Our Story
My name is Stephen Batchelor, I'm the writer of this ambitious project. I've been a movie nut all my life and I've always held the horror genre close to my heart.
About a decade ago I banged out the idea for a movie, originally it was far to long and would of cost hundreds of millions to make and have a cast of hundreds.
About two years ago I pulled it out again and gave it a good going over, cut and chopped and toned it to a point. Pointy enough to jam through someone or somethings chest.
I have been lucky enough to have a very talented Director on board, Kit Sivyer. Currently unknown in the film world, but that will change sooner rather then later, so I'm really lucky and honoured to have been able to get him on board this film.
Another critical member of the team is Caid Rhymes. Another unknown on the cusp of being discovered and snapped by by the 'big boys'. His talents will cover all our needs when it come to practical and digital effects. And this is a very important aspect which will lift our film above the standard independent film.
Most importantly, in my eyes at least, this will be an Australian film, set in an Australian city (Brisbane) and will have Australian actors. We also plan to do something that hasnt been done in quite some time, we plan to make a scary vampire film. This film will have vampires that will give you nightmares, not wet dreams.
The Impact
Every body working on this film wants to be doing this as a living. We all want to be able to give up our day jobs and make films like this day in and day out, but sadly we can't at the moment.
This film will be a massive stepping stone for so many people, for the tony amount we are looking for, the impact it will have on so many people will be priceless.
The impact this will also have on the local independent film industry will be an important factor. Seeing this film go into production will give other film makers the boost they need to push forward with their dream projects.
What We Need & What You Get
So this is the part where we ask you for help. We can't fund this film ourself sadly and its not the type of film that actually be done on zero budget. We have the most expensive aspects covered, sound equipment, cameras, editing equipment etc... We have a cast of extreamly talented actors foaming at the mouth ready to jump into action and we also have nearly all of our locations secured.
The money we raise will be entirely going on screen, no one is getting paid (sorry guys) so we can get the best looking film we can. Costume and make up effects in a horror film like this can make or break a film. As we are trying to scare you, as an audience, we have to spend money to make convincing creatures, something that will disturb you enough to leave lasting images in your head long after the end credits have rolled.
It would be silly of us to expect people to give us something for nothing. So we will try to do what we can for anyone that helps us, within our limited means.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't help us but feel strongly about our cause, or if you have been gererous and feel you have friends that share you love for cool films, then dont be afraid to tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell anybody that you think might be able to help us.