Nancy Nagy Funeral Service Donations & Expenses
Nancy Nagy Funeral Service Donations & Expenses
Nancy Nagy Funeral Service Donations & Expenses
Nancy Nagy Funeral Service Donations & Expenses
Nancy Nagy Funeral Service Donations & Expenses
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Nancy Nagy Funeral Service Donations & Expenses
Hello friends and family,
On Tuesday January 19, 2016 at three in the morning I was abruptly awoken to the most shocking news of my life. My aunt Eva woke me up to inform me that my mother had been in a fatal car accident. I instantly broke down and had no idea what to do. My first reaction was disbelief but my aunt was still on the phone with the LA coroners office getting more information. My heart fell even further knowing I had to call my sister and brother to inform them of this tragic news. My first instinct was to be with them so I gathered myself together and drove home to my siblings. The past few days have been spent in the company of friends and family as we continue to grieve in our tremendous loss. With wounds so fresh it has been difficult to deal with all the arrangements that need to get done. With the help of friends and family my sister, brother, and I have continued to stay as strong as possible as we continue the step by step process that come with losing someone. As we continue the financial battle my siblings and I realize that it is a big burden that we did not plan for. It is especially difficult having already lost our father ten years ago. Now we are financially on our own and would appreciate all the help we can get. Below is an article written about the incident.
News article regarding the accident:
For those of you who did not know my mother here is a little bit about how her wonderful personality:
She was the most caring person with the biggest heart of gold. Never once did she care for herself above her kids and most others. She has always wanted what was best for her children and she has supported us throughout our lives. She has pushed us to become the individuals we are today and we thank her for all she has done. She was the best mother we could ask for. All of her close friends looked up to her as a great mother who cares wholeheartedly about those who surrounded her during her time with us. She spoke many hours to each and every one of her friends and family filling each of them with happiness from all the jokes and stories she told. Her wisdom will always be remembered and passed on. A piece of her will be with us forever as her spirit lives on with her mother and her husband, our father, in the holy kingdom of heaven.
In loving memory of Nancy Nagy
September 13, 1967- January 18, 2016