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A love story set in the world of the homeless.

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A love story set in the world of the homeless.

A love story set in the world of the homeless.

A love story set in the world of the homeless.

A love story set in the world of the homeless.

Predawn Films
Predawn Films
Predawn Films
Predawn Films
1 Campaign |
Bath, United Kingdom
$26,680 USD $26,680 USD by 75 backers
$26,116 USD by 63 backers on Apr 1, 2017
This is a heartwarming love story yet gritty film set in the World of the homeless. As well as creating a compelling film our intention is to raise awareness of homelessness and really show their plight yet their dignity. Our main performer was raised through care homes and was homeless for many years before he was able to pull himself up and out of that World. Music was his salvation.


Campaign Pitch

 Richard Bazley (Director/Producer) Emmy Nominated Director. Ex-Disney Animator Pocahontas, Hercules, Tarzan. Richard received two Emmy Nomination for Lost Treasure Hunt which he Directed. It also won The Shanghai TV Awards as well as nominations at the Golden Eagle, Kidscreen and many other awards.

"After years of working on fantasy films with a "sugar coated" reality I have been dying to create and Direct a film that feels very real, is gritty and one that will make people think and even make a difference. You can't get more real than a film based in the World of the homeless."

Gary Young (Director/DOP)  Gary Young shot two Feature Films, "Left Handed", which won Best Feature at L'Aquila International Film Festival, Italy: Best Feature at the Milan Film Festival as well as Best Feature Film at the Japan Film Festival Los Angeles. His second Feature was officially selected at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival.

"My photography is simple and elegant. I like to recreate reality, but capture that realism poetically.  Whether working in the discipline of documentary, advertising, or narrative based mediums, the worlds that I create are authentic and honest. Things seem familiar and cinematic all at once and it is this balance that I feel makes my work stand out from other cinematographers".  

"Predawn" is not a documentary but a Drama and love story set on the streets. Some of the content may be an interpretation of real life events to give it authenticity. Our main performer is not a professional actor but with our guidance will give a genuine performance that an actor will literally find impossible to recreate as he "is the character".

In the video you will see an interview with Gary and I shot in Manchester one rainy afternoon. Just down the street in numerous doorways there were many homeless people who still need help.
In creating our Film we will not only be helping our perfomers (Some who will have been homeless) in forging a new future but many more who are even less fortunate by donating to Homeless Charities and charitable causes. Please donate to this worthy cause and don't just donate at Christmas, anytime is a good time to donate. Thank you so much.

The Project

The whole film will be shot in a "Cinema Verite" style on the streets of Manchester. It takes place between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am which is condensed into 1 and a half hours for the purpose of our film. A simple love story but gritty film it is loosely based an a real life event. A young girl goes to catch the last train home but misses it. To kill time she goes for a walk not realising what a bad area she's in. A young homeless lad realises she is in danger and escorts her to a nearby Cafe where she will be safe until the morning. However he has to attend to his dog the other side of town but says he will be back in the early hours to escort her safely back to catch the morning train. As he heads off they communicate via social media and we get to know both characters. The homeless lad is tough as nails (ex street fighter) yet his posts show a character with depth and sensitivity. Whilst travelling back he encounters a number of hurdles one from his Nemesis, a thug who rules the streets through his lackeys. He communicates purely through a mobile phone they carry and via Skype.
Title of the film "Predawn" and meaning. In one of his posts he shows a video of sea horses dancing in a mating ritual called the Predawn Dance which can last up to 8 hours approximately the length in which this film takes place. They are similarly playing out a courtship ritual which all takes place predawn. 


The idea and story for Predawn lends itself to Cinema verite. Or "truthful "Cinema. Why? Well here is the idea. It takes place over one night (Predawn) condensed into an hour an a half. The film will be characterised by a gritty "Kitchen Sink" realism.

Our main performer is not a trained actor. In fact he was homeless for many years after being brought up in care homes. He is not an actor that will have to imagine what it is like to go without a meal, to sleep on a pavement at zero degrees. He won't have to imagine the years of damage done by years of street fighting. He won't have to imagine the arthritis he now gets in his legs because he jumped off a 30ft wall in a chase. He won't have to imagine any of that because he has lived that. That is why he is perfect for the part. The girl that plays opposite him with be a trained actor as a sort of foil. To help maintain momentum in the scene. Other parts will be played by Ex Homeless people. 

We can't expect everyone to be able to learn extensive lines and heavy dialogue. We will block out the scenes, explain the scenarios and use improvisation . I have seen some of the best performances ever this way. Before hand we will use many of the rehearsal techniques that Mike Leigh does to get his results. Nothing stilted here as it will feel real.

Here is a quote by Mike Leigh that will give you an insight into our approach for Predawn.

