Mountain Hollow
Author: Brandon Smith
Artist: Eric Killius
Colorist: Jim Maitre
A Horror/Action/Thriller Graphic Novel – H.P. Lovecraft and the Evil Dead series meets Rambo!
A small rural town is suffering from a series of child kidnappings and bizarre events. The community is in slow decay and town officials are doing nothing to help. Little do the residents know these disappearances are connected to a much larger cosmic conspiracy involving an inhuman threat. It’s up to an adept survivalist with a mysterious past to uncover the plot and even climb into the depths of hell to stop it.
Something weird is going on in the town of Mountain Hollow and the surrounding wilds known as the Cambridge Triangle. Alan Jung, a new resident to the area, is trying to warn the locals but no one will listen. After a baby is taken from her mother by an unknown assailant, Alan uses his military training and woodsman skills to track the kidnapper down, but the incident is much bigger than he could have possibly imagined.
His interference sets off a chain of events that lead to more kidnappings and, ultimately, open war against a cosmic presence. And, in the true spirit of the survival creed, Alan knows that sometimes when a threat arrives on your doorstep you can't wait around for the "authorities" to solve the problem for you. Sometimes, you have to take care of things yourself.
The fight will put Alan and his faithful hound dog Ranger in the crosshairs of mad scientists, a Mexican crime cartel, corrupt FBI officials, a silent conspiracy and a horde of vicious interdimensional entities, sending man and hound into deadly wild forests, across outer space and into a nether-realm of endless horrors in a desperate search for the lost children of Mountain Hollow.
I have included the intro portion of the Mountain Hollow story with completed, colored and lettered pages below. I hope you enjoy it:
About The Author
My name is Brandon Smith, I've been a conservative economist, political writer and survival expert for over 16 years while living in the mountains of Northwest Montana. I set aside a lot of my creative writing endeavors years ago to pursue economic analysis but I think now is a good time to get back to something entertaining. Sometimes people need a little escape from the real world, and that's okay. I enjoy comics because they are a powerful visual medium (and a lot more affordable than making films). My goal is to tell a story that people will love and remember for decades to come; that's all I really want.
My influences include Lovecraftian mythology, retro sci-fi and horror cinema as well as action and survival stories (regular people, rather than superheroes, fighting against seemingly impossible odds). I believe in this story so much I'm already paying out of pocket to get the graphic novel started. With your help we will be able to finish it.
About The Artist
Eric Killius here, artist of Mountain Hollow! Drawing has been central to my life. As a kid with ADHD, art was one of the only tasks I was ever able to put my full focus on. It became a good way to free my mind during my childhood and I've wanted to draw comics ever since. I grew up in a small town with no access to opportunities to work in comics professionally, until recently. Now, with independent comics I'm living that dream and loving it.
I prefer old-school penciling and inking, although, I'm starting to do more work digitally as well. I currently live in rural Tennessee. When I’m not at my day job or drawing, you can find me at the ball field, at my daughter's dance recitals, or researching obscure urban legends. I’m stoked to be bringing this project to the page and I hope you enjoy the journey.
Goals For This Campaign
This campaign is for Mountain Hollow Chapter 1: Ouroboros, which will be around 40 pages (possibly 50 pages) front and back (80 total pages of art and story) in soft cover graphic novel format. For now, the physical book will only be available for shipping in the US. There is an option for a Digital Copy as well for those outside the US. There will be two other chapters (maybe more) to come in future campaigns as long as the first book does well. Here are the chapters I have written so far.
Chapter 1: Ouroboros
Chapter 2: Abaddon
Chapter 3: Oubliette
This is my first comic campaign and my mission is to do this as professionally as possible. I want to be honest about time frames and I want to get my books to readers and meet reasonable deadlines. I have a great artist who is a hard worker on my team and we are dedicated to finishing this project. There will be no "flaking out" and no confusion about what is happening with this book. I'm excited for you to read it and I want to get it out there.
Chapter 1: Ouroboros will need at least 300 backers in 60 days in order to have enough funds to complete the project by the deadline. The deadline for shipping will be March 2023. I will keep backers updated regularly on the progress of the project. If there is a lot of interest and a high number of backers I plan to add some stretch goals and extra perks as well.
If this story sounds interesting to you, be sure to share this campaign with others. I really think Mountain Hollow will be unlike anything you have read in a long time.