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Punkapocalyptic - Junkers Starter Pack

A 30 mm scale game featuring skirmishes between gangs in a pimp and lethal post-apocalyptic world.

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Punkapocalyptic - Junkers Starter Pack

Punkapocalyptic - Junkers Starter Pack

Punkapocalyptic - Junkers Starter Pack

Punkapocalyptic - Junkers Starter Pack

Punkapocalyptic - Junkers Starter Pack

A 30 mm scale game featuring skirmishes between gangs in a pimp and lethal post-apocalyptic world.

A 30 mm scale game featuring skirmishes between gangs in a pimp and lethal post-apocalyptic world.

A 30 mm scale game featuring skirmishes between gangs in a pimp and lethal post-apocalyptic world.

A 30 mm scale game featuring skirmishes between gangs in a pimp and lethal post-apocalyptic world.

Bad Roll Games
Bad Roll Games
Bad Roll Games
Bad Roll Games
1 Campaign |
Gijón, Spain
$10,219 USD $10,219 USD 209 backers
133% of $7,642 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

AVISO IMPORTANTE: Para ver esta campaña en castellano, pincha aquí.

So, what's all this fuss about?

Bad Roll Games is a small Spanish company formed up by three friends, that has been working for more than a year on the addictive tabletop game Punkapocalyptic. During this time we have put on the market several high-quality and detailed miniatures for our first two factions, Gangers and Mutards. You can check them out at our webpage, where you will also be able to download the rulebook and gang sheets for free, or visit our Facebook or Twitter accounts.

Basically our game is a fast-paced skirmish showdown between rival gangs, played with 5 to 10 30 mm scale miniatures in a post-apocalyptic, barren and desolate environment known as the Wasteland. If you are into skirmish games, wargames in general, apocalyptic settings or just like to paint superb minis made by some of the best sculptors in the market these days, this game is for you. Don't hesitate to visit our website to know more about the background of this setting, read a bunch of short stories, watch some cool drawings and maps, or feast your eyes with the miniature galleries.

Why a crowdfunding campaign?

So far we have opted for a more traditional way of funding (that is, puting our own money on the project), but now there is an increasing number of Punkapocalyptic players and they demand to have a wider variety of miniatures and factions to choose from in their games. But we have came to the conclusion that the release rate we can accomplish that way is quite slow for what a game like this requires, so we now hope to get enough funds to release a whole Junkers Starter Pack and even a bunch of extras if we get there.

We can wholeheartedly promise that this crowdfunding will be a true crowdfunding. This is not a pre-sale for miniatures we already have in production, or anything like that. All the money will be used to pay for modelling, production, painting… so this Starter Pack for our third faction can become a reality.

Thus, we cannot show you any finished miniature for the upcoming faction but only concept drawings of what we want them to be. But we are not newcomers to this market either, so you can check the miniatures we have released so far and see for yourself that the final result is completely up to the expectations or even beyond. We are lucky to have on board renowned top-class modellers such as Julen Galparsoro, Leonardo Escovar or Iván Santurio, and for the production and painting processes we work with the internationally known José Palomares' Bigchild Creatives team.

Nice, but why should I put my money on it?

We are offering the Junkers Starter Pack, with metal miniatures, at a special price for trusting us, as well as an exclusive resin miniature designed by us and modelled by RN Estudio. But besides, in case you didn't know us from before, you will be able to get any miniature from our catalogue at a discounted price. And once we reach our main target you will continue to unlock some juicy extras, most of which you will be getting for free with most of the pledge levels.

The bulk of this money will be used to pay for the modelling, production and painting processes. And if we get more money pass the minimum, it will be invested in unlockable goodies. If at the end we still have any remaining cash available, it would be spent to keep Punkapocalyptic growing and moving forward with new products.

Interested already? Let's get started.

So far, so good. Let's do this.

You will see the campaign progress indicated in this map. As you can see, we expect you to be quite generous and unlock several add-ons many of which will be free for most of the pledge levels. So don't be shy and spread the word, tell your friends, rob your grandma and scrap your wallet off your last one penny!

(Warning: There is some important info about shipping costs scrolling down to the bottom of the page)

1 € Pledge level - Support the Wasteland

Maybe you are the last good-hearted Wastelander out there. Whether you are a successful scavenger or just shit money, we really don't care. A bullet is a bullet and we need all the ones we can get! Thanks a lot for believing in us and throwing a couple bucks (or quids, or eypos, or whatever currency you use) in our general direction. We would say we love you, but we are tough Wasteland guys, so we won't do it.

