We may view urban legends today as trite and sentimental. These “friend of a friend” macabre stories, polished or pock-marked over the years with updated, timely details or absurd twists have cemented their place in our American cannon of folklore.
Kidney heists, Bloody Mary, alligators in the sewer: all resonate tales because in their lack of specificity they become eerily plausible, and we recognize a familiar predicament—one we’d dread.
Ominous is based on classic The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs. However, this story is not based on spurious, slightly removed accounts. In true form to what makes this genre particularly terrifying and has instilled its longevity—it really happened. On March 18, 1950 Janet Christman was brutally murdered while she babysat. Ominous, set in 1968, is loosely based on this tragic event.
The crime remains unsolved.
Last year, I created a 1min and 51 sec Mood/Sizzle Reel that I put together for Ominous. I used different images, sound effects, music, and film footage from other films that inspire the vision for this film. The purpose is to give you guys a feel of the mood and tone of "Ominous".
To help us achieve the look of Ominous we have brought on Director of Cinematography, Eric Hales. His work, direction, dedication, and love for the horror genre was key in selecting him for this position.
Windy Ridge Farmhouse
The Windy Ridge Farmhouse located in Galax, VA has been selected and booked as the shooting location for the Ominous film. After searching and viewing several homes, we felt as though this was the house that was TRUE to the story...true to the script. Mike the homeowner is 100% on board and supportive in helping up bring the story to life, allowing us plenty of on set time to plan prior to the filming of Ominous.
Risks and challenges
As a team we would probably say that the cost of production and taking care of the crew MAY be our biggest hurdle. We have crew members traveling from different states to be apart of this film. We are doing everything we can to ensure that the creators (TEAM) and the overall production receive coverage with.
- Transportation
- Food for five days of shooting
- Potential room and board
- Film Equipment (Pre - Post Production)
- Funding for the Art department / Production Design
- Funding to cover the shooting location
- Funding for film festival runs!!!!
The blueprint and planning for the entire film is near complete. The team that I have on board are all very much invested in the film's vision and are committed to doing anything within power to see it's success. However, in order for our talented team to achieve this, we will need access to the BEST equipment possible, BEST shooting locations possible, BEST film festivals possible, and last but not least the BEST acting talent possible!
We hope that the support of film lovers, horror genre lovers, and lovers of indie film will be a HUGE stepping stone in getting us to reach our goal and create an intense and horrifying work of art. As the support continues to pour in, we will be constantly showing how well an independent title can be put together.
OMINOUS is a work of passion for a huge horror genre fan like the writer/director Lorenzo P. Adams. To see that this passion is being met with enthusiasm and such positive and encouraging feedback has pushed us to seek a larger audience. Crowdfunding is the first major step in alerting that larger audience to our efforts, and thanks to our combined experiences, diverse backgrounds, and eagerness to CREATE, we've got a head start on how to avoid many of the pitfalls.