NYCoco: Acting for Change
NYCoco: Acting for Change
NYCoco: Acting for Change
NYCoco: Acting for Change
NYCoco: Acting for Change
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NYCoco: Acting for Change
Hey-ho, I'm Coco de Bruycker.
I'm an ordinary girl from Mainz, Germany, with a walking disability and an ordinary goal:
Changing the professional Acting Industry.
I'm accepted at the New York Film Academy to an 8-month Conservatory-year Acting for Film. It's incredibly intense Acting Studies hosted by brilliant teachers and well-connected film professionals at the New York Film Academy (NYFA) in New York City. The studies start in September 2017. Raising the tuition for those studies is my short-term goal, though.
Long-term I want to make the professional Acting Industry more accessible to disabled actors.
I think it's time.
People call the walking disability I have cerebral palsy. But it doesn't affect me at all. I can do anything: Walking, running, dancing, acting. (The video gives you a "foretaste", hehe...) Anything goes!
I want to be a role model. As there are so many people - adults, youths, children - who hide behind their disability. I want to encourage them with my attitude and my story.
My attitude in short: Just do it.
Just forget that you're disabled for a bit and you'll be happier.
My story in short: Follow your heart.
After graduating High-School in 2016 I went to London, the Theatreland. Because I love Performing. And Acting is my passion. I had to follow my heart, do you know that feeling?
In London I also auditioned for the NYFA.
I've never dared to dream about reaching my goal: Becoming a professional actor. Because of my disability. But then I realised: The disability is the key. To change.
I've some believers at the NYFA. I've passed the audition. I've got the scholarship. I've got the key to the door already.
What I need now is the financial strength to open it eventually. And I truly believe: Anything goes! As anything walks, runs, dances and acts. ;)
My calculation is:
Tuition 32,570,-$
Discount -9,000,-$
Housing 17,450,-$
Living (food only) 3,200,-$
Total 44,220,-$
Excluded: flights & visa fees
I've been saving almost 1 000 myself with 2 jobs.
More info you can find on my website: