Short Summary
PowerCube lithium ion has been in the energy storage sector for about two years now. We often come in contact with people that live off grid or are living too remote to get connected to the electricity grid. We want to provide an easy solution for cabins and small houses to provide them with electricity. Our PowerCube off grid solution will provide 24hour lighting for 3 light bulbs and there will be a USB plug for any other device that needs current (cell phone or ipad).
We believe that this solution is very useful for small outdoor houses, cabins or even villages that live too remote from the urban centers. The core will be Lithium Ion (which is quite expensive), however we would like to produce the complete set for less than 99€ (retail price) including the solar panel, charger, battery, cables (10m) and 3 led lights suitable to light up 3 rooms.
The cool thing is that we manufacture it to be a very simple DIY solution.
What We Need & What You Get
All plans are ready and a prototype has already been built. We just need additional funding to start up mass production. will provide you with new updates about the product. We will issue a refund if the goal is not met, so there is nothing to lose. We are using Indiegogo to get the funds, but also to see if there will be demand for this product (market research). So if you believe in this product and that it can make a difference in this world. Please provide us with funding. you will be well rewarded.
A DIY Solution
The PowerCube Off Grid System will contain the following:
1. A solar panel which can be attached anywhere. 270x225x25mm. Best to attach it to the roof or a sunny place.
2. A cable from the solar panel to the PowerCube Distribution Box with integrated Lithium Battery. 10m. Just plug and play
3. In the distribution box you can plug 3 lights with 10m of cable, each with separate switch to support lighting up to 3 rooms.
4. The distribution box will also contain a USB plug for charging a cell phone or other small appliance that support USB.
Tests have shown that this device will deliver 24h of light and is fully recharged in 10hours.
How to install:
1. Put the solar panel where the sun shines most
2. Hang the PowerCube Box inside the cabin or house near the entrance.
3. Plug in the cable coming from the solar panel
4. Hang the lights in de different rooms and plug them in the PowerCube Box