Hello, this is Heidi Barr and Emma De Long, the co-founders of The Pennsylvania Flax Project Cooperative. We're on a mission to change the textile industry and create economic growth that is good for people and the planet. It all starts with flax!
Who are we?
The PA Flax Project Cooperative is bringing flax for linen production back to Pennsylvania. In the process, we’re opening the doors to a high-value market for Pennsylvania farmers and manufacturers. We're organizing growers, creating infrastructure for processing, and making American linen possible again. We've had an amazing year at PA Flax Project - our work has been recognized and uplifted by the USDA with an Organic Market Development Grant. This has allowed us to hire a team and brings us closer to achieving our goals.
We’ve had exciting news since the beginning of this campaign. We have identified likely funding sources to help us acquire additional farm equipment, which makes our NEW goal $35,000!
Join us in raising $35,000 for seed for a successful 2025 growing season
We are looking for your contribution to join us in funding the import of high quality fiber flax seeds.
Your contribution goes the furthest at the following levels:
$1200 will purchase and ship 1 acre’s worth of seed, AND cover the cost of planting it
As a thank you…
- We will plant an acre of fiber flax in your name, and give you regular updates on your acre
- You get VIP invitations to all of our events
- We will give you a handmade indigo-dyed linen tablecloth
- We will give you a limited edition linen tea towel with a hand silk screened PA Flax logo
$600 will purchase and ship 1 acre’s worth of seed
As a thank you…
- We will plant an acre of fiber flax in your name, and give you regular updates on your acre
- You get VIP invitations to all of our events
- We will give you a limited edition linen tea towel with a hand silk screened PA Flax logo
$300 will purchase and ship half an acre’s worth of seed
As a thank you…
- We will give you a handmade indigo-dyed linen tablecloth
$150 will purchase and ship a quarter of an acre’s worth of seed
As a thank you…
- We will give you a limited edition linen tea towel with a hand silk screened PA Flax logo
Here's how it breaks down:
Thanks to an angel investor, harvesting equipment arrived on our shores from Flanders on August 8th. This $200,000 investment moved us so much closer to our goal of growing ~100 acres in 2025. Next, we need to import 12,000 pounds of high quality fiber flax seed from Europe. Your contribution will offset the cost of seed for our farmers and research partners and lower barriers to their involvement in our work.
By donating, each of you becomes an important part of reimagining the flax to linen industry in Pennsylvania.
Our vision:
We work for a world where beauty and growth don’t come at the expense of people or the planet. In our vision of the future, work is meaningful. Economic opportunities heal the earth. And an American linen industry thrives based on healthy soil and profitable farms.
Our purpose In the next 5 years, we’re organizing a cooperative of farmers to plant significant acreage in fiber flax. And we’re providing educational programs, raising funds for farm equipment, establishing a reliable seed source, and completing our plans for a mill to process fiber flax from field to spinnable fiber.
There is growing global demand for flax. Pennsylvania had a thriving flax for linen industry until the late 1800's and we know how to bring it back. Making beautiful textiles can be good for the planet, and we can do it right here in Pennsylvania:
Growth - We're creating business opportunities for farmers and manufacturers in Pennsylvania. This is economic growth that’s good for people and the planet.
Healing - In everything we do, we aim to repair and restore. Nature shouldn’t be an afterthought and neither should human dignity.
Inclusion - We want everyone at our table, especially those historically harmed by the textile industry. Inclusion is the path to something more fair and just.
Your contribution helps us continue to make measurable positive change.