First, What's Jekyllshop?
Jekyllshop is the standalone e-commerce base theme/solution for the static site generator "Jekyll" without needing any dependency, such as Node.js runtime.
- The theme's design and shopping systems are already build and still improving!
- In fact, you can check its current published build "_site" at:
- A Jekyll-based site can be hosted by a fast server GitHub without a cost!
What We Need & What You Get
I the developer of this base theme, have created it to sell it in a market but it looks Jekyllshop will get more benefits if it will be open-sourced.
- Currently, the theme needs a little bit of modification.
- The documentation for the open-source version is not yet written.
The Impact
If Jekyllshop be released in public with the help of your contributions:
- Any Jekyll developer can based his/her e-commerce theme in Jekyllshop.
- The open-source community can also improved the source code!
If the Goal Did Not Reach
If the funding didn't reach its goal, I will be decided if Jekyllshop will still be released in public or will now just become under a single-client license with or without a support depends how much your contribution is!
- If the fund didn't become enough, the downloadable "jekyllshop" folder in a .zip file format will be send to a contributor, each with a different kind of license.
- But if the goal reached, Jekyllshop will be open sourced under the MIT License which you and even the spreaders, can download at:
Please Spread the Word!
To those people that can't contribute, that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Get the word out and make some noise about this campaign!
- You can even use the Indiegogo share tools on the left side for simplicity.
- If this campaign reach its goal, you can also get the benefits from it!
Let's see if the people wants JShop to be an open source under the MIT License..