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Restraint & Revolution: 'Burn for the Arts' Tour

Help an amazing cultural artist ship her paintings across America!

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Restraint & Revolution: 'Burn for the Arts' Tour

Restraint & Revolution: 'Burn for the Arts' Tour

Restraint & Revolution: 'Burn for the Arts' Tour

Restraint & Revolution: 'Burn for the Arts' Tour

Restraint & Revolution: 'Burn for the Arts' Tour

Help an amazing cultural artist ship her paintings across America!

Help an amazing cultural artist ship her paintings across America!

Help an amazing cultural artist ship her paintings across America!

Help an amazing cultural artist ship her paintings across America!

Rose Adare
Rose Adare
Rose Adare
Rose Adare
2 Campaigns |
Keaau, United States
$5,939 USD by 88 backers
$5,784 USD by 86 backers on Jun 20, 2015
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Aloha! My name is Rose Adare, I’m an evocative artist disabled by a muni train in 2005. To get through the hard times, I began painting truly inspiring, brilliant, out of the box people, and now I have solid offers for shows guaranteed in Oakland, San Francisco, Seattle, AND Brooklyn, NY! But I need your help to get there! 

I’m not asking for plane tickets or hotels. I’ll sleep on couches and eat ramen. But I need help with shipping and production costs.

I’ve had three amazing shows already, at the Hawaii Museum of Contemporary Art The J+ Gallery in Holualoa, and the prestigious Maui Arts & Cultural Center's Schaefer Portrait Gallery, but now it’s time to reach the mainland.

Hawai'i is 75 miles across and is 2,467 miles from California.  That's a long distance to move 31 paintings, 5 plexiglass shadowboxes, and 35 plexiglass descriptions—especially when some of the paintings are 10 x 7 feet! The powerful success behind Restraint & Revolution “took a village,” and now it’ll “take a continent” to move across the ocean.  

I paint people—dynamic, fascinating, multicultural role models changing the world through art, music, and social activism. As an educational art tour, Restraint & Revolution shares their biographies with their portraits to begin a conversation with the audience—a conversation about social taboo’s in the 21st century. Sex. Gender. Age. Body Image. Disability. Free Expression. Spiritual Identity. What does it mean to challenge social norms, today? Each mind-blowing model in Restraint & Revolution wears a form of corsetry as a symbol of social restraint and personal revolution.

Some of my 40 inspirational models include:

  • Queer sexologist, Carol Queen.
  • Native American advocate & Academy Award winning folk legend,       Buffy Sainte-Marie
  • One of America’s leading GLBTQ public speakers, Kimberly Dark.
  • Olympic Medalist & Motivational Speaker, Annetta Lucero
  • Body-Mod artist & Guinness World Record holder, Kala Kaiwi
  • Epic Burning Man sculptor & founder of American Steel, Karen Cusolito
  • Whirling Dervish and founder of Velocity Circus, Gregangelo.
  • Astounding visual makeup couture, Devin Mohr
  • Choreographer & Stanford's Artistic Director of Black Performing Arts, Robert Moses. 
  • Actress and Olympic Medalist, Dreya Weber 
  • Culinary Chef & Food body Artist, Tiberio Simone 
  • Sister of Perpetual Indulgence, Sister Eve Volution
  • Genderqueer adult performer, Jiz Lee
  • And Iconic Singer-Song Writer, Jason Webley

close-up of (left) "Primal Buddha" Kala Kaiwi and (right) "Talk Story" Joshua Lanakila Mangauil

Likewise, just as corsetry evolved from chaste undergarments to scandalous lingerie, Restraint & Revolution reclaims classical portraiture as a new form of evocative art. As an art series, Restraint & Revolution pushes the boundaries of classical and contemporary art by uniting traditional mediums with wild diversity. Portraits you would never see in a museum before, are finally making their entrance.  


STRETCH GOAL is $7,550! Only $2000 more!

Help me get these amazing paintings to New York!

I’ve been offered a 2500sq gallery for a month in Brooklyn, with an opening, mid-point event and closing show! This will give me time to court other museums and galleries in New York. AND I will be painting through-out, so people can come and watch me. So New Yorkers, get me to the Big Apple!!!!  I'll even paint one of your own and unveil them at the closing show!!!

  • $1500 for round trip shipping from California, to New York, back to California.
  • $250 for promotional materials for all 3 events in NY.
  • $300 food for 3 events in NY.

My first goal was achieved! Restraint & Revolution from Hawaii, to Oakland, to San Francisco; will fund and promote three events at American Steel Studios, The Academy of Art University, and the San Francisco Center for Sex & Culture; and initial storage.  

  • $750 for packing supplies & to build 2 more shipping crates (5x4x4ft) I have 5 crates already built & paid for! FYI materials in Hawai'i are pricy.
  • $1500 to ship door to door from Hