Introducing the RLS-H Formula™
Real Relief For People With Restless Legs
This campaigned has ended, you can now purchase The RLS-H Formula online at: |
Deaming Headlight |
Miami Herald |
Pittsburg Post |
SunHerald |
Mercury News |
Inside Bay Area |
Kansas City StarWith
our New Seal of Approval (granted in late 2012) by Health Canada, we are now allowed to make
RLS-H Formula™ available everywhere. This means the
RLS-H Formula™ can now be sold in your local drug store, pharmacy, health food store, grocery store, corner store and gas stations for convenience in Canda and the rest of the world.
People who suffer from restless legs will finally get the relief they need without the nasty side effects some drugs can bring. BUT WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Here is how you can help. We are looking to conduct more studies into restless legs, ramp up production, increase our inventory, increase our marketing efforts, grow our team so we can get this product in the hands of people who suffer from restless legs.
We need you to buy a perk (right hand side of the page) so you can get relief yourself and help support us at the same time.
If you do not have restless legs please ask your friends if they do by posting the question "Does anyone have restless legs" on your Facebook page, Google + page, Twitter or Blog asking if anyone has restless legs. Then please point them to our campaign. If they have restless legs, they will be forever GRATEFUL!
Gail from Texas wrote us:
"I still don't
understand why, but opening up a capsule of RLS-H Formula™and placing it
on my tongue kills my leg discomfort better than ibuprofen ever could."
Debby from Florida wrote us:
"Oh my God! I watched my boyfriend who is constantly moving around while we watch a movie together
calm down after 20 minutes taking the first pill. If I did not see it I would not believe it."
Ryan from Australia wrote us:
"Just a short note to let you known, I have started taking Restless Legs Support™ and so far no restless legs, thank God."
There are a lot of people with restless legs who are suffering for no reason. Some people take prescription medications, some people have adjusted their life style around it and some people simply suffer with it assuming this is their lot in life. That changes today!
Do I have Restless Legs
Restless legs is a horrible condition that affects people and their spouses every day. People with restless legs can experience symptoms all day, at the end of the day, while trying to fall asleep or while sleeping thus keeping their partners up with their tossing and turning.
Restless legs has been described in many ways, however the best way to describe this horrible feeling is the inability to get comfortable when you want to get comfortable.
If you can't get comfortable at the end of the day when you sit down to relax by reading a book or watching TV and feel like you need to stretch your legs or just can't get comfortable, then you have restless legs.
If while you're in meetings, driving your car, or other types of rest position and feel like you need to stretch your legs or can't get comfortable and need to move them every 30 seconds or so, then you have restless legs.
If when you go to sleep and have to keep tossing and turning because you can't get comfortable, then you have restless legs.
If you wake up in the middle of the night (usually around 3am) and can't fall asleep because you can't get comfortable, then you have restless legs.
If your spouse wakes you up at night because they toss and turn and have the covers wrapped around them, then they have restless legs.
According to Shawn Sauve, creator of the RLS-H Formula™, he states, "We are always amazed at how many people have restless legs who do not even know it. When we describe the feelings, it brings most people to say, "I get that sometimes" or "I get that all the time.", "It is horrible...What is it." A lot of people think that the discomfort is simply their lot in life."
Some people get restless legs so often and so severely that they end up on a number of pharmaceutical drugs and are forced to deal with the horrible side effects.
Now there is real relief with no side effects.
Trong from Alberta, Canada wrote us:
"My father constantly complained about his sore legs at night. He went to every doctor he could find and nothing. After trying Restless Legs Support™, the first night his legs calmed down. WOW!!"
Will the RLS-H Formula Work For Me?
have been selling this product for years and I have spoken with
thousands of people who suffer from restless legs. We can divide people
into 3 groups to help you determine if the product is right for you.
Note: The RLS-H Formula has no recorded interaction(s) with any pharmaceutical drugs.
Group #1 - You take little to no
pharmaceutical drugs and you are relatively healthy. You have restless
legs. If this is you, you have a 90% chance the product will work the
first day. If one of your parents or siblings has it, the chance this product
working instantly shoots up from here.
