Project Empowerment is a student-led initiative supported by the Business Administration program at Salish Kootenai College (SKC) in Pablo, Montana, a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. SKC is a tribal college located on the Flathead Indian Reservation. We are a group of Seniors in the Entrepreneurship class, collecting funds to provide meals for a weekly support group, and other essentials to a local safe house offered by SAFE Harbor.
SAFE Harbor serves Lake County, MT and the Flathead Reservation to provide shelter, safety, nurturing, advocacy, financial support and healing to the survivors of domestic violence and those in need. The need for support is great. SAFE Harbor is the only advocacy group of this type within the 1.3 million acre reservation. They serve on average 600 primary and 500 secondary individuals.
- Intimate partner violence, sexual violence and stalking are major public health concerns in the United States with millions of Americans affected each year.
- The Montana Department of Justice reports in 2019 law enforcement responded to more than 4,000 cases of domestic violence across the state. That means someone in Montana is beaten, abused or strangled by a partner or family member every 2.5 hours and reports the incident.
- Calls for domestic violence incidents were up 25% in 2020, most likely spiking due to COVID-19 stress and lock-down situations.
Note: The referenced statistics were reported in 2020 by KTVH.
The six seniors running Project Empowerment have gotten to know each other pretty well over the past three years. During this time, one of our classmates shared with us her experience leaving a domestic violence situation and the help she received from SAFE Harbor.
Her story began with a description of leaving everything she owned in order to save her own life. She explained to us how one day her father came from Montana to visit her. Shocked over the condition of her situation, and with doubt in his voice, he said, “I need you to pack up two bags of your belongings, get on a plane with me, and walk away from all of this.” Surprising both of them, the answer came back - “Okay.”
She arrived on the Flathead Reservation in shock, with two suitcases and $10 in her pocket. At SAFE Harbor she found assistance through the Women & Children’s Support Group and individual counseling. This support led her to move forward with getting a college degree from Salish Kootenai College. The work SAFE Harbor is doing makes a difference. It helps individuals to get free from abusive situations and start healing.
We all recognize that each one of us has a connection to this cause in one way or another. Helping SAFE Harbor with its mission is something we feel very passionate about. Please help us fund this great cause -- providing meals that matter and other essentials to the women and children seeking support through SAFE Harbor’s counseling group and safe house.
We need $5,000 to provide meals and support for SAFE Harbor. Your contributions will be distributed as followed:
Meals and Preparation: Meals, snacks, drinks, commercial kitchen space, food containers, cutlery, and any other direct meal-related costs.
Shelter Care Baskets: Women’s safe house needs including personal hygiene products for women and children & household essentials.
Fundraising: Community outreach and marketing materials.
Travel Expenses: Gas for trips to Costco, Walmart, etc.
- If our target goal is not met, then donations will first go toward providing the weekly support group meals.
- Any residual funds will go to the women’s safe house.
Project Empowerment will be providing perks for your donations to this cause. We have received donations from local Native American artist Frank Finley of the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe.
Also, an early donation to this project came from DHRD Transportation, Corky Sias, who helped fund our very own “LET’S TALK” face masks. These items and more will be offered as perks for donating. Take a moment to review our tiered perks listed on the right.
"We may take a hot meal for granted sometimes and how we can actually change somebody's life in the midst of a situation... Every meal means something to somebody, and it means something to a family.” - Carl Johnson, Storehouse Grocers Owner.
By supporting our cause with your donation, you can help pay for someone's first meal as they work towards freedom away from a life of abuse.
Our goal is to empower women in their lives beyond domestic violence. We will provide weekly meals for a support group that is designed to provide a safe, supportive and caring environment. You can help us make a direct and meaningful impact on the life of someone who has no good options.
The organization we aim to assist, helps women and their children move out of dangerous situations, provides shelter, hosts support groups, and allows them to transition back into independent lifestyles.
Project Empowerment is operating under a tight time schedule for this project goal.
- From the time we launch the campaign, we will begin providing meals within five weeks.
- Deadline to complete the execution of this project is prior to June 2021 - graduation!
The execution and logistics of this project hinges on our team of six Senior class members pulling together and using the business skills we have acquired from the Business Administration program here at Salish Kootenai College (SKC). We are confident in our ability to provide the necessary management and operational skills. It is with great pride that we seek this challenge, not only as students from SKC, but as members of the Tribal College and University system.
There are a variety of ways that people can still help contribute to a good cause in our community even if their wallets don't allow for it at the moment. One of the easiest and fastest ways to reach a lot of people in our community can be as simple as sharing the information of a charitable cause like Project Empowerment to others that may have established relationships with potential donors.
Here are some ideas on ways help:
- By using the tools and resources that Project Empowerment built you can channel contributions into assistance that will go directly to Safe Harbor.
- Reminding people that abuse rates are up higher than they have ever been because of these trying times. Speaking to people's hearts and minds showing them that we can provide relief or care packages at a time that these survivors may need it most.
- Letting people know that they can also donate their time by volunteering to help an establishment that assist’s Safe Harbor directly. Letting people know that even if they are unable to donate cash or items there are other ways to help like being part of the team for a day to help organize or clean the thrift store in Ronan.
- Like and share us on facebook, donate, spread the word
- Call the national hotline listed here if you or a loved one needs help no matter where you are located - 800.799.SAFE (7233)
Now get out there and share the buzz that Project Empowerment is here to help the efforts of Safe Harbor! We can all create a better and safer community by giving a voice to this cause and reaching out to others that may be able to help.