My hope for Mujō is for it to remain as much of an independent, grassroots production as possible. Me and the cast and crew are all doing this pro bono. Me because I need to tell a story and them because they believe in the story I've written. The story can stand on its own, but our hope is that once people see the quality we will deliver, we will earn the right to make episode 2. Then 3.... Then 4....
The larger story I have mapped out could potentially take 10-15 half hour episodes to tell in its entirety. It is an epic. It is heavily layered. It will make you think.
So give us a couple bucks to help us make the highest quality production possible. We have a very talented cast and crew of locals, but we need wardrobe, props, insurance, and food for these lovely people to eat while we make magic.
I promise you that if you see Episode 1, you will be in for Episode 2.
If you absolutely hate it I will refund your contribution.
Thanks from all of us
MUJŌ is a story I've been thinking about for a long time now. It's hard to pin down any one source of inspiration that prompted me to write this story. Rather, it feels like a culmination of influences and experiences I've been gathering my entire life. Influences that include Star Wars, anime, Spielberg, Fincher, Nolan, Tarantino, Kurosawa, Miyazaki, Chuck Palahniuk, Final Fantasy, Orwell, Huxley, the music of Bone Thugs -n- Harmony, and my experience having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's all of the little pieces of art and life lessons that have molded me into who I am over the years. In a certain sense, it's me.
I have wanted to make movies since as long as I can remember. I was that kid who spent summer break with his friends and his parent's camcorder making knockoffs of Scream and James Bond movies. I was so inspired by the filmmakers who's work I grew up watching. I wanted to tell stories the way they told stories. But it never felt like a realistic goal. Until last year.
Last year, I got to take still photos on the set of a feature film that was written and directed by a good friend of mine. It was like watching an impossible dream actually happen and it gave me the spark of inspiration I needed to finally write my story. Maybe. Juuuuuust maybe, I could pull this off.
So I wrote my script and asked that same friend to take a look at it and give me some feedback. His feedback was that I should do it. That gave me the confidence I needed to get started.
Now, here I sit, a little over a year from my experience on that film. I've worked on several more features of various sizes, and each of them has been educational and rewarding. I have my script, I have access to equipment, I have an awesome actress, a killer Director of Photography, and many more talented folks ready to get on board. I just don't have any money.
We need money to buy props and wardrobe, get insurance, feed the cast and crew, and many other little things that just can't happen without it.
So here I am, asking you to help me make this story come to life. Give us your support and we promise to deliver something you will love to watch.
Thank you,
Captain Steven Danger Squall, 808th Scallywags Division