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Building a business to preserve what has been built.

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Building a business to preserve what has been built.

Building a business to preserve what has been built.

Building a business to preserve what has been built.

Building a business to preserve what has been built.

Ryan Francis
Ryan Francis
Ryan Francis
Ryan Francis
1 Campaign |
Hayward, United States
$200 USD 2 backers
0% of $32,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Hello friends, family, clients and potential funders,

My name is Ryan and I created Perdure a little under two years ago as a means to expand my efforts to generate extra income on weekends and evenings and potentially grow a business that would usurp my day job. I have always kept my rates low and delivered service beyond what I would expect to get from others. I love what I do with a passion and am passionate about treating my clients fairly. To date, my mission has changed a great deal causing me to call out for help.

Over the past 10 years I jumped between employers managing maintenance operations and have grown tired of watching my employers provide me with substandard resources to care for THEIR property and then turn around and ask their employees why their performance seems sub-par. In the same right I have seen employees overcome with complacency and never lift a finger more than what is necessary to appear as though they are doing their job. I have seen misdirection and the misallocation of funds occur on grand scales. I have seen it all. Most importantly I got to see what all of these things amount to: People living and working in substandard spaces…

In time, I came to the realization that I will never be happy under these circumstances and took the side projects that I did for extra cash much more seriously as an alternative to working for employers that have misguided views of maintenance. It was clear a much bigger impact could be made starting a new company with new values. So under the fanfare of supportive friends and family I embarked on building a company and a dream. I left my job, racked up more debt than I could imagine, sold off many of my major belongings, built up a small workshop and began a struggle that has changed my life and me as a person.

Perdure: per·dure [per-door, , -dyoor ]

verb (used without object), -dured, -dur·ing.

- to continue or last permanently; endure.


In re-developing this concept of a company I wanted to provide something I rarely got to provide working for large corporations: Service that shows that you care about what you do and how it affects others. Blue-collar maintenance work has as much value and purpose as being a teacher and I feel somewhere along the way, many folks in this industry lost sight of that purpose. We are the people that keep homes comfortable, offices productive and classrooms functional. Perdure’s function is not just to fix buildings but allow them to endure in their beauty, function and beyond to encompass the value they present to people on a level of individual experience.


My mission to grow Perdure beyond just sustaining my life and modify it’s direction, has been most stimulated by my recent experience working with low income housing providers and charter schools. In both cases the amount of things I found to be subpar and downright wrong was unbelievable. It has been a fundamental element of all the job changes I’ve endured and the underlying principles of why I decided to build a business on my own to never be a part of or stand by and watch service providers not provide what people are paying for. Period.


The Impact:

Perdure, by design, is an all-encompassing maintenance solutions and resource management company whose primary target is multi-family and commercial clients. Through this, the goal has been to provide services and resources that which clients may use to further their efficiency and effectiveness. Instead of just repairing a problem, find a solution that prevents it from happening again. Teach clients more about their property so as to eliminate costly and unnecessary repeat visits. Earn repeat customers through actual need for service and not because it was not done right the first time. When this concept is applied to the financial struggles we are all facing, a reasonable solution arises where one can run a sustainable company that is designed to help others sustain themselves.

The black and white result will be creation of new jobs, a little more “umph” being put back into the Bay Area economy and some much needed improvement in the services that organizations like charter schools receive.

There is no option for failure as I have invested everything I have in this company and it is built around core beliefs in my life to do right unto others with the talents one possesses. To not execute this campaign means to willfully turn a blind eye to things that are wrong, knowing full well they can be righted by my actions.

What We Need & What You Get:

While the need is large, this is a basic infantile step in reaching larger goals. The money is to finish providing the basic infrastructure for the self-sufficiency of the company. The $32,000 will cover 4 major sections of the campaign:

($7,200) Section 1: Licensing fees, Insurance and bonding. This just covers the basics of providing protection to the forthcoming employees, clients and assets acquired during the campaign

($18,000) Section 2: Equipment and Product development. While I have a great deal of the equipment to be successful already, there is a lot more necessary to support the addition of staff and equip them to be successful at the jobs they will do. The majority of this section is the purchase of service trucks (used) as they will be crucial to effective service over wide prospective coverage area. The second largest portion will go to staff training/certification and software development of proprietary programs that are being designed to enhance how clients manage their operations and access the services we provide – a crucial element to how Perdure will change the way the maintenance industry operates and cut significant costs.

($3,500) Section 3: Marketing and Brand Management. Despite the desire to not be like other companies, in order to be successful and remain so, one must manage and market a “brand” that is easily recognizable. This sum entails making signage, pamphlets, logos on fleet vehicles and uniforms.

($3,300) Section 4: Real estate. Many of the services that I currently offer and plan to offer require workspace away from the client’s property. Currently, the workshop I have won’t be able to support the expanded usage. Thus, once the first three sections of the campaign are conducted the base of operations will need to move to a larger location to support the added work and store the newly acquired equipment. Funds will cover deposits, license fees, moving labor, materials for set up of the new shop, and one month of rent on a larger location. The inclusion of rent in this section will support the large disruption in productivity that occurs during the relocation of the business and the time necessary to set up a functional and organized shop.

Every penny received is a needed contribution. Thus if the campaign funding goal is not met, the funds will still be used to push forward and make Perdure a success. Again, this campaign is the step of going beyond just having a job to make-do and having a purpose and making an impact.

What’s in it for you?

$32,000 is a lot of giving. Thus I am prepared to give back. Check out my perks in the sidebar. I know most things aren’t a whole lot but that is the down side of being in the middle of trying to significantly grow a company and make it sustainable. Due to the monetary requirements of some of the perks, some will not be distributed until the end of the campaign. If the funding goal is met and exceeded, expect a party at the opening of the new shop and great honors bestowed upon the donors.


Other Ways You Can Help:

All giving doesn’t have to have a specific monetary value to it. This is the digital age where your voice can stretch around the world in the time it takes to blink. Your word of mouth contribution is invaluable. That contribution can be in the form of referring people back to this campaign page or generating referrals for business. Even contacting me to work for you helps keep the income coming and the company growing.

Whether you donate or not, you have my indelible gratitude for just even reading this far. Thank you for your time, faith, contributions and well wishes. I hope it feels good to help my dream come true and make an impact on our community, because it sure feels good to me.

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Choose your Perk

DIY Giver: 10% Off

$10 USD
You will receive 10% off the labor portion of any call for service performed through Perdure.
0 out of 20 of claimed

Handy Giver: 25% Off

$100 USD
Get 25% off the labor portion of any call for service performed through Perdure.
1 out of 10 of claimed

Apprentice Giver: Paint Buddy

$250 USD
(Limited to the Bay Area of CA) Get 3 hours of painting help with yours truly!
0 out of 2 of claimed

Journeyman Giver: PM Walk

$500 USD
(Limited to the Bay Area of CA) For being so awesome, you get me and a handful of tools and I will do a preventative maintenance walk-through of your home or business. Get those little things fixed and find out what big things need to be put on the schedule to be dealt with.
0 out of 2 of claimed

Master Giver: $100 Gift Card

$1,000 USD
$100 gift card to the craftsman's candy store: Home Depot! Who doesn't like home depot?
0 out of 5 of claimed

Ultimate Giver: School Mural

$2,500 USD
I will commission the painting of a mural on the campus of a school of your choice.
0 out of 1 of claimed

Your name everywhere I go

$5,000 USD
I will put your name on a fleet truck to show your level of commitment everywhere I go. Plus you will get an award that can be hung commending you for your help.
0 out of 1 of claimed

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