Thank you so much to everyone that has donated! We still have a week left to reach our goal so please share, donate and be sure to check back for updates!
The Pitch: After their first drug deal goes south, two teens make away with a large case filled with cocaine. We follow these two as they attempt to escape the rural community in which the deal took place, unaware of who might be following them. The story is told in a non-linear way, cutting between them in a crashed, stolen car and their path up to that point. Negative Twenty Seven (working title) is a bleak mix between the crime, western and road film genres, taking stylistic inspiration from No Country for Old Men, Fargo and Breaking Bad.
Run time: (Approximately 10-15min)
Hi there,
We are Chris Matheson and Parsa Kherghepoosh; student filmmakers from Toronto, Canada. We are currently in twelfth grade, majoring in film at Etobicoke School of the Arts. From an early age, we were both enthralled with movies and filmmaking (both of our fathers are editors, so is it really much of a surprise?). We developed our inspiration from movies and shows like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Pulp Fiction, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. Since it's our final year of high school, we want to go out with a bang. It is our dream to make our final film the biggest and best that we possibly can, which is why we need your help...
Your contribution will help us to pay for the props and costumes and will also allow you to share in our dream.
Here are a few examples of our work:
What We Need & What You Get
Here's the tricky part: telling you what we will use the funds for without spoiling too much of the story. We can personally guarantee that 100% of the funds raised will go directly into the production. Your contributions will go directly to giving all of us - both creators and backers - a better film.
The vast majority (around $1500) will go to props, costumes and makeup. Some will go to food for everyone on set. Here's a break down of our estimated expenses:
$750 - Car (prop) rental
$150 - Gun rentals
$200 - Costumes
$50 - Makeup
$200 - Miscellaneous props
$150 - Catering
The remaining funds will go towards improving the quality of the props and costumes.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can't back us but still want to help out? Share the campaign with friends and family! We appreciate anything and everything you do to assist us in making this film.
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our project!