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Nyobi Birthright #2

Nyobi Birthright #2 - Nyobi returns to conclude the Birthright story line.

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Nyobi Birthright #2

Nyobi Birthright #2

Nyobi Birthright #2

Nyobi Birthright #2

Nyobi Birthright #2

Nyobi Birthright #2 - Nyobi returns to conclude the Birthright story line.

Nyobi Birthright #2 - Nyobi returns to conclude the Birthright story line.

Nyobi Birthright #2 - Nyobi returns to conclude the Birthright story line.

Nyobi Birthright #2 - Nyobi returns to conclude the Birthright story line.

Larry Higgins
Larry Higgins
Larry Higgins
Larry Higgins
7 Campaigns |
Riverview, Canada
$2,657 USD $2,657 USD 78 backers
152% of $1,745 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 7 Projects Mountain Filled 7 Projects

What's Happening... 

Nyobi Birthright #1 left on a huge cliff hanger ending, with questions and situations left to be resolved. Birthright #2 brings us the conclusion we all have been seeking. More Story, More Action, More Drama as Nyobi stands up for freedom of choice. She must now defend her ideals as she is confronted by one who considers themselves to be a champion of life. All that with an ending that will leave you deep in thought. 

NYOBI BIRTHRIGHT #2 IS TWENTY FOUR PAGES OF STORY AND ART. The story is written by Larry Higgins, the pages are by returning artist Samar Samio with colors by Dan Olvera.


Before developing her powers, Nyobi was performing in all-girl J-pop super-group The Geisha Dolls. At age 16, during a meet-and-greet at the Mega-Plex mall in Tokyo, Nyobi's powers manifested while she was being mobbed by a large group of fans. A ring of light flashed in front of everyone's eyes and she was gone.

She reappeared at the back of the building, and quickly realized her life was about to change forever.

The media ran nuts with the story. Everyone had their theories as to what happened. ICON Entertainment tried to explain it as a special effect; a stunt. However, one week later, Nyobi appeared on My-Tube and exposed her true nature as a G-Nom to the world...








Missed out on Nyobi Birthright #1? Do not worry, we got you covered, in fact we have got four covers to choose from, or treat yourself and get the whole set!





THERE ARE NO STRETCH GOALS. The aim here is not to mail you a ton of junk that you do not want. The aim is to deliver a great comicbook to your doorstep.  


LARRY HIGGINS - Larry is a Canadian independent comic book creator and the writer of the hit indie series Nyobi. He has also written Avani: Origins #1 and now brings what he hopes is a ground breaking new installment of Nyobi to the world.

SAMIR SIMAO - Samir is a comic book artist who has been working in a independent comic scene for 6 years. He have worked with independent comic publishers like free fall comics, never static pictures, and many others.  His specialty is work in Kickstarter campaigns, with several projects done. you can see his work in Instagram : @samirsimao779.

DAN OLVERA - Dan is a freelance colorist who has worked in the comic book industry for several years. His credits include Puppet Master and VampBlade from Action Lab Comics. He has also worked on Zenescope titles and many other indie comics.

JOEL RODRIGUEZ - Joel is the President and lead content developer of Metal Ninja Studios.  He is the co-creator, writer and letterer of the comic book series The Dusk County Chronicles and  The Dusk County Chronicles: Nightfall.  When not working on Dusk County or other MNS projects, he also provides writing, lettering, and editorial services, and has contributed to stories such as WTF, Zombies?!; Courtesy Clerk Nightmares (Supercilious Comics); and Avani, Origins #1 (Larry Higgins). He is currently working on titles such as Stake (Scout Comics), Loggerhead, and The Goode Girls and the Ghost of Lockeridge Academy.

PAUL GREEN - Paul is an Illustrator & comic book artist best known for his work on Flash Gordon, Starship Troopers, Earth Outlaws & Overrun, Lady Death, Zenescope comics and so much more! 

RB WHITE - RB is a Canadian illustrator and comic artist. He has worked on projects for Universal Studios, Hasbro, and Nickelodeon, and has been published in magazines such as Imagine FX and Fantasy Artist.

STEF WILSON - Stef began drawing covers in May of 2019, and has had twenty-five published covers and works since then. Her credits include Penny For Your Soul, Patriotika, Hardlee Thinn, Notti & Nyce, Siria Underground Pimp Hustla, Into The Suck, Scorpiana, Naughty Faeries, The Totally Rad Life of Violet, and Lili the Demoness.

CB ZANE - CB Zane is a freelance artist specializing in both covers and interiors. He is co-creator of the comic "Into the Suck". His credits include Lili: The Demoness, Critter, Scorpiana, Whispers In Necropolis, Totally Rad Comics and so much more! 

MATTHEW WELDON - Matthew Weldon has worked in Comics since 2005, published by Image Comics, Antarctic Press and a number of small Self Published Projects. Currently he is working on multiple indie projects in addition to being the lead artist for Punchline by Antarctic Press.

RANDY GREEN - Randy Green is an artist, known for his work on Red Sonja,Tomb Raider, Witchblade, X-Men, Dollz, Superman, Conan, Fathom, Buffy, New Mutants, New X-Men, Exiles, Teen Titans, Journey Into Mystery, Star Wars, and tons more!

NICOLE RAYMONDE -  Nicole in an invaluable asset to the team. Without her watchful eyes, no one would understand what Larry is writing. She has been the editor on Nyobi beginning with issue two, and has provided her skill to comic books all throughout Eastern Canada.






