Pre-Order Pat the NES Punk Vol. 3!
After the successful DVD release of Pat the NES Punk Vol. 1&2, I've decided it was time for the next DVD! This is a professionally produced, 2-disc DVD set consisting of the third year of the Pat the NES Punk review series, Flea Market Madness, and event & random videos produced during that time period.
About the series: Meet Pat, a quirky video game player and collector who reviews retro video games. He also goes out on flea market adventures and travels to gaming/comic conventions to see what fun is in store. He is here to entertain you, sometimes at the expense of himself. It's all good, clean fun. Ok, mostly clean. Pat will also school you on the history behind retro video games while bringing high energy, enthusiasm, and strange hair.
What's on the DVD Set?
Nearly 8 hours of content on 2 DVDs:
- 10 Pat the NES Punk & Flea Market Madness episodes - digitally remastered!
- Exclusive audio commentary tracks for the Pat the NES Punk episodes!
- First Annual NES Marathon videos!
- Mini reviews including two exclusive to the DVD set!
- 4 hours of bonus material including event videos, promo videos, trailers, and lots more!
- Other exclusive DVD content including the Alisia Dragoon episode uncensored and an in-depth interview with Frank!
This will be a professional produced full color DVD set including shrink-wrap, UPC code, etc. Please look at the perks/combo packs on the side and see if there's anything you like, including wrist-bands, DVD/game combo packs, systems, etc. This will be updated throughout the campaign!
Signing requests: If you'd like a DVD or item signed, please send an email to using the same email address and name you used when purchasing. Please limit your request to one or two items to be signed. Thanks!
Full DVD/Bonus Features List (subject to change)
Disc 1
M82 ftw
- commentary (DVD exclusive)
Super Dodge Ball
- commentary (DVD exclusive)
Caltron 6 in 1
- commentary with Ian (DVD exclusive)
Xmas Turbografx Special
- commentary (DVD exclusive)
NWC 1990
- commentary with Ian (DVD exclusive)
- commentary with Frank (DVD exclusive)
Casino Calamity
- commentary (DVD exclusive)
Alisia Dragoon
- commentary (DVD exclusive)
Alisia Dragoon UNCENSORED version (Bonus DVD exclusive)
Flea Market Madness Vol. 2
Flea Market Madness Vol. 3
Flea Market Madness Vol. 4
Mini reviews
Kickle Cubicle Mini Review (from M82 ftw)
Elevator Action mini review (from M82 ftw)
Rad Racer mini review (from M82 ftw)
Vegas Dream (from Casino Calamity)
Blackjack (from Casino Calamity)
Casino Kid (from Casino Calamity)
Caesar's Palace (from Casino Calamity)
DVD Exclusive Mini Review - Super Off Road
DVD Exclusive Mini Review - Cyberball
NES Marathon Videos
#41: Top Gun
#143: Dr. Chaos
#239 Battletoads
#151 Ian Discusses Game Reviewers
#181 Shadowgate Troll
#19 Duck Tales Theme
#211 Pro wrestling
#199 Pat Falls asleep
#5 Stadium Events
#83 Sunday Funday Karaoke
#277 Zelda 2 Dance
#109 - Skate or Die 2
#137 - The Nerd Takes Over
#263 - Nightshade Beat Down
#43 - Rush 'N Attack Song
#59 - Color a Dinosaur
#223 - Super F'in' Pitfall
#37 - Somebody Sums Up the Chat
#269 - The Hudson Soft Incident
#101 - Black Box
NES Marathon Announcement
NES Marathon Intro
Disc 2
Teaser Trailers
M82 ftw teaser
Alisia Dragoon Teaser
Super Dodgeball teaser -
Caltron Teaser
NWC 1990 teaser
Casino Calamity teaser
SGC Videos
SGC recap
Pat's SGC Panel Highlights
SGC Panel Intro
Comic Con 2010
Comic Con Special Report
Comic Con 2010 Part 1
Comic Con 2010 Part 2
Comic Con 2010 Part 3
Highlander Endgame
Highlander: Endgame Spoony crossover Intro/Outro
Magfest 2011 Videos
MagFest 2011 Montage
Play the Punk at MAGFest - Super Dodge Ball
Play the Punk at MAGFest - Pro Wrestling
Play the Punk at MAGFest - Snake 360
Play the Punk at MAGFest - Excitebike
Play the Punk at MAGFest - Track & Field
Play the Punk at MAGFest - Abobo Deathmatch
E3 videos
Margaritaville Online Interview
Otomedius Excellent Interview with Pearl from Konami
Brianna Baker Interview
Random E3 Recap
Videogame History Museum Tour
Other videos
Pat at the Jersey Shore
Pat Sings Duck Tales
Hard News Promo
Best of Pat 2010
BONUS DVD Exclusive Vol. 3 blooper/outtake reel
BONUS DVD Exclusive A very FRANK conversation
BONUS DVD Exclusive Pat/James Rolfe Extended Conversation
***Note: DVD content subject to change due to space issues or other reasons****
Why Order Now?
If you order now during the pre-order campaign, shipping in the US will be FREE for normal DVD orders, and reduced for International orders. You'll save anywhere from $3-$10 versus waiting for the regular release! Plus, you'll be able to get other goodies that you won't be able to get once the pre-order campaign is over!
Stretch Goals
$20,000 - All DVD orders will be upgraded with a free Pat the NES Punk wristband! (Orders with one already... I'll decide what to do here, maybe a free game?)
$30,000 - All DVD order packages will be upgraded with a free game thrown in, or an extra if you already ordered a package with at least one game!
$50,000 - Pat pays for Frank's beers for an entire year (please don't hit this, it may bankrupt me)!
I may add more if I think of any (and if we hit that goal)
Other Ways You Can Help
Thanks so much for reading this far. Even if you cannot contribute directly, you can still help! Please tweet, re-link, or share this campaign on Facebook. Use the Indiegogo sharing tools to help spread the word!
I really appreciate it... thanks for helping to make this happen!