Who am I and what is this music project? A bio and important information.
First of all! I've decided to make this project about music, illness awareness, and community. Please watch the video. I need your help to tour and prove that you can do anything!
My name is Parker Hatcher. I am a 25 Year old Transgender (Male), disabled (Lupus) musician who grew up in Winnipeg, MB. I have one studio album under my belt, but this time I decided to give my all to this new project. I'm doing this all myself. Every track, drums, guitar, bass, keys, vocals. I'm tracking all of it myself.
Despite living with lupus, I fully intend to tour this record. I want everyone to hear it. I believe this will be one of the greatest things I've ever done. I have something to prove. Being transgender, and being sick. I AM going to prove it. I need all the help I can get.
I became very sick after the release of my last record. I never had a chance to tour it. I laid down and decided to die. But after a trip to Toronto to play a show for a friends documentary, I got back up. And said I have to do this. I have so much to give, I will NOT give up.
Life is short and It's even shorter if you give up, lay in bed, and do nothing. I've choses NOT to do that. I will FIGHT for the music. I will FIGHT my illness.
And most importantly I will show others that they can achieve their dreams
I want every corner of the earth to hear this record. I want this album to be my legacy. I want this to be larger than life. And I want the listeners to interpret these tracks in such a way that they can relate to it on every level possible. I am looking for investors, supporters, and independent music enthusiasts. Face it. I am the little guy. And the little guy gets swept under the rug. But my passion is big, my sound is bigger, and my ambition is unstoppable.
This is a 16 track music project I call "Ward 3". This is a journey into the human mind, madness, pain, anger, sadness, fear, love, and insanity. There are many extremes inside ones self. This is a concept album, and every single track will be an exploration into one or more of these extremes. I need help. I am barely getting by, and this album is going to make or break me.
Either way, when this record is finished recording, I will need to send it to get mastered, and print it. My goal is to print cds, and vinyl (EXPENSIVE) as well as shirts, posters, and all the merch the listeners will have. As well as limited edition vinyl versions of my first record. Please remember what goes around comes around. Karma is real. The little guy can have the biggest sound. And music heals.
What I need
I want this album to get out there as much as it can.
I emptied my accounts and put myself in debt to make this happen.
Being a transgender musician, with a disability has had its difficulties, but there's no way I'm letting that stop me.
I'm looking for 25,000 dollars to fully fund my project.
MY BREAKDOWN: 10,000 to pay off my equipment, 7,000 to print the cd and have it mastered professionally, and 8,000 to use for a Ward 3 tour this summer, that will help with mobility issues like installing a wheelchair ramp into a vehicle, and the rest will go to the LUPUS foundation as well as other LGBTQ organizations throughout Canada that need a little help. I want to give back to my community,
After I receive my funding I will have to:
PRINT the album on CD and Vinyl, as well as get international distribution.
I want to tour this album summer 2015.
Pay for wheelchair/mobility extras I will need on the road.
I'll have to pay for professional mastering.
I'm doing all of the recording myself but I am no mastering master.
I want the best quality I can give you guys.
*I want to be an example for people who have given up on their dreams because of illness. I want to show people that you can do ANYTHING, as long as you want it bad enough, and have the passion!*
I'm going to be offering some AMAZING perks for donating.
I'll also be selling copies of my first record "Fighting kids for swings".
*You have the option to become an investor, which means you will get the money you've given back, with a signed contract. If you chose to fund this project completely you will have access to all of the copyrights. You can do that by choosing the helper perks, please contact me directly*
*I have to reach my goal! All of my donations that surpass my goal will go directly to the lupus foundation and other LGBTQ* organizations that I can help!*
The Impact, what this record means to me, and how I feel about being a musician.
This is not only a music project, I want it to be an inspirational story about one person, with obstacles, who went ahead and proved that anything is possible.
I have been in the studio, have written and recorded many tracks in the past.
I've been playing music for 20 years.
I've been on stage many times. And that feeling, of the warm spotlight.. the crowd, I will cherish that always. And I will never give that up.
It's my life. It runs in my blood. It is me.
This project means everything to me. And since the birth of it late 2014, I have been constantly fighting financial difficulties to get this to happen.
BUT! I've had interviews, and am releasing my first single immediately.
I have support, and love from friends and family.
I now need YOU, to make my dream come true. I will always support the people in my life who need it, I will always put positivity and good Karma out into the world. And I will be playing music, writing, producing, until my last breath.
What will happen?
No matter what happens, this record will become a reality.
I am set on raising this money and making this happen.
I will not stop until it is finished.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please feel free to share this campaign as much as you want. Show your friends, family, everyone you know.
We website is www.parkerhatcher.com
There you can subscribe to my mailing list for free mp3s and updates.
You can also donate by clicking the donate button on the front page.
I am Parker Hatcher. A transgender male, with lupus. I am strong. I am brave. I am passionate.
I am music.
Please stay tuned for more videos, updates, and music as this project progresses.