Risks & Challenges

The comic is completely finish and we can start shipping once we have our print run. With eight campaigns now currently under my belt and a great history of fulfillment I am 100% confident everything will move as it should. If there are delays I will post any and all updates right here.


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Choose your Perk

Nyobi Birthright Combo Pack

Nyobi Birthright Combo Pack

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
SAMIR SAMIO COMBO PACK - This includes hard copies of both Cover A for Nyobi Birthright #1 and Nyobi Birthright #2 by SAMIR SAMIO deliverer straight to your door. The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover A
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Cover A
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
12 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital

Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 CAD
Check out the latest installment of Nyobi with "Nyobi Birthright #2" on any computer or mobile device! Great for those who read digitally or on a budget!
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
4 claimed
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover A

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover A

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Get Cover A of Nyobi Birthright #2 Standard Edition print copy of the book by Samir Samio. The digital copy of the comic is included,
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover A
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Get both Nyobi Birthright #1 and #2 as a PDF to read on the Device of your choice !!
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
6 claimed
Nyobi Birthright #1 COVER A

Nyobi Birthright #1 COVER A

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Miss out on Nyobi Birthright? Just want the first issue to give it a try? Then this is the tier for you.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Cover A
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover B

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover B

Currency Conversion $8 USD
$12 CAD
Get Cover B of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by Stef Wilson. The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover B
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover C

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover C

Currency Conversion $8 USD
$12 CAD
Get Cover C of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by CB Zane! The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover C
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover F

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover F

Currency Conversion $8 USD
$12 CAD
Get Cover F of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by RB White (Modest Version). The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover F
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover D

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover D

Currency Conversion $10 USD
$15 CAD
Get Cover D of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by Mathew Weldon from Punchline! The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover D
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover H

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover H

Currency Conversion $13 USD
$18 CAD
Get Cover H of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by Randy Green of Witchblade Fame. The digital copy of the comic is included,
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover H
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover I

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover I

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
Get Cover A of Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover I of the book by Luigi Teruel. The digital copy of the comic is included, This is an Indiegogo Exclusive.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover I
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
6 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover E

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover E

Currency Conversion $15 USD
$22 CAD
Get Cover E of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by Paul Green and Ula Mos! The digital copy of the comic included too!
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover E
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
17 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $15 USD
$22 CAD
Do you like Stef Wilson? We love Stef Wilson and we are so proud to make available to you the Stef Wilson Combo Pack. You will receive Cover B of both Nyobi Birthright#1 and #2 variant covers by the man who loves feathers Stef Wilson! The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover B
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright Cover B
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover G

Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover G

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
Get Cover G of Nyobi Birthright #2 variant cover print copy of the book by RB White (THE ULTRA RARE NAUGHTY VERSION). The digital copy of the comic is included
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover G
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
6 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $31 USD
$45 CAD
Do you like RB White? We are so proud to make available to you the RB White Combo Pack. You will receive Cover C from Nyobi Birthright#1 and Covers F and G variant covers for Nyobi Birthright #2 (This includes the Naughty Version) The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover F
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover G
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright Cover C
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
Do you like Luigi Teruel? We love Luigi and we are so proud to make available to you the Luigi Teruel Combo Pack. You will receive Cover I of Nyobi Birthright#2 as well the two variants variant covers of Nyobi Birthright #1. The digital copy of the comic is included.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover I
  • Nyobi BR #1 - LLUIGI VARIANT
  • Nyobi BR #1 - RAGS VARIANT
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
8 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #1 Cover Pack

Nyobi Birthright #1 Cover Pack

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
Miss out on Nyobi Birthright #1? Did not get the cover you wanted the first time around? Here is your 2nd chance to jump on Birthright from the start, with 4 gorgeous covers to compliment your comicbook collection from great artists such as Samir Samio, Stef Wilson, RB White, and Luigi Teruel!! This is a fantastic way to jump into all things Nyobi.
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Cover A
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright Cover B
  • Nyobi Birthright Cover C
  • Nyobi Birthright Rags Variant
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi Birthright #2 Full Set

Nyobi Birthright #2 Full Set

Currency Conversion $98 USD
$140 CAD
Can't decide which cover you want? Maybe you are like me and you got to have them all. Well here is that chance to own the complete set of covers for Nyobi Birthright #2 all in one single shot. You will get all the Nyobi you can handle my friends!! The digital copy of the comic is included. (SPECIAL NOTE - LUIGI TEUREL VARIANT IS ALSO INCLUDED)
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover A
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover D
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover E
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover H
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover B
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover C
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover F
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Cover G
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nyobi BR - ALL COVERS #1 #2

Nyobi BR - ALL COVERS #1 #2

Currency Conversion $122 USD
$175 CAD
Miss out on Nyobi Birthright #1? Here is your 2nd chance to jump on Birthright from the start, with 4 gorgeous covers to compliment your comicbook collection , but that's not all you will get all the covers for Nyobi Birthright #2, gotta get them all! The digital copy of the comic is included. (SPECIAL NOTE - LUIGI TEUREL VARIANT IS ALSO INCLUDED)
Included Items
  • Nyobi Birthright #1 Digital
  • Nyobi Birthright #2 Digital
  • ALL COVERS FROM SETS #1 and #2
Estimated Shipping
June 2021
7 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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