, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
6 out of 150 of claimed

Healthy Hair, Healthy Bodies

$75 USD
Receive a nutrition consultation by our favorite curly registered dietitians, Wendy and Jess from Food Heaven Made Easy! You will get 1 initial assessment and 2 followup sessions via email. "Cabello Saludable, Cuerpos Saludable" Recibe una consulta de nutrición con nuestras dietistas registradas favoritas, Wendy y Jess de Food Heaven Made Easy. Recibirás 1 evaluación inicial y luego 2 sesiones de seguimiento todo vía email.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 out of 5 of claimed

International Perk

$90 USD
This perk is designed for all of those in Latin America and Europe! You can choose any of our t-shirts OR tote bags and will also receive a Piña Factory bandana! Shipping is included. Este "perk" esta diseñado especialmente para las personas en Latino America y Europa ! Pueden elegir cualquiera de nuestras camisetas O bolsos y también recibirán una bandana de Piña Factory! El costo de envío esta incluido.
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 out of 20 of claimed

T-shirt and Tote

$100 USD
You’ll get both the tote and t-shirt of your choice plus a free Yo Amo Mi Pajón sticker and a special handwritten note from Miss Rizos to thank you for your contribution!Ships only to US, Canada, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Camiseta y Bolso Recibirás una camiseta y un bolso de tu preferencia, una pegatina de Yo Amo Mi Pajón y una nota escrita a mano de Miss Rizos agradeciéndole por su contribución. Los envíos sólo llegan a los EE.UU., Canadá, República Dominicana y Puerto Rico.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
11 out of 100 of claimed

Let's talk!

$100 USD
That’s right, you’ll get 1 full hour hair consultation with Miss Rizos (in person if you live in Santo Domingo, New York, or Boston, or via skype or google hangouts if you are anywhere else in the world)! ¡Hablemos! Así es, tendrás una hora completita para hablar con Miss Rizos de cabello, los ejercicios y alimentación y cualquier cosa pertinente a nuestra página (en persona si vive en Santo Domingo, Nueva York, y Boston o vía Skype o Google Hangouts si esta en cualquier otra parte del mundo).
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
2 out of 30 of claimed

Dominican Republic in a basket

$150 USD
We love this country and want to share that with you by sending you a package full of our favorite things from the Dominican Republic. From our favorite candies to our favorite organic coffee! Ships only to US, Canada, DR, and Puerto Rico. República Dominicana en una Canasta Amamos a este país y queremos compartir eso con ustedes enviándoles un paquete lleno de cositas de la República Dominicana como dulces, café orgánico, aceite de coco ¡y mucho más! Envíos a RD, PR, USA y Canadá.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed

Miss Rizos Calendar

$250 USD
Get an exclusive and one of a kind Miss Rizos Calendar for 2015! All original photos Calendario de Miss Rizos ¡Recibirás el primer y exclusivo calendario de Miss Rizos para el 2015 con fotos originales!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed

Let's have dinner together!

$300 USD
That’s right, we’ll dine at one of my favorite spots in NYC, Boston or Dominican Republic. We’ll talk hair, social media, fitness and health and more! Vamos a cenar juntos Así es, cenaremos en uno de mis restaurantes favoritos en NYC, Boston o en la República Dominicana. ¡Hablaremos de todo un poco!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed

A piece of heaven on earth

$300 USD
You +1 can spend a magical weekend in one of my favorite places in the world, Las Terrenas. You just have to get there, but we’ll take care of your stay at Casa Delfín B&B, a 2 minute walk away from the beach, 2 nights/3 days. Un pedazo del cielo en la tierra Dos personas podrán pasar un fin de semana mágico en uno de mis lugares favoritos, Las Terrenas. Sólo tendrán que llegar allí y nosotros nos encargaremos de su hospedaje en Casa Delfín B&B, a 2 minutos de la playa por 2 noches y 3
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 out of 2 of claimed

Join us on our big night!

$500 USD
Be a part of the grand opening of our store! You + friend get to celebrate with the Miss Rizos team, readers and collaborators on our big night! This will take place in the Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (does not include airfare or lodging) Acompañanos en nuestra gran noche ¡Sé parte de nuestra gran apertura! Tu y un acompañante podrán celebrar con Miss Rizos, lectores, y colaboradores en nuestra gran noche! Esto se llevará a cabo en Santo Domingo (no incluye transporte ni hospejade).
1 out of 5 of claimed

You’re invited!

$1,500 USD
You’ll get to celebrate with us at our grand opening night and we’ll cover your stay for a weekend (2 nights/3 days) in Santo Domingo! You’ll also get to have dinner on us with the Miss Rizos team to celebrate our big day! (does not cover airfare) ¡Estas invitad@! Podrás celebrar con nosotras en nuestra gran noche y cubriremos tu estadía por 2 noches y 3 días en Santo Domingo. También te invitaremos a cenar con nuestro equipo para celebrar nuestra apertura (no cubre transporte/vuelo)!
0 out of 5 of claimed

Come celebrate with us on us!

$8,000 USD
ALL-expense paid trip to the DR for 2 to our grand opening! We’ll cover your flight + lodging for 2 nights/3 days in the city + an intimate dinner with the Miss Rizos team to celebrate our big day! Available for people living in the United States or DR only. Ven y celebra con nosotros, ¡todo incluido! Tu y un acompañante recibirán un viaje TODO incluido a la República Dominicana para celebrar nuestro gran día por 2 noches y 3 días en la ciudad. Solo aplica a personas en los EE.UU
0 out of 3 of claimed

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