8/9 € Pledge level - Rummagin' through trash

You are just looking for a piece or two from our stockage, and that's perfectly fine. If you don't want to get a full Starter Pack or you want to add extra miniatures to any other pledge level, pick your choice of individual miniatures here. Most of the Punkapocalyptic minis are 8 € each, except the Mutard Pit Beast and the exclusive Indiegogo miniature for this campaign, the Pit Fighter known as Eightfingers, which are 9 €.

42 € Pledge level - Scrapbridge neighbor

You really want to start a Punkapocalyptic gang and know the best way to do it is getting a Starter Pack. Hell, that's exactly what they are for! For just 42 dirty euros (or 38, if you are fast enough to benefit from the Early Bird option) you can choose any of the three available Starter Packs, including of course the Junkers one we are funding here. Congratulations, you are now officially a Wasteland wacko!

This pledge level also grants you the Eightfingers exclusive Indiegogo miniature and all the extras unlocked during the campaign.

74 € Pledge level - Twice as good

You want to start playing Punkapocalyptic and you even have a friend to do it with! Awesome! For just 74 petty euros (or 68, if you are fast enough to benefit from the Early Bird option) you can choose any two of the available Starter Packs, including of course the Junkers one we are funding here. Congratulations, you and your buddy are now officially Wasteland nuts!

This pledge level also grants you the Eightfingers exclusive Indiegogo miniature and all the extras unlocked during the campaign.

120 € Pledge level - Wasteland hoarder

You want it all and you want it now! That's what we call focus! In exchange for your 120 greens (or 110, if you are fast enough to benefit from the Early Bird option) you will get ALL the miniatures in the Punkapocalyptic catalog, stock, warehouse, garage or wherever those little bastards are hiding. And if we come across any of our own personal miniatures we don't like anymore, we will throw them in too! Holy shit, this is crazy!

This pledge level also grants you the Eightfingers exclusive Indiegogo miniature and all the extras unlocked during the campaign.

1000 € Pledge level - Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla

One lucky backer will get his own miniature home! The first one with 1000 spare euros in his pocket and willing to give them to us, will have the chance to work with our graphic designer and create a miniature just the way he likes. That 30 mm miniature will be unique, and the backer will receive the green master only for himself so he can caress it endlessly while repeating "My precioussssss!" in a low voice. And if we really are in the mood we can even make up some special gameplay rules for this mini, so he can use it in his games for beating the crap out of his mates! Cool!

As a token of our gratitude, this pledge level also grants you for free the Junkers Starter Pack, the Eightfingers exclusive Indiegogo miniature and all the extras unlocked during the campaign.

"I approof this shit, by it now!", says pit fighter star and two-times "Da Great Blow" winner, Eightfingers.

The pretty unlockable extra thingies

8000 € Stretch Goal - Free 5x Junkers Scenic Bases

At the 8000 € benchmark all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will get 5 nice resin base toppings to customize your miniatures, free with all Junkers Starter Packs. These scenic elements consist on thin resin discs to glue on top of your regular 25 mm round bases, easily turning them into sheer junkin' awesomeness.

9000 € Stretch Goal - Free Piston with Harpoon gun

Hit the 9000 € mark and you will get a whole new miniature for free! All pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive this friggin' cool Junker Piston equipped with a Harpoon gun and a bad attitude. Who's your daddy now, you little pricks?

10000 € Stretch Goal - Free Ballistic Punch (Piston Extra Arm)

If we get to 10000 €, all pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive an additional arm for the Junkers Starter Pack's Piston for free. This arm will be equipped with a Ballistic punch to replace his Heavy blade, a gruesome weapon to instill fear in the heart of his enemies.

10500 € Stretch Goal - Free Faction Pins

At 10500 € euros you will be able to show off your faction with true pride. All pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive a set of faction pins for free, one for each of the three available so far. If you go down the street and recognise a rival player, you will be able to chin each other out! Fun!

12000 € Stretch Goal - Ganger Badass Add-on

Reach the 12000 € goal and you will unlock this mean motherfu**er to add to the existing catalog of miniatures. A brand new Ganger Badass equipped with Shotgun, duster and a cool pose to scare the hell out of those muties, will become available for you to buy individually or add to any existing pledge for 8 euros, like the other minis included in the "Rummagin' through trash" pledge! Yeah, baby!

13000 € Stretch Goal - Free Grumpy Pet

At 13000 € we have a media star waiting for you! Yes, it's him! It's the fraggin' Grumpy Cat you love and adore from the Internet! All pledge levels with access to the unlockable extras will receive this not-so-friendly pet for free, to use as you like to make company to other minis in your faction. Warning, may bite without provocation!


