Background Information
Many women veterans are under a tremendous amount of physical, mental and psychological stress. Across the country female veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from Military Sexual Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Military Sexual Trauma is any kind of unwanted sexual attention or assault. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that is triggered by a traumatic event. The symptoms associated with both illnesses are depression, anger, isolation, thoughts of suicide and difficulty sleeping. Unfortunately many women vets turn to drugs and alcohol to help them cope with these symptoms.
The healing process can be difficult for women vets because not only are they trying to cope with the symptoms of MST and PTSD but unemployment, hunger and homelessness. The unemployment rate for veterans is higher than the general population and the number of homeless female veterans more than doubled from 2006 -2010
Making A Difference/Saving Lives
Research has proven that massage therapy and meditation decreases anxiety, depression and fatigue. It also improves concentration, increases energy levels and allows one to sleep comfortably. Wouldn’t it be great if we could give as many women veterans as we can a day at the spa? Imagine the impact a few hours of pampering can have on their health and well being. Women who have not been able to sleep may finally be able to rest peacefully. For those who are depressed and contemplating suicide, their experience at this event may be the very thing that saves their life.
Women veterans have volunteered to serve our country. Now it is time for us to serve and acknowledge the sacrifices they’ve made. Together we can create a space where they can relax, revive and rejuvenate their love for people and life.
One Woman's Story
Please watch these two videos on YouTube if you want to know more about MST. Tara Jones Wise speaks about her experience with MST. If you are like me, you won’t be able to hold back the tears.