Group #2 - You do take
pharmaceutical drugs for a number of ailments and you have restless
legs. If this is you, the chances of it working the first day is 50/50.
In most cases the product can take a few days to become 100% effective.
Relief is usually found within the week.
Group #3 - You
are taking one of the pharmaceutical drugs that doctors often prescribe for
restless legs. If this is you, again you have a 50/50 chance the product
will work the first night. In most cases, people take both the RLS-H
Formula™ with their drugs for a few nights then begin "weening"
themselves off the drugs slowly. We have a protocol for this and will be
offering instruction conference calls hosted by Shawn Sauve, Creator of
the RLS-H Formula™ for more help.
What is in the RLS-H Formula™
The RLS-H Formula™ contains a really high grade of magnesium (750mg, Health Canada will say 427mg which is the elemental measurement) from an organic source (it is not organic - organic source means that it is from a source that is food-based) that means that your body can assimilate or use it better than other forms. Also we have mixed in a few herbs to ensure absorption. Finally what makes the difference is the two types of magnesium and particle size. It took us a long time to get the formula to this point.
It does not surprise us that you may have tried various forms of magnesium or magnesium and calcium in the past like I did and found no results.
The RLS-H Formula™ is different and it just works.
Carol from Arkansas wrote us:
"My whole life I suffered from Restless Legs.
I even started working the night shift because my legs were so bad. I
went to every doctor and specialist I could find with no success. Last
night I tried your pills, and my legs were fine for the first time in
years. When I say fine, I mean no twitchy or creepy crawlies. I sat
there and started to cry because for the first time in my life, I did
not know what to do with myself. Thank you!
What we decided to do is not post the ingredients on this site but to provide the link below to Health Canada's Website so you can see for yourself. So please do not go to the link right now please continue reading. You can click on the link after you're done. The link for Health Canada is below.
Help us Help others!
We are looking for your support to help us END RESTLESS LEGS NOW!
With your help we are going to ramp up production, expand our marketing campaigns, expand our support and training campaigns and make the product available everywhere, so we can reach as many people as possible who have restless legs. Typically companies like us seek out seasoned investors, venture capitalists and the like to help fund the growth. We decided to go the other way because of the freedom this brings us.
By using crowdfunding and not investors, we are free to make decisions that help us reach our goal of ending the suffering of people with restless legs. If we went the investor route that would change everything; the price, where we manufacture, who we work with, how we do things, etc.
Crowdfunding allows us to keep the product at a price point that makes sense and allows us to keep the manufacturing in North America and not Asia. This is very important to us and to people who suffer from restless legs.
Also we care about people's health and we want to stay that way. With investors, again that would change, it becomes all about the money.
So we decided to raise money this way by offering STEEP discounts for the product in return for your support for two reasons. We have perks for people and perks for retail stores on the right side.
1 - It helps us raise money so we can make the product available everywhere so that people with restless legs can find relief.
2 - So we can get the product out there and create the buzz that is needed so everyone can see that the product works. That is our secret marketing tactic.
After this crowdfunding campaign ends, the bottles will be available for $31.99 online and in retail stores across North America. You can take advantage of the discounts today so you can find relief now and help us help others at the same time.
If you have restless legs or know of people who have restless legs, you know how horrible this is. Help us stop people's needless suffering by supporting us here, by buying one of the perks and telling your friends and family members about us.
Final Thoughts
If you have restless legs and have tried everything to find relief, do not give up. The RLS-H Formula™ does completely relieve the symptoms of restless legs. We have success stories after success stories of how this product has changed people's lives. We have tried to make it 100% risk free so that you have nothing to lose by trying it.
You do not need to suffer any longer.
Help us to help you and others who suffer. Support us by buying one the perks on the side.
Thank you!
Health Canada
To view the ingredients, use the link below. It will bring you to Health Canada's Licensed Natural Health Products Database where you can view our license. It will also state our ingredients. Our Natural Product Number (NPN) is: 80031947. The link will open up another window.
Health Canada's Licensed Natural Health Product Database NPN # 80031947![]()