Please Help 1st Generation College Students
Please Help 1st Generation College Students
Please Help 1st Generation College Students
Please Help 1st Generation College Students
Please Help 1st Generation College Students
This campaign is closed
Please Help 1st Generation College Students
When I began my Education Abroad Program in Israel in 2012, those who needed financial support were able to obtain $1,000 scholarships from the College of Education, due to the wonderful work of "internationalizing" the College. That work ended, however, when my beloved friend, Dr. James Greenberg, retired.
At that time, I made a commitment to begin my own fundraising efforts, to ensure that ALL interested students would be able to participate in the program.
In 2015, another wonderful friend and colleague, Dr. Linda Valli, supported my efforts with an incredibly generous contribution from her Endowed Chair.
In 2016, I had to cancel my trip due to lack of funds.
It is now 2017, and I will not give up. I am determined to raise enough money so that all of my applicants will be able to participate.
THANK YOU to those of you who have already contributed. Your generosity means the world to me.
Today, I am humbly asking those who have not yet contributed to consider making a donation.