Rebuild the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center
Rebuild the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center
Rebuild the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center
Rebuild the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center
Rebuild the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center
This campaign is closed
Rebuild the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center
After helping the other islands and animals of the Caribbean with supplies and veterinarian services post Hurricane Irma, the St.Croix Animal Welfare Center (SCAWC) was decimated by Hurricane Maria. The animals in the shelter had flown to the states with less than 36 hours earlier, so there were no fatalities, thankfully. However, the SCAWC is the ONLY shelter for animals on St.Croix and clearly will not be able to serve that function. We are working on an emergency interim solution for that, but need help to REBUILD a new shelter that will be able to better care for our island animals. All of the money from this funding project will go to support dog, cat and even equine care and education. PLEASE help us! In the past two years we have turned the shelter into a place where lives are spared and animals find homes. The medical clinic we just built is still intact and only has minor damage, so if we can SHELTER the animals we can make them whole. If you need more details, can offer us products or services, or can help promote us...please message me privately. Our motto: "Their lives are in our hands" has never been more meaningful.