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Nonprofit Marina for the Public in Smith Slough

This beautiful SF Bay marina is facing demolition. We formed a non-profit organization aimed at preserving it as a public open space accessible to everyone!

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Nonprofit Marina for the Public in Smith Slough

Nonprofit Marina for the Public in Smith Slough

Nonprofit Marina for the Public in Smith Slough

Nonprofit Marina for the Public in Smith Slough

Nonprofit Marina for the Public in Smith Slough

This beautiful SF Bay marina is facing demolition. We formed a non-profit organization aimed at preserving it as a public open space accessible to everyone!

This beautiful SF Bay marina is facing demolition. We formed a non-profit organization aimed at preserving it as a public open space accessible to everyone!

This beautiful SF Bay marina is facing demolition. We formed a non-profit organization aimed at preserving it as a public open space accessible to everyone!

This beautiful SF Bay marina is facing demolition. We formed a non-profit organization aimed at preserving it as a public open space accessible to everyone!

Tal Raveh
Tal Raveh
Tal Raveh
Tal Raveh
1 Campaign |
Redwood City, United States
$140 USD 2 backers
0% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


The harbor and marina in Smith Slough in Redwood City, California - known for over 50 years as "Pete's Harbor" - is in imminent threat of demolition. After the former lessee abandoned the harbor and returned the lease to the State of California, our fledgling nonprofit (San Francisco Bay Marinas for All) applied to the California State Lands Commission (SLC) for the lease to avoid destruction of the docks.

We are seeking funding to complete the lease application process (starting at $17,500), and avert demolition of the 135 docks in this beautiful slough. We will have ensuing costs to restore access to the public trust lands by building a new gangway (ramp) and reinstalling electrical wires to allow the public to once again access and use this jewel of a marina. We desire to enable ecologically responsible visitation by water to the adjacent federal wildlife preserve and restored wetlands.

The marina has been home for over five decades to a thriving community of recreational and liveaboard boaters since it was built in the 1960s by beloved local figure, Peter Uccelli. Whether the visitor is a local walker, a cruising boat from afar, or a hand-launched boat on a day-trip or a Bay-trip, they were always welcomed in the slough by the tight-knit, safe and vibrant community of boaters at the marina.

Please help us restore that mixed community, and visit the photo gallery for just a few pictures that show this beautiful marina and its location (to be updated with more as we augment the gallery).

Who We Are

SF Bay Marinas for All Inc. is a California public benefit nonprofit awaiting 501(c)(3) status. We are a group of current and former tenants of this harbor, with additional community support from affordable housing advocates and many other arenas. Our mission is to protect existing marinas on San Francisco Bay from privatization and to preserve accessibility to the marinas for use by all members of the public. We are 100% nonprofit in our operations and seek to work with local, state and federal agencies to encourage visitation, education and public trust access.

In the recent abandonment of the outer harbor in Smith Slough after Pete's death in 2005 and his widow's recent decision to move on, an out-of-state developer attempted to privatize the Bay and the docks were slated for private use solely by landward condo owners. When SFBMFA was successful in averting that result, the response was to threaten demolition. That has not yet happened and we can prevent it in Smith Slough with your help! We also desire to move forward and help additional marinas in the future avoid such a fate.

What We Need and What You Get

There are a number of items we need to continue in our goal of preserving the marina. There is the $17,500 application fee requested by the California SLC. In addition, electrical installation and the new gangway adjacent to federal land are being evaluated by engineers and other consultants. Experts have stepped up at discounted rates to help with these items.

What you get is a chance to be a lasting part of something bigger than yourself, as a founding supporting member - to preserve a waterfront community. Critically important, you will be part of the large number of citizens desiring to forestall a trend toward privatization of public trust lands in SF Bay. You can visit the marina and partake of its offerings, and we would love to meet every donor who can visit the site!

In addition, for donations in the tiers to the right, you get:

*an e-newsletter;

*a beautiful hanging "Sailing on SF Bay" ornament by SF designer Robert Emmons (see photo gallery);

(for progressively higher contributions):

*founding supporting membership status, with renewal packages and perks of membership;

*listing as sponsor of a wildlife-named dock slip plaque (i.e. "Great Blue Heron" dock sponsored by You!); and

*advisory board position.

Please see membership levels to the right; all donations are appreciated and upgrades are possible by contacting us at Please visit our linked Facebook page, YouTube video and official website

The Impact

This marina on public trust lands in Smith Slough is one of the last remaining public marinas in southern San Francisco Bay. It has been a beloved piece of childhood memories and an asset to the community. Visit the photo gallery regularly as we update it with memories from visitors. We have established a professional and trusted relationship at the state level through regular appearances and testimony at the SLC and we believe we have a great shot at obtaining the lease and re-establishing a vibrant mixed community of recreational of boaters in Smith Slough. We appreciate every contribution to our nonprofit cause.

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can't contribute money, but that doesn't mean they can't help. As the saying goes, time is money. If you can help promote and grow our support base, we welcome your help and outreach ( We are also looking for additional expertise - we have a core group of contractors, electricians and architects, but we can use more expertise in every area; if you have a skill you can share please contact us. Visit our Facebook page and website and if you are able please let the State Lands Commission know that you support us (find details on page and site). Call 650.270.0066 for more information.

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Choose your Perk


$40 USD
Contribute $40-99 and you will be preserving a nonprofit marina on State public trust lands in Smith Slough In addition, you will get a beautiful hanging ornament "Sailing on SF Bay" by SF designer Robert Emmons (see photo gallery). And you will receive our e-newsletter with updates and newsworthy events. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 out of 1000 of claimed


$100 USD
Contribute $100-999 and you will be preserving a nonprofit marina on State public trust lands in Smith Slough Like our Kayak donors, you will get a beautiful hanging ornament "Sailing on SF Bay" by SF designer Robert Emmons (see photo gallery). and our e-newsletter: In addition, your donation establishes you as a founding supporting member. Membership fee with benefits of membership to be waived for initial renewal. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 out of 500 of claimed


$1,000 USD
Contribute $1000-9,999 and you will be preserving a nonprofit marina on State public trust lands in Smith Slough Like our Sailboat donors, you will get a beautiful hanging ornament "Sailing on SF Bay" by SF designer Robert Emmons (see photo gallery), our e-newsletter, founding supporting member status, fee with benefits of membership waived for 10 years, and: A plaque on a marina dock finger with a wildlife theme "sponsored by" [You!]. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 25 of claimed


$10,000 USD
Contribute over $10,000 and you will be preserving a nonprofit marina on State public trust lands in Smith Slough Like our Powerboat donors, you will get a beautiful hanging ornament "Sailing on SF Bay" by SF designer Robert Emmons (see photo gallery), our e-newsletter, founding supporting member status, fee with benefits of membership waived forever, a wildlife sponsor plaque, and: In addition we are offering you a seat on our advisory board. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed

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