"The world of the characters and their relationships is brought into existence by discussion and a great amount of improvisation ... And research into anything and everything that will fill out the authenticity of the character." It is after months of rehearsal, or 'preparing for going out on location to make up a film', that Leigh writes a shooting script, a bare scenario. Then, on location, after further 'real rehearsing', the script is finalised; "I'll set up an improvisation, ... I'll analyse and discuss it, ... we'll do another, and I'll ... refine and refine... until the actions and dialogue are totally integrated. Then we shoot it."

It is not an easy route to take and for traditional financiers even harder as they like to see a locked down script. A safe script. It is why Hollywood has become as boring as it is. The big fight at the end, the happy ending with a twist. We have seen it all before. Not in Predawn, You are in for a few surprises.


What We Need & What You Get

We have several targets. 20k, 30k, 50k and 100k

£20k  We are on our way to making the film but will need to pull in a couple of private investors to plug the gap

£30k This is our lowest ideal and doable but for our highest production values we need to get to our next stretch goal

£50k We can make the film. Now it is all about what level of production values. We can make it at the cost without additional investors 

100k This is the Rolls Royce choice. We can make the film with all the bells and whistles, cranes, the works.


Ranging from £1 to to hundreds of pounds to thousands. We start with digital downloads of postcards of artwork, certificates, to A3 and A2 posters designed by one of the Directors Richard Bazley and Graffiti artists from the capital of Graffiti Bristol. Also on offer fine prints by Gary Young of photography on the streets as well as stills from the film and shoot.


Certificate of Membership




Exciting additional perks include digital drawing tablets.

as well as software bundles


Magnetic Laptop bags (NOW SOLD OUT)




The great thing about this campaign is that it doesn't end here. If the base goal isn't met we will still be able to seek additional funders through Gift Aid. This in fact happened in a previous crowd funding campaign I was involved with (Lost Treasure Hunt) where we finished our campaign and a private investor made a donation afterwards. That project went on to get two Emmy Nominations

The Impact

Our main performer will have been homeless for many year. He will have turned his life around and we believe it will be an inspiration to a huge number of people whether homeless or not. As well as our main character we intend to involve many others who have been or are homeless.

By contributing to this project you will help bring awareness and also give  a face to those who are often invisible.

All proceeds from the profit from this film will go to homeless charities and homeless causes.

Risks & Challenges

Our main performer is not a professional actor but with our guidance will give a genuine performance that an actor will literally find impossible to recreate as he is the character. Gary Young has expensive experience with working with non actors as well as actors and has produced amazing results.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you are unable to contribute to perks there are many other ways to help as this is such a good cause. Please do spread the word! Mention it to friends. Post to social media. Make sure the World knows about this great project and  don't forget to use all the share tools available on Indiegogo!



 A Big Thankyou To Our Sponsors









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Choose your Perk

Pledge £3 or more

Pledge £3 or more

Currency Conversion $4 USD
£3 GBP
You will receive a digital download PDF certificate in recognition of your contribution to this campaign in support this project and the homeless.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
2 claimed

Pledge £5 or more

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
Digital downloads of photographs stills from behind the scenes
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
3 claimed

Pledge £10 or more

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
For those that purely want support a great project and to give and help the homeless.
11 claimed

Pledge £10 or more

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
You will receive an adult ticket to the Coventry Comic Con to be held in October. You will also be able to meet with Director Richard Bazley at the event.
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
8 out of 10 of claimed
Pledge £10 or more

Pledge £10 or more

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
A3 poster for film courtesy of Azo print. Artwork by STEWY. Image 026 in Gallery
Estimated Shipping
October 2017
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £15 or more

Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
DVD hard copy of the film.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £15 or more

Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
A digital download of the completed film. Plus soundtrack.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
8 claimed

Pledge £20 or more

Currency Conversion $26 USD
£20 GBP
For those that purely want support a great project and to give and help the homeless.
2 claimed

Pledge £25 or more

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
You will receive a copy (digital download) of Flame Painter 3 Personal . Unique paint application that lets you easily create original artworks, design or light effects with procedural brushes. Courtesy of Escape Motions.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
2 out of 10 of claimed
Pledge £25 or more

Pledge £25 or more

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
Artisul pencil sketchpads courtesy of Artisul. New Sale Price! (3 different colour variations Rose Pink, Metallic Grey and Turqouise Blue) Includes: Artisul Sketchpad (Small 6"x4") , Artisul Pencil battery free stylus, 4 Pen Nibs & Pen remover , USB cable, Quick Start Guide and 1-Year Limited Warranty. Normally £55 now at sale price of £25. You will not find this price anywhere else!
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pledge £30 or more

Pledge £30 or more

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
A2 poster art for the film. I of 4 designs. This one by Director Richard Bazley Coutesy of Spectrum Photographic. Image 021 in the Gallery.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pledge £30 or more

Pledge £30 or more

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
A2 poster art for the film. I of 4 designs. This one by Bristol Graffiti Artist Zase . Photographed by Gary Young. Image 25 in the Gallery. Courtesy of Spectrum Photographic.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pledge £30 or more

