what we are
kiino brooklyn is a spice restaurant based on the national Japanese dish, curry rice.( but not limited to curry rice.) We are opening at BBFL in Brooklyn on June 21st 2024.
The creators of this culinary adventure are Ayane and Taisan. Based on the experiences of these two people who suffered from life-threatening illnesses, Kiino offers healthy and delicious dishes. The key phrases we follow are "foods that are good for the body'' and "allergy-friendly.'' We would like to spread the word, and talk about our dishes. They will satisfy customers with a healthy being and smiles to the world as a new Japanese food from Brooklyn. The origin of the name kiino comes from the Japanese word "yesterday'' (kino = kiino), which means "Yesterday's delicious curry is even more delicious today.'' The one extra "i" in the middle represents our own "I" and expresses "I" (myself)live a healthy life surrounded by kiino food that is good for my body."
about us
chef/co-owner: Taisan
Born in Wakayama Prefecture, he also graduated from "Osaka Abeno Tsuji Culinary School", which is touted as the University of Tokyo in the culinary world. Afterwards he trained at Kenichi Chen's Sichuan Hotel, a famous Chinese restaurant. He then opened his own restaurant in Hiroshima Prefecture. After surviving two near death experiences due to severe diabetes at the age of 35 and a myocardial infarction at the age of 42, he began to aim for "healthy and delicious food'' rather than just delicious food.
chef/co-owner: Ayane
Born in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, her parents were apart of the restaurant industry. Because of this, she became interested in cooking from an early age. After studying makeup in London and returning to Japan, she worked as a makeup artist in Tokyo and Osaka before moving to the United States. During her time in the US, she worked for a cosmetics company. Due to a stressful environment, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2008 and spent a year undergoing treatment. After her survival, she once again realized the importance of balance between food and health, and gradually started work as a chef.
what we need
We at kiino brooklyn will conduct fundraising to improve our activities. The money we receive will be used for the following:
>For purchasing the best equipment for kiino’s kitchen $3000
>Partial rent and personnel cost payment until things get on the right track within a year.$10000
>Kino is a Japanese national food Lab team, so we use research funds to study cooking every day.
$3000 ($500 per month for 6 month)
We also would like to mention one of our most important projects.
Our endeavor is called "Providing Free Meals to Hungry Children.''
The project focuses on providing health-conscious Kiino meals for free on a regular basis.
This would be dependent on funding, the more we have, the more children we can feed.
We would begin mainly in Park Slope, Brooklyn, where our store is located.
Eventually we would like to expand all over NYC.,
(In New York, approximately 2,265,160 people are facing hunger - 633,790 of them are children. About 1 in 6 children face hunger daily. People who are facing hunger in New York report needing around $1,514,465,000 or more per year to meet their food needs.)
We would like to not only provide free food to these children, but also "delicious meals that are good for the body.''
The two of us met at "The Aozora Community,'' which values children's meals, and we are still involved in that message.
A healthy body comes from a healthy diet. To that end, Kiino will continue to support children who have a bright future.
This is a project that is very important to us, and we will continue to do this on a regular basis as soon as we receive donations, and we plan to continue making donations in other forms as well.
Any donation we did not use for the list above, goes to this project.
other ways to help us
Please spread the word about kiino brooklyn, what we do and our campaign. And ofcourse come see us and taste our dishes!
kiinoはタイサンとアヤネによる日本の国民食カレーライスをベースとしたスパイス料理屋。 この度、ブルックリンのBBFLにて2024年6月21日にオープンする運びとなりました。
生死を伴う大病を患った二人の経験から「身体に良い食材」と「アレルギー対応」をキーワードに「健康かつ美味しい食事」を月替わりで提供する。健康と笑顔を生み出すkiinoの料理をブルックリン発の新しい日本食として世に広めていきたい。kiinoの名前の由来は日本で言い伝えられている「昨日の美味しいカレーは、今日もっと美味しい」の昨日(kino=kiino)から来ている。iがひとつ真ん中に多いのはそれは自分自身の「I」で「身体に良いkiinoの食事に囲まれ、私( I )が元気に生きる」を表現している。
大阪府大阪市生まれ。 両親がレストラン業を営む家庭に生まれ、幼少の頃から料理に興味を持つ。 ロンドンにてメイクアップを学び帰国後は東京や大阪でメイクアップをアーティストとして活動後渡米し化粧品会社に就職。ストレスの多い環境から2008年にステージ4の大腸がんを患い、1年間治療に専念する。 その時改めて食と健康の関係の大切さを感じ、徐々にケータリングなど、シェフとしての仕事を続けている。
私達はkiinoの活動をより良く行う為にファンドレイジングを行います。 いただいたお金は以下の事に使用いたします。
・店や料理に最適な器材の購入費として $3000
・BBFL日本国民食Laboチームでの料理を研究する研究費として $3000 (月$500の6ヶ月分)
ニューヨーク市には健康的な食事を十分にできていない子供達がたくさんいます。ニューヨークでは約2,265,160人が飢餓に直面しており、そのうち633,790人が子どもです。子どもの約6人に1人が毎日飢えに直面しています。ニューヨークで飢餓に直面している人々は、食糧需要を満たすために年間約 15 億 1,446 万 5,000 ドル以上が必要であると報告されています。
その子供達にただ食べ物を無料提供するだけでなく「身体に良い美味しい食事」を提供したいと考えています。 私達は子供の食事を大切にする「あおぞらコミュニティ」という学校で出会い、現在もそちらと関わりがあります。 「健康な身体は健康な食事から」、 kiinoはその思いで未来ある子供達へのサポートを行っていきます。