-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
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-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
-The Greatest Name in Comics-
IN 1956 THE ONE TIME LARGEST COMIC BOOK COMPANY IN THE UNITED STATES CLOSED ITS DOORS FOR THE LAST TIME. An anti communist cancel culture conspiracy involving Senator McCarthy, a crackpot German scientist, the F.B.I, and a coalition of hysterical housewives and righteous religious types saw the establishment of the Comics Code Authority that bought down the curtain on a company that once boasted over SIX MILLION READERS.
When the company shut down the characters it published fell into the PUBLIC DOMAIN as some of the best selling titles of the age were lost: Daredevil, Silver Streak, Captain Battle, Crime Does Not Pay and many more...
With your help we can roll our Soviet era tanks down Main Street, kick down the old doors of the abandoned LEV GLEASON PUBLICATIONS, dust off the old printing presses and REDISTRIBUTE these classic GOLDEN AGE comic book characters from the PUBLIC DOMAIN to a more modern audience. Together we can SEIZE THE MEANS OF COMIC PRODUCTION and take on the COMIC INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.
After successfully fulfilling the hilarious "KIM IL SUNG AND BEST KOREA" the Controversial Western comic book writer and satirist Commi3 Mark returns with the long anticipated and soon to be hit series NOT DAREDEVIL
NOT DAREDEVIL VS THE KLU KLUX KLAN is a 30+ page satirical parody of the culture and context of the Golden Age of Comics.
With gorgeous original art work by EISNER HALL OF FAME member CHARLES BIRO and DON RICO (creator of Black Widow) the hero formerly known as DAREDEVIL returns in HILARIOUS fashion as he uncovers a secret plot between the KKK and the mysterious SCARLET SKULL to over throw the United States government using cutting edge GENDER and RACE SWAPPING technology.
Extensive research has shown that the easiest way for LEFT WING comic book writers to break into the industry is by doing yet another REBOOT of a beloved pre-existing character and fill the book with heavy handed COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA and divisive CRITICAL RACE issues.
NOT DAREDEVIL VS THE KLAN not only mocks the outdated CULTURAL BELIEFS of the original 1930s GOLDEN AGE creators but also the tired tropes and lazy writing in MODERN COMICS awful attempts at rebooting CLASSIC franchises. With in-between articles, fake satirical advertisements and letters to the editor NOT DAREDEVIL VS THE KKK captures the style and spirit of GOLDEN AGE COMICS
With ALL the VARIANT COVERS already in out HANDS, at COMMI3 MARK HQ, a LIMITED number of the VARIANTS will be available.
Inspired by the inclusion of GOLDEN AGE DAREDEVIL (among others) into the SAVAGE DRAGON universe… The gorgeous JASON CRAGER (Hammer, The Kill Journal, some thing with Warren Ellis?) and INKSPOTS (Cash Grab, Charlie's London) cover offers a homage to ERIK LARSENs SAVAGE DRAGON number 58.
The cover affectionately referred to as the NOT VAMPIRELLA variant in the offices at COMMI3 MARK HQ sees our hero NOT DAREDEVIL rocking the classic leotard and big collar look of DYNAMITEs most iconic character.
Discover the mysterious beginnings of NOT DAREDEVIL and learn the history behind LEV GLEASON's marquee GOLDEN AGE character in this comedic retelling of his classic ORIGIN story in the very originally titled NOT DAREDEVIL ORIGINS.