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Public Private Community Development Partnership 2

"Planning to Preserve to Future" Our Public-Private Partnership (Technical Assistance Center)

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Public Private Community Development Partnership 2

Public Private Community Development Partnership 2

Public Private Community Development Partnership 2

Public Private Community Development Partnership 2

Public Private Community Development Partnership 2

"Planning to Preserve to Future" Our Public-Private Partnership (Technical Assistance Center)

"Planning to Preserve to Future" Our Public-Private Partnership (Technical Assistance Center)

"Planning to Preserve to Future" Our Public-Private Partnership (Technical Assistance Center)

"Planning to Preserve to Future" Our Public-Private Partnership (Technical Assistance Center)

Donald Carroll
Donald Carroll
Donald Carroll
Donald Carroll
2 Campaigns |
Texas City, United States
$140 USD 3 backers
0% of $150,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Dear Donors, Family and Friends: This is our second Crowd Funding Campaign for the Indiegogo Public-Private Partnership Campaign -Technical Assistance Center Program. 

Greetings: I am Donald Carroll, founder and President of D C Planning Consultants & Associates, Inc.(DCP). I am a professional urban planner with professional certifications in economic development and environmental science. 

Our campaign is a community development initiative that will formulate, advance and promote alternatives that are prudent, cost effective  and efficient in assisting communities with resilient and sustainable solutions to community problems. 

We are community partners that provide professional services/technical assistance to communities, businesses, non profit organizations and governmental agencies. This assistance is also offered in the capacity as a supplement to government. We provide technical assistance in research, community outreach, strategic planning, educational, workforce and job certification training. In short, our Technical Assistance Center Program is a "Think Tank-Community Training & Research Center". 

Our center and research training programs enable us to empower communities by providing community based solutions and contemporary  workforce training programs.  We provide access to government data and public policies in the areas of economic development, land use planning, community development, research study and socio economic data. We provide training (for OSHA Safety, environmental hazard awareness, environmental risk management and environmental compliance). We provide recommendations and solutions for business enterprises, community development initiatives and community driven-social causes.

Our community partnership is now firmly in place. We have an established community development corporation partner, along with several academic researchers and institutions of higher learning (state colleges as anchor institutions and community partners for teaching and internship opportunities). We also collaborate and work with land use law/municipal/real estate/corporate attorneys, former city planning directors, environmetal scientist, educators, commercial brokers and professional organizations that have agreed to collaborate and work with us in providing our services.   

In addition, we have membership with the Environmental Justice Group (we currently are community partners with the Environmental Protection Agency). We collaborate closely with the Environmetal Protection Agency in educational training and community outreach. We will soon enroll in the National Institute of Health and Environmental Science Small Business Innovative Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Programs (for enhanced research, educational training and job creation opportunities). 

Please visit the NIH web site to gain insight regarding the SBIR/STTR Programs. This is a program that we are currently eligible for enrollment and we will soon enroll and utilize to further promote innovatitve research training and job creation within our program. 

Our Public-Private Program is a prudent and cost effective community development initiative. It is needed for our current economic times (i.e., limited budget and manpower resources). We need your help in order for us effectively help others with technical assistance that provides solutions with meaningful impact. We seek all contributions big or small to this campaign goal. Every contribution is needed and important. This campign is for solutions to help communities thrive and grow and there is no compelling reason to not support this cause. We are data driven. We make recommendation based upon where the facts lead us. We follow and promote within our services best pratices with a passion for innovation and efficency.

We are seeking contributions to complete a series of critical action steps that will enable us to establish the following: a store front presence, hiring of technical support needed in Security Exchange Commission Law, IRS Federal Tax Law, advertising and marketing, purchasing and installation of additional infrastructure and equipment for expansion. Finally, the funds are needed in order to complete the application and registration process for additional working capital needs for our consortium to be able work and expand outside of Texas.

This campaign is important and critical to the execution of our business development intent and the required processes needed to obtain working capitial.  It is needed for sustainablity and self-sufficiency. Donations and community support is sought from family, friends, associates, and those who want and will support a viable program that can help communities and advance meaningful solutions for social causes that at the same time, promote resilient and sustainable communities.

We intend to advance and expand our capacity to serve additional communities in Texas and throughout the Southwest Region of the United States. We have the right team in place. We know our program will work. The math makes sense and it is efficient. It is now being implemented in other communities. Governmental agenicies are coming around and have recently started to embraced this concept. We are asking for support and we are looking to partner with communities businesses and other institutions for added value and win/win outcomes.

We have been successful with small economic development, environmental science and development service projects(pilot projects). DCP with its community partners now  intend to expand our scale and capacity in order to meet the projected demands and needs of our nation. Now your monetary assistance is sought in order to complete this community based business plan for the second phase of program implementation.

We hope to gain your support and to serve you as future clients.  Your support and contributions will help us go further along in this journey of advancinging safe, resilient and sustainable communities. 

All contributors will be formally recognized as the original Technical Assistance Founders. All contributors will recieve an attractive & formal proclamation with a thank you letter from the President of D C Planning Consultants. A distinguished list of the Original Founders will be formulated and proudly displayed for future visitors and guest to see (This founders list will be displayed on our web site, within our business store front (once developed). Our founders will be recognized during all pending banquets and formal ceremonies. Finally, our founders will be properly editorialized and acknowledged in the USA Today, The Houston Chronicle  and the Galveston County Daily News Papers.

Contributors that may be able and desire to donate $2500 and up are eligible to receive discounts of 10% on any professional services offered in the Technical Assistance Center Program (These contributors are our Gold Founder Members).  Our Silver Founder Members  are contributors that donate from $1000 to $2000 and are eligble to receive discounts of 5% on any professional service offered in the TAC program. All other donation amount will enable our contributors to be acknowledged as our original Founder Member. The perks cited will be implemented within 120 to 180 days after this campaign has ended.

What sets us apart from others organizations is our ability to combine land use, economic development and environmental science together for effective solutions. All fundamental building blocks needed for empowering  communities with solutions that will work, work well and have impact in promoting resilient and sustainable communities.

Our Dun and Bradstreet Registration Number is: 969891134.  Please visit our website @ for an overview of our professional services and corporate capabilities.

Our point of contact information (email address and telephone number) is: and 409-771-1741.

Thank you for your support and contributions. Donald Carroll, ESP, CCR, President D C Planning Consultants & Associates, Inc.

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