Some people have the power to change the world.
![Reconomy Reconomy]()
Everyone should be empowered to nurture and protect their own dreams, the people they love and the ground beneath their feet.
Please join us in building the world of the future
with the money of the future.
"Among the most important sectoral currencies." People Money, Triarchy Press.
"You're right about local money." Hazel Henderson, recipient 1996 Global Citiizen Award.
"Intriguing ideas." Noam Chomsky, author Manufactured Consent,
"Go viral, baby!" Benjamin Roberts, Co-founder and Steward at Occupy Cafe
"Fine Initiative." Ross Jackson, founder/chairman of Gaia Trust.
"Give a Little loves Reconomy, SunMoney and People Power Stations!" Wendy Smith, author Give a Little.
"I think SunMoney is a very thoughtful idea with many variations." Andrius Kulikauskas, Director of MInciu Sodas.
"Very interesting and important message." Alexandra Bruce, Forbidden Knowledge TV.
"Great stuff." Joel Hodroff, Founder and CEO of DualCurrency Systems.
"I really like your concepts." Jose Luis Gutierrez, Global Currency Project.
"SunMoney is brilliant. We are going to witness Bucky’s dream come true." Corrina McFarlane
The Reconomy Global Cooperative
Building the world of the future with the money of the future.
You join our global community using its own local money and Global Timebank. Your contribution is matched with SunMoney deposited directly into your mobile-based member account (up to $100).
This week, as our campaign gears up, we're doubling the matching SunMoney for contributions of $25, to encourage you to contribute at the "Sponsor" level to sponsor a membership for a poor family in our alpha community.
You can spend SunMoney in your local marketplace anywhere or Statewide marketplace in the US, and also purchase renewable energy at a discount from you neighborhood People Power Station.
And every contibutor has full access to our Global Timebank, to trade services, hour-for-hour, around the globe or down the street.
We're building the world of the future with the money of the future.
Money might be our most important technology. And it's long overdue for an upgrade.
![Reconomy Sun Coin and Timebank icons Animation of Sun Coin icon becoming Timebank icon]()
Reconomy's Sun Dollar & Global Timebank work together.
1. Our democratically controlled global cooperative
![Reconomy Global Cooperative Reconomy Global Cooperative]()
pays people with SunMoney
![SunCoin small icon SunCoin icon 60 pix]()
to develop renewable energy at their community's People Power Stations
![PPS Logo PPS Logo]()
2. Then we discount the electricity when purchased with SunMoney.
3. And we connect every particpant through our Global Timebank
![Global Timebank small icon timebank icon 60 pix]()
to trade services, hour for hour, tax-free.
SunMoney is real money, so it works right beside national money, but it's for community use only, and so the demand created by the discount keeps it circulating locally, building marketplaces that empower us to nurture and protect the people we love and the ground beneath our feet.
The Reconomy Global Timbank compensates participants for the time they spend helping each other, around the globe and down the street, providing each individual an additional opportunity for profitable employment in a global community of motivated, mutual support.
This works almost anywhere because most places have sufficient natural resources to develop a sustainable community marketplace that meets all their essential needs - they only need the money and energy to do it. Our alpha pilot is ready to go in Pabal, India, and our next pilot is planned for Barnstable County, Massachusetts.
You can find detailed info with cost-benefit analyses online at
This Reconomy crowdfunding campaign is the launch of our membership crowdsourcing as well.
Hi. My name is Kevin Parcell, from Massachusetts, USA. I invented SunMoney, and I'm the director of our crowdsourcing campaign.
![Not everybody loves my work! Kevin and Dune]()
Not everybody likes my work so much! (I'm the one on the left)
I started developing the Sunmoney strategy ten years ago as a way to reduce hunger and poverty. And in 2006, I presented it at the UNESCO-sponsored International Disaster Reduction Conference as a way for governments to protect their people. There, a number of non-government organizations invited me to bring it to their communities in Asia and Africa...but governments are not so much interested in sharing power with the back to the drawing board.
In 2009, I introduced the new plan - People Power Stations - at my online "One Bicycle per Person" group. This is a way for people to implement SunMoney in communities as a for-profit endeavor, either as private entrepreneurs or collectively - even in the most affluent communties. There was an enthusiastic response, so in 2010 I travelled across India to begin to put a pilot project together. Then I went back to school for a year for training as a green energy manager so that I could help design the energy systems and make this happen.
Along the way, I've gathered excellent help, all volunteer. These people are modest (some of them anyway :) but they know that I need to tell you about their work.
I've teamed up with BoPEEI - Bottom of Pyramid Energy & Environmental Innovations.
![Link to BoPEEI BoPEEI Brochure]()
BoPEEI Chakra Generator
I met their co-owner, Ashish Gawade (inset above), while traveling across India, and he had our technology in production by January 2011. It has already started winning awards. They are on a mission to serve India, and I hope we can help them with that.
