Hi!, my name is Sebastián García, I'm a 14 years old programmer and designer, today, I'm going to introduce you to my first IndieGoGo campaign.
Were All Started
I've always been a very big fan of science and technology, but, specifically, in computers.
When I started to get curiosity for game development, it was at my 9 years old, when I started to investigate about the gamedev, then, I started to learn how software works, "you need to write some weird stuff in a computer with a black window and green text", I started to get an idea of how does it works. When I have 12 years old, I found an app for iPad called Hopscotch", that is some kind of a Facebook with scratch, you can create your games with simplified code and share it to people. Also, I installed an app made by Apple, called "Swift Playgrounds" that learns you real code writing.
At the first days of 2018, I got my dream come true, a computer! That is my father's computer because we don't have money to buy one, as you can expect, it's specs are really bad, but enough to coding, so, I started to create Windows Forms apps, and then, I started a real Xamarin.Forms oriented object programming, and I wanted to do some games so, I took a really good prototype of a hopscotch game that never saw the light, and turn it into PAZL, with obvious improvements and fixes.
As you can see, I've evolved more trough all the time, but It would be so long to write all!.
What is PAZL?
PAZL Is a new online mobile videogame, it's about minigame matchs.
Online 1 vs 1 mode
In the online match mode, you play with a random player in the world, who finishes first 10 minigames and faster than the time limit, wins the match.
Single player mode
If you are outside of your house, you can play the offline single player mode, You vs the time limit. If you finish 10 minigames faster than 180 seconds, you win the match.
Why 1400 USD?
I will buy the following stuff:
- iMac 21.5" (México Price $1319)
- Apple Developer License ($99)
- Android Developer License ($25)
- Microsoft Developer License ($19)
IndieGoGo gets 5% of the IndieGogo money goal, so that's why.
Here you have some reference links to see the prices:
Why an iMac 21.5"?
This is the cheapest iMac, I choose this because I want to not grow the campaign's price.
If my campaign succeds and it gets money even when the campaign has reached it's goal, this money will be used to get a better iMac.
Also, if you don´t know, to publish an iOS app, you need an iMac, so that's why.