Idea behind the game
Ever tried to find a challenging, captivating, strategic, fun, puzzle/maze game on the App Store? - Well we tried and could not find one.
This is how the creation of Ninja Trail began.
What type of game is Ninja Trail?
Ninja Trail is a 2D visual game for those old school enthusiastic gamers. The simplicity of Pac Man, addictiveness of Candycrush and an in game challenging concept - comparable to Angry birds, makes this a sure fire winner to be one of the high hitting games of 2015.
Highly addictive and fun - Run! Dash and slide past guards in order for your ninja to fill in the trail with your footsteps to complete the level!
Visually appealing to the eye, colourful, fun and bright, the game itself incorporates all the main key features of a game that you do not want to put down.
There are 100 levels to complete - the levels get harder and harder as you go!
Aim of the Game ............ Game Play Breakdown
Guide the Ninja through the maze, leaving footprints as you tread. To complete the level you need to fully complete the maze in full with your footprints. Pick up coins and gems along the way to gain in house purchases such as - By Pass Level, Extra Lives, Power Ups, etc.
You also need to avoid the guards in each level which all have different capabilities -
Orange Guard
These guards are scouters, once in the target area of a guard they will chase you.
Red Guard
These guards are slower paced but throw Ninja Stars in your way so it is harder to lead them away from the trail.
Red Watch Tower Guard
These guards spin around on the watch towers throwing Ninja Stars in your direction where the player is to try and stop you filling in the trail around that area.
Purple Guard
These guards are super fast - Be careful when close because it is hard to get away from them.
Blue Guard
These guards have the ability of all other guards combined. The ultimate guards of the game.
Other In Game Features to look out for...
Features in game that can help the player -
Spinning Logs - The logs are an assist for the player to block the guards
Bushes - Bushes are an assist for the player to hide from the guards
Tele porter - Tele porter is an assist for the player to transport from one area of the maze to another
Red Gems - Collect 50 red gems to trade in for 1 Gold gem to buy yourself Lives/Powers Ups
Gold Gems - Gold gems are harder to find. These gems help you to buy yourself Lives/Powers Ups
Coins - Coins give you extra points and shows the players skill level on each level
Power Ups
Invisibility - When using invisibility guards cannot see you and the player can walk through them
Freeze - This ability allows you to freeze the game whilst the player is still active. The player can walk through guards when the game is frozen.
Speed Up - This Powerup gives you the ability to run faster through the maze.
In game challenge features -
Spinning Spikes - Spinning spikes are placed on certain levels to challenge the players memory and to stop the player from completing the level.
Electric Fences - These are deadly fences that the player cannot run into.
Black Holes - These are black holes on certain levels - once fallen into the player looses a life.
Houses - Houses are on timers to generate guards when playing - listen out for the timer and stay away from them.
Extra Features -
Character Selection - You can choose your character before playing - Pink or Black Ninja.
Slot Machine - Gives you a free spin for extra Lives/Powerups each day.
Facebook/Twitter - Share and send your friends lives if you are feeling kind and compete against your friends for the highest score.
Who Are We? - Meet the Ninja Trail Team!!!
Our team works in
the countryside of Plymouth. We have an office where all our gaming is
created. We have fully experienced programmers who have created the new
coding behind the game so it is like no other.
3 of our team are
siblings. Sophie, Harley and Khara give the team a family feel and are
extremely passionate about the project.
Harley came up with the
idea of Ninja Trail and the full support of his family and the close
knit team backing him 100 % has got us to where we are now.
Ankit and Mahesh are the programmers behind the game. Darryl is the
graphic designer and Martin is our accountant. Our team are a close
unit and our dream is to make this a world wide success!
Funding Goals
We know the time it takes to complete a fully functioning app game and the finances that need to be involved. We have currently completed these aspects of the game -
Design and Images - Storyline - Programming and Coding of game - Intricate level layouts - Creation for App and Android - Playable on multiple devices - iPad and iPhone - Created 6 Landing pages to advertise online - Twitter page - Facebook page - Beginning of website
We want the game completed just as much as you do!!!
We want a fully functioning completed game for our fans to play -We have a fan base already and would like to fulfill what we have set out to do.
With crowd funding we can also create a strategic marketing campaign as well as finish the programming of the game itself.
We also can make changes if needed with your input - If our community feels that there needs to be changes within the game, big or small - we can do it together.
We feel that the last push is necessary to complete our goals and achievements. Our input financially up until this stage has been phenomenal and we do not want to stop until it is completed. This is a dream, it has been so much fun and now we want people to join us in our quest.
Financial Goals - What the funding will achieve -
We currently have 4 main employees within the office. Also on-board are 3 highly qualified gaming programmers and an accountant - administrator who have all helped make the idea of Ninja Trail become a reality.
We will be keeping our employee wages on the bare minimum to ensure all extra funds will make for a better game for our fans and supporters. The kindly contributed funds will give the Ninja Trail team more time to improve the game and also help with all the extra costs that pop up along the way.
Everybody in our team are passionate about this project. We would like to gain new followers and fans and grow with the idea and progression of the game.
Programming is also a major chunk of our costs. It is so important to fix the remaining bugs to provide a fully polished app game. By creating more levels, we can ensure a long lasting, fun experience for our gamers.
The in House coding and constant programming of the game is necessary to achieve the best gaming experience we can.
As well as the function of multi-player, social media and completion of the 100 levels +400 more, this is the main reason for the funding.
Despite the short amount of time testers have played this game, the positive feedback and responses given back has proven that Ninja Trail is a highly addictive, challenging, strategic game which ensures why we are all so devoted to this project.
We aim to have the game fully completed including marketing by the beginning of May 2015. To the team this month is a realistic achievement and look forward to the positive respond we will get from the campaign.
What we need to complete the game - Cost Breakdown
Company employee wages - Competing with friends online function - Audio and sound FX - In game currency - Game testing - The completion of the 100 levels and to add another 400 levels to give players a long lasting experience - Extra Powerup abilities for players - Better AI Guard features - Extra guard abilities and colours, different Ninja characters and different coloured footsteps.
We also need funding for marketing such as - Paid adds Facebook campaign - Paid adds Twitter campaign - Radio advertising - TV advertising - Newspaper advertising - Gaming blog advertising - Celebrity tweets - 6 more landing pages on top listings online - Paid review boards - Completion of website.
This is the final stage of the project. We are currently trying to achieve the completion of the game, anything else is a bonus!!!!!!
Where the money will go once we achieve our goals -
Compared to other large games who have the financial backing to achieve world wide success, our dream once achieving this is to make a change.
We want to protect the world and help support charities that keep the world green and create awareness about how humanity is destroying our beautiful planet. We will give 10 percent of all our earnings to these charities and create world wide awareness for these causes because it is something that we feel extremely passionate about.
Please see links to these charities below -
Green Peace
Global Action Plan
Coral Reef Alliance
Press Releases -
One Angry Gamer Blog Post -
Podcast Interview -
Digital Journal -
Digital Journal
Fox 12 -
Fox 12
Release Wire -
Release Wire
Veooz -
Other Ways you can help us!
Along with the contributions made, we also emphasis the importance of sharing and publicising our campaign. Please see the links at the top of the page for Facebook and Twitter.
Any help we get in any way is greatly appreciated! Sharing our information is just as important as contributions.
We are thankful for Indiegogo for giving us the platform to fund Ninja Trail and will keep you updated on the progression and new features for this game.