Net Impact Pune is providing logistical support, such as finding answers to legal and technical questions and helping select researchers.
![Link to NIPune NIPune visits People Power Station site]()
Crew from Net Impact Pune visits project site
They are the top international chapter of the Net Impact global community of business professionals for the last three years straight, committed to advancing social enterprise. One of their co-presidents, Prashant Sachdev (inset above), offered their help and has been their key person on this since January 2010. A half dozen of their members have had a hand in developing our pilot north of Pune.
The location for our demo project is being provided by Vigyan Ashram School.
Project site is VA campus on east side of center of Pabal, India
VA operates a network of schools dedicated to hands-on education and equal opportunity for both boys and girls, and is internationally known for advancing innovations that serve all of rural India. There, we begin with pedal-generators to replace kersosene with better, cleaner, safer, and more afforable LED lighting. This brings the poorest of the poor into the marketplace by providing them with profitable work. As our neighborhood marketplaces grow we upgrade with solar, wind and other neighborhood-scale energy technologies, until we achieve sustainable prosperity: full partcipation in the global marketplace and the community strength to provide for all essential needs locally.
![link to Swavalanban study Cover of Swavalamban study of pedal-power for India]()
VA was a key particpant in the Swavalamban Study that established the potential of pedal-power in rural India. Swavalamban is the Hindi word for Self-reliance. VA might also provide quite a bit of logistical support and many other schools for Station locations as we begin to scale-up.
Matthew Slater, is a team leader at Community Forge, and has been consulting for me on this project since 2009, helping just about every step of the way. He is a software developer specializing in community currency systems, and has first-hand knowledge of alternative currency systems in India as well as of time-based currency system designs. Lots of people have advised me very valuably on these financial and cyberspace intricacies, and Matthew's cross-cutting knowledge has helped me keep it all together.
Johanna Rain Parry co-founded and directs Natural Villages, and is our chief advisor on building. Rain is a leader in natural construction for people, which is pretty important when building green-energy power stations and a sustainable future.
![Link to Natural Villages Johanna Rain Parry]()
Hummingbird Wrangler and Chief at Natural Villages
Rain co-founded and directs Natural Villages, and is our chief advisor on building. I'm now the CEO of the India branch of her outfit, Natural Villages Charitable Trust of India, which will be the organization overseeing our pedal-power demonstration project. She asked me to join my sustainable marketplace efforts to her natural housing efforts, and it seems a good fit. Lohit Garg and Sawinder Singh are our Trustees in India, two gentlemen who've chosen to make a difference. (Rain stands a lot taller than she looks in the pic she gave me.)
Cyclos open-source banking software will be the software foundation of our local and global systems.
![Cyclos - mobile banking for people Cyclos]()
Cyclos is the leading software for alternative currency worldwide.
Cyclos is a project directed by the Dutch STRO organization. They officially sponsored the presentation of my currency design at the International Disaster Reduction Conference in 2006. I think they are the best in developing cutting edge alternative currencies on the ground and on the net.
World Bicycle Relief has offered to supply us with their Buffalo-model work-bicycle at cost. WBR operates across Africa, and we'll be the first to offer their bicycle in Asia, which is pretty exciting!
![Link to World Bicycle Relief World Bicycle Relief Buffalo]()
Affordable transportation is essential to the future, and bicyles are just the right size for community marketplaces. So I did a study of this, and the Buffalo Bicycle is probably the toughest bicycle manufactured at any price, and theirs is under $150 (Obviously, they are not in this for the money). I also studied the use of bicycles in the Pune City area for six weeks, and saw that bicycles are the difference between subsistence and hope for tens of thousands of people there.
Integrating access to bicycles at People Power Stations through our work-to-own program will transform the lives of many more. I've set our fundraising goal at the minimum we need to launch, but if we exceed that amount then Buffalo bicylces are at the top of my list of technologies to introduce at our demo project.
We have dozens of other valued advisors and contributors, but I think you can see that the piece we are missing is you. The Reconomy Global Cooperative is yours, and means nothing without you because you are the people in people power.
We're here looking for 1000 people who like this idea enough to make a one-time contribution now. From there, our democratically controlled global cooperative can grow to reach everyone who wants in.
This a "fixed funding goal" campaign. If we don't find enough people to raise at least $19,000, then Indiegogo returns everyone's money. And so, if you contribute now you will be a part of making this happen, or your money back.
Here is rough breakdown of what we need to launch now online and in India:
- $6000 Timebank web site assembly & field testing
- $2000 Timebank graphic design
- $2000 Timebank maintenance contract
- $500 Pedal-power generator and related electronics.
- $500 Stock of lamps
- $2000 Manager of power station (supplemented with income from operations)
- $6000 Two researches for three months ($3000 each).
Initial setup up the Global Timebank plus its operation for one year has a total estimated cost of approximately $10,000 to build, test, launch, and serve the 1000 founding members from around the world plus 1000 that they sponsor from our alpha community.