All designs, modelling, production and painting processes will be carried out in Spain with the best materials and professionals available. All the miniatures of this campaign will be made in white metal, with the only exception of Eightfingers (the Indiegogo exclusive miniature) which will be cast in high quality resin and won't be available to buy at hobby shops or online stores once this campaign is over (but we reserve our rights to offer it during some special weekend events or shows).

Design: Marco Paraja
Sculptors: Leonardo Escovar, Sergio Alonso, Julen Galparsoro, Iván Santurio
3D Design: RN Estudio
Resin Casting: RN Estudio
White Metal Casting: Bigchild Creatives
Manufacturing: Bad Roll Games
Painting: Bigchild Creatives

About the dreaded shipping costs

All packages will be shipped from Spain, by signed for mail and with tracking number. PLEASE ADD the following amount to your total pledge to cover the shipping costs:
Spain: 5 €
European Union: 9 €
Rest of the World: 13 €

To keep these shipping costs to a minimum, all miniatures, extras, bases, markers or anything else included in this campaign will be sent to our backers without any type of blister or box that could increase them due to its bulk or additional weight. If you want to receive your goodies in their proper box or packaging, please tell us so at the end of the campaign, but be aware that you will have to pay for the additional handling and shipping costs.

Risks, challenges and deadlines

Our previous work backs us up. We are a firm working on the miniature market for more than a year now and those companies we collaborate with deserve our greatest trust. Besides, as you can never be sure that you won’t have any setback during the process, we have not only secured several modellers for this campaign, but we also have some more “in reserve” in case any of them fails us.

Our aim is to be able to serve all the miniatures, items and extras unlocked in this campaign within a deadline of six months time from its end. That is, we expect you to have all your nice goodies for Christmas. We have deliberately set quite a generous deadline for this project to compensate any unforeseen mishap, but being honest, if everything goes as expected we hope to deliver all the stuff even sooner.

If someone choose its rewards only among those we have already in stock (and have no claim rights to any new unlocked extra), we will send their miniatures in a two weeks time counting from the campaign end.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Support the Wasteland

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
For unknown reasons you like us and what we do, so you have decided to fork out some greens. See the description of this pledge in the main page.
5 claimed

Spain Shipping Costs

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
You can use this pledge level to add your shipping costs to Spain if you haven't already added them to your chosen reward.
34 claimed

Rummagin' through trash

Currency Conversion $9 USD
€8 EUR
Grab any mini you want from our catalogue for 8 € each, except the Pit Beast and the exclusive IndieGogo celebrity which are 9 € each. See the description of this pledge in the main page. See the info about the shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
21 claimed

European Union Shipping Costs

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€9 EUR
You can use this pledge level to add your shipping costs to European Union if you haven't already added them to your chosen reward.
8 claimed

Rest of the World Ship. Costs

Currency Conversion $14 USD
€13 EUR
You can use this pledge level to add your shipping costs to Rest of the World if you haven't already added them to your chosen reward.
3 claimed

Scrapbridge neighbor

Currency Conversion $46 USD
€42 EUR
A Starter Pack of your choice, including the Junkers one (RRP 39.95 €) + exclusive mini (RRP 10.95 €) + extras. Total RRP value 50.90 €+. See the description of this pledge in the main page. See the info about the shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
36 claimed

Twice as good

Currency Conversion $81 USD
€74 EUR
Two Starter Packs of your choice, including the Junkers one (RRP 79.90 €) + exclusive mini (RRP 10.95 €) + extras. Total RRP value 90.85 €+. See the description of this pledge in the main page. See the info about the shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
8 claimed

Wasteland hoarder

Currency Conversion $131 USD
€120 EUR
All the Punkapocalyptic catalogue (five Gangers, five Mutards, Pit Beast and Junker sniper) plus the new Junker Starter Pack (RRP 143.30 €) + exclusive mini (RRP 10.95 €) + extras. Total RRP value 154.25 €+. See the description of this pledge in the main page. See the info about the shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
13 claimed

Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla

Currency Conversion $1,092 USD
€1,000 EUR
An exclusive miniature designed entirely the way you want it + Junkers Starter Pack (RRP 39.95 €) + exclusive mini (RRP 10.95 €) + extras. See the description of this pledge in the main page. See the info about the shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Scrapbridge neighbor (Ely brd)

Currency Conversion $41 USD
€38 EUR
Only -1 left
sold out

Twice as good (Early bird)

Currency Conversion $74 USD
€68 EUR
20 out of 20 of claimed
sold out

Wasteland hoarder (Early bird)

Currency Conversion $120 USD
€110 EUR
12 out of 12 of claimed

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