Introducing the Peterborough Tool Library...
The tools you need, when you need them, without the costs of ownership!
The Peterborough Tool Library wants to help members of our community have affordable access to the tools they need, when they need them. It's just like the libraries we're all familiar with, except you borrow tools, not books.
For one low annual membership fee of $50 (plus $6.50 HST), tool library members can have unlimited borrowing access to a wide variety of home repair, hobby and construction tools. And if you sign up now, we're offering some great perks to say thank you!
Your support during our campaign will create the "critical mass" of members we need to make this sharing economy project a reality.
The Peterborough Tool Library is a not-for-profit venture, run by a volunteer committee. ![]()
What We Need & What You Get...
We need just 200 sharing economy enthusiasts to buy their advance memberships during this campaign and we'll be able to fund the set-up of the library and a great collection of tools to start lending to you. Your one-year membership will activate upon your first visit to the tool library.
For a cost that is less than buying even one power tool, you'll have access to hundreds of tools! We have everything from drills to cement-mixers, screwdrivers to scaffolding, clamps to table saws.
This is a not-for-profit venture, run by volunteers. All of your membership money goes toward the tool collection, tool maintenance and overhead expenses.
You get all of the benefits of access to tools with none of the hassles of purchasing, maintenance, storage and waste of owning your own tools.
As an added bonus, all Peterborough Tool Library members will receive discounts on their purchases at many local retailers, including:
*Campaign perks can be picked up during your first visit to the tool library.
The Impact...
We want to help Peterborough be creative, repair, reuse and make! By putting tools into the hands of everybody who may need them -- when they need them and regardless of their ability or desire to own them -- we hope to improve and green the places we live, work and play.
We value access over ownership, and this model of resource sharing can help our community to grow and improve, affordably.
Who we are...
The Peterborough Tool Library is a project of The Endeavour Centre, a not-for-profit sustainable building school in Peterborough. Endeavour is committed to teaching people how to build and live sustainably with hands-on courses and workshops, and by adding our resources to the local sharing economy we are hoping to help even more people empower themselves to make and build.
Endeavour has a five-year track record of community-based projects, and our existing facility and tool collection is forming the backbone of the new tool library. With our dedicated staff and board of directors, we're excited to be backing this venture.
Our education mandate will extend to the tool library, where we hope to create mentorship programs for people to learn to do tool maintenance and repair.
If we are able to reach our fundraising goal during this campaign, we will know we have the required community support to make the Peterborough Tool Library a go!
Other Ways You Can Help...
TOOL DONATIONS: Part of our strategy for stocking the tool library is accepting tool donations from the community. If you have tools you don't use anymore, or rarely use, we'd be glad to accept them. You can contact us or bring your donations to our tool drive on April 16 at The Spill, 414 George Street North between 3-6 pm.
SHARE THIS CAMPAIGN: If you find the idea of a tool library in Peterborough as exciting as we do, please share this campaign with your family and friends via all your networks.
You can use the share buttons along the left side of this campaign page to help toot our horn and let people know about the Peterborough Tool Library!