As you can see above, our pedal-power Station for developing sustainable marketplaces in off-grid communities is a very low-cost start-up. Many entreprenuers will be able to launch for as little as a few hundred dollars as our community grows and we achieve economy of scale. The margin is good, with rapid expansion. There are 80,000 villages off-grid in India alone, waiting for money, energy, and help from you to get us started.
The additional cost of experienced managers and researchers is vital to documenting this initial project as a template for entrepreneurs to follow. I have a benefit-cost analysis at, where you will also find the description and benefit-cost analysis for our pilot planned in Massachusetts (my home State) as a demonstration of the SunMoney strategy in developed communities.
Reconomy will put individuals to work as independent business owners bringing money, green energy, and global support to their communities. And our Cooperative's membership can micro-finance start-ups, individually or collectively, as needed.
Right now, we have plans on hold for pilots in a dozen nations, both rural and urban - from Haiti to the Philippines to the USA to Uganda and beyond - while we focus on this demo so that we can consolidate our resources and put your help to best use by getting it right from the word go.
You join our global community using its own local money and Global Timebank. Your contribution is matched with SunMoney deposited directly into your mobile-based member account (up to $100).
This week, as our campaign gears up, we're doubling the matching SunMoney for contributions of $25, to encourage you to contribute at the "Sponsor" level to sponsor a membership for a poor family in our alpha community.
You can spend SunMoney in your local marketplace anywhere or Statewide marketplace in the US, and also purchase renewable energy at a discount from you neighborhood People Power Station.
And every contibutor has full access to our Global Timebank, to trade services, hour-for-hour, around the globe or down the street.
$10 contribution or more
Membership in Reconomy Global Cooperative. Our members will use the online Timebank to trade their services in our global community, hour for hour, around the world or down the street. This will provide the skills, info, and resources needed to build neighborhood-scale power plants and sustainable marketplaces almost anywhere. he Timebank also connects every particpant to access material resources through the Cooperative.
Membership gives you an equal vote in the Cooperative, and the rights to post your service in the Timebank Global Catalogue, and to qualify to use SunMoney in your local SunMoney marketplace by offering your product or service (streetsweeper to physician, or even something entirely new). Plus you get S$10 (S$10 means 10 Sun Dollars, equivalent to 10 USD) deposited in your local community account.
By US law, only members of our network will be eligable to invest in the Cooperative during our 2013 crowd-investing campaign.
$25 contribution or more
Same as $10, plus you sponsor a member in our demonstration marketplace in India, which includes their first year of internet access at their People Power Station. Plus S$25 instead of S$10 in your local community account.
$100 contribution or more
Same as $25, plus your name will be inscribed on the wall when a SunMoney community builds our International Center using natural materials. Plus S$100 instead of S$25 in your local community account.
$500 contribution
Same as $100, plus a Reconomy "River of Dawn" t-shirt.
$1000 contribution
Same as $500. Plus two additional t-shirts.
$10,000 contribution
You get to name our First Power Station in India!(Within culturally acceptable norms). Plus you get a "River of Dawn" t-shirt.
$100,000 contribution
You name your neighborhood People Power Station, within culturally acceptable norms, and your contribution is dedicated first to its implementation and boosting your local SunMoney marketplace. Plus a "River of Dawn" t-shirt.
$1,000,000 contribution
You name our International Center after person of your choice (within culturally acceptable norms)! Plus you get a big say in the location, and we use your funds to jumpstart the SunMoney community in that location. Plus a "River of Dawn" t-shirt in your size (Assuming it will fit over your head after you see your name above the door)!
Only contributors are eligable to become member-investors in the Cooperative in 2013. Members will collectively direct the Cooperative. Member-investors share profit from our social enterprises, such as from advertising in our online catalogues.
This is a fixed goal campaign - $19,000 - so your financial contribution WILL make it real OR your money back!
Most Frequently Asked Question:
How do people get SunMoney?
SunMoney enters circulation as compensation for work and other material support. People who are building, maintaining, and operating People Power Stations have the option of accepting Sun Dollars as pay, and people contributing material resources, such a national currency, get some SunMoney in return. It's deposited directly into their personal online account. The membership of the Global Cooperative can decide collectively to establish other methods to distribute SunMoney, such as through micro-lending or charitable giving. It's up to the people who join because it's their money.
You can also acquire Sunmoney selling goods and services in your SunMoney local or regional marketplace.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute money, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help: Please help get the word out and make some noise about the Reconomy campaign. (You can use the Indiegogo share tools.)
Thank you People Money for recognizing SunMoney in 2012 edition as "among the most important sectoral currencies"!
We're aimimg to go live with our Global Time Bank on Earth Day, 2013. Please help us make it.
The Reconomy Global Cooperative
Building the world of the future with the money of the future.