Pledge £30 or more

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
A2 poster art for the film. I of 4 designs. This one by well know Graffiti Artist STEWY. Photographed by Gary Young Courtesy of Spectrum Photographic.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pledge £35 or more

Pledge £35 or more

Currency Conversion $45 USD
£35 GBP
Artisul pencil sketchpads courtesy of Artisul. New Sale Price! (3 different colour variations Rose Pink, Metallic Grey and Turqouise Blue ) Includes: Artisul Sketchpad (Medium 9"x6") , Artisul Pencil battery free stylus, 4 Pen Nibs & Pen remover , USB cable, Quick Start Guide and 1-Year Limited Warranty. Normally £75 now at sale price of £35. You will not find this price anywhere else!
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
2 out of 18 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pledge £40 or more

Pledge £40 or more

Currency Conversion $52 USD
£40 GBP
Sale price of just £40 for this amazing software bundle normally worth over £200. Available at this price here only! Dynamic Photo HDR, Dynamic Auto Painter, Photo-Reactor and Photo Blend. Presently for Windows only. Courtesy of Mediachance.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
1 out of 30 of claimed

Pledge 50 or more

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
For those that purely want support a great project and to give and help the homeless.
4 claimed
Pledge £50 or more

Pledge £50 or more

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
10 x 8in sized prints of photographic prints of the homeless by Gary Young. Courtesy of dStudio. Select from images 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 ,006 ,007 from the Gallery.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £50 or more

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
You will receive a copy (digital download) of Rebelle, The most expressive watercolour and wet media paint software using real-world colour blending, wet diffusion and drying. Courtesy of Escape Motions.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
4 out of 10 of claimed

Pledge £50 or more

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
You will receive a copy (digital download) of Flame Painter 3 Professional. Unique paint application that lets you easily create original artworks, design or light effects with procedural brushes. Courtesy of Escape Motions.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed

Pledge £50 or more

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
You will receive a copy (digital download) of Amberlight 2. One-of-a-kind procedural art tool that creates beautiful computer generated images and animations. Courtesy of Escape
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
1 out of 10 of claimed

Pledge £80 or more

Currency Conversion $104 USD
£80 GBP
A drawing by James T Walker of our theme the "Predawn Dance" of two Seahorses. Tim is a Warner Bros Director and Animation timer of 40 years at the studio. Tim has lateral Parkinson's and has now taught himself to draw with his left hand. Image 019 in the Gallery
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £100 or more

Currency Conversion $130 USD
£100 GBP
For those that purely want support a great project and to give and help the homeless.
0 claimed

Pledge £100 or more

Currency Conversion $130 USD
£100 GBP
A3 sized prints of photographic prints of the homeless by Gary Young. Courtesy of POINT 101 Select images 001, 002 , 003 , 004 , 005 from the Gallery.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £150 or more

Currency Conversion $194 USD
£150 GBP
One fine art print A2 size or the fine art painting by Director Richard Bazley. Sea Horse Predawn Dance. Courtesy of dStudio. Image 023.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £150 or more

Currency Conversion $194 USD
£150 GBP
A2 sized prints of photographic prints of the homeless by Gary Young. Courtesy of POINT 101 Select images 003, 004 , 005 , 006 , 007 from the Gallery.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge £200 or more

Currency Conversion $259 USD
£200 GBP
Your name or your family will be included in the end credits as a film supporter,
6 claimed

Pledge £200 or more

Currency Conversion $259 USD
£200 GBP
For those that purely want support a great project and to give and help the homeless.
0 claimed
Pledge £500 or more

Pledge £500 or more

Currency Conversion $648 USD
£500 GBP
You will receive the original artwork/Graffiti by renown Graffiti artist Zase. Executed on cardboard keep in mind that you will need a very large wall space to accommodate this spectacular piece and one off! Image 025 in the Gallery.
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to United Kingdom

Pledge £500 or more

Currency Conversion $648 USD
£500 GBP
For those that purely want support a great project and to give and help the homeless.
0 claimed

Pledge £1,000 or more

Currency Conversion $1,295 USD
£1,000 GBP
Make a contribution of any amount that want to support a great project and to help to the homeless. Select any of the previous awards, or make giving its own reward.
1 claimed

Pledge £1000 or more

Currency Conversion $1,295 USD
£1,000 GBP
Get a cameo part in the film and meet the Directors and crew.
2 claimed

Pledge £1000 or more

Currency Conversion $1,295 USD
£1,000 GBP
Executive Producer Credit and the chance to help to contribute to an award winning film. Come to the Premiere (Location to be announced)
1 claimed

Pledge £10,000 or more

Currency Conversion $12,951 USD
£10,000 GBP
Make a contribution of any amount you want to support a great project and to help the homeless. Select any of the previous awards or make giving it's own reward.
0 claimed
sold out

Pledge £250 or more

Currency Conversion $324 USD
£250 GBP
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
Only -1 left
Ships worldwide.

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