Nigel Hunt - Medical bills
Nigel Hunt - Medical bills
Nigel Hunt - Medical bills
Nigel Hunt - Medical bills
Nigel Hunt - Medical bills
This campaign is closed
Nigel Hunt - Medical bills
Nigel Hunt, aged 57 is currently in ICU in Avenues Clinic Harare, Zimbabwe. He was admitted to hospital on the 11th of July 2015 after suffering severe stomach pains. After many blood tests and CT scans they found out he had three very big cysts on his pancreas. On Sunday the 12th of July the surgeons decided they needed to operate, but Nigel wasn't stable enough. He had to have blood platelets and endless blood transfusions. By Tuesday the 14th he was stable enough to operate and was taken down to theatre. The surgeons found that one of the cysts had burst and they needed to drain 3 litres of toxic fluids from his abdomen. Once the operation was done the anaesthetist and the surgeon decided not to bring Nigel round and to leave him in an induced coma with a ventilator to breath for him for a few days. They had to restrain him incase he came round on his own. On Thursday they decided to try and bring him round but he was unresponsive.
Since then he has been dipping in and out. He can hear Irene, Robert and Michelle. Some days he opens his eyes slightly other days he doesn't. He tries to talk but they can't really hear him.
His medical bill is ever increasing and as it stands it is well over $20 000 USD, the whole family has given all they have to give. Please please dig deep even if it is $1 USD, every single $1 USD will go towards something. The bill is expected to go in excess of $30 000 USD. Help us keep Nigel going.