Short Summary
Hello everyone! My name is David Tomkulak, and I am here to ask for YOUR help. Most of us who are reading this have most likely lived pretty lucky lives compared to those in need, and as I grew up (living the lavish life-style that comes with being low-income in Canada), it became pretty obvious very quickly just how unlucky others could be at times.
To those in need, whether it be due to financial issues, disasters, enviromental meltdowns, you name it, we are surging forwards to help pick them up off of their feet! Everyone needs help every once in a while, some more than others, and if we do not help those in need then what does that say about us as human beings?
We are here to save as many as we can from all the issues that are constantly ruining lives, period. Every single hour, and every single dollar that people contribute to this group will be an amazingly powerful part of a huge cascade of assistance to humanity, in all of its shapes and sizes. We would love to have you on board, help us make a difference!
Here are the 6 main categories of how we are going to go about doing just that:
- Reduction of Global Poverty
- Advancement of Education
- Enviromental Protection
- Data Protection
- Disaster Relief
- Rehabilitation Services
Look below for more info!
What We Need & What You Get
You guys want the straight up details? Here they are:
- We need $5000 to get this show on the road! All of this money is going first to get all of the liscences we need to operate on a national as well as international level. We want to be helping people in every single corner of the world, and we need these liscenses to do that.
- After that, all of our initial funding is going to be evenly seperated into each of the 6 categories we aim so succeed in, with your help of course.
- If, somehow, we don't reach our goal, rest assured that all of the money from this WILL go towards making this a success. Any funds not raised will be raised at a later date. Prometheus will come to fruition, no matter what.
The Impact
We have contacts with various soup kitchens, affordable housing, and homeless services so we can work with them to start off our reduction of global poverty. From there we want to start creating programs, and changing the way society sees poverty so that perhaps one day it may be an issue of the past.
In many parts of the world education can be a huge hurdle towards people being OK. We will be working with many groups all over the world to help ensuer that people are getting the skills they need to make it in life!
Our initial funds will also be used not just for tree-planting and such, but also to get some assistance to third world countries so that they can get energy without having to damage the enviroment in the meanwhile.
Something else we see as vital to humanity is data protection. We are going to start a huge datebase that contains everything we deem valuable to humankind in a digital format. Suggestions are encouraged, and we do accept information that people deem valuable that is sent to us.
Every day it feels like people are suffering from both natural and man-made disasters. Lets work together to help end that suffering. We will be starting off with working together with Red Cross and Red Crescent movements to get help to those who really need it!
Finally, rehabilitation services are absolutely key to getting humanity in order. The world is plagued by addiction, and its time that rehab houses stop taking people in just for the money!
Other Ways You Can Help
If for whatever reason its unaffordable for you to help out, do not despair for there are many other ways to assist this cause! Here are just a few:
Tell your neighbors and buddies about us!
Use social media to let people know about our cause!
Prometheus is about helping humanity in all of its forms, so most importantly, BE A GOOD PERSON! Help others when you can, stand up to bullies, and live an honest life.
And that’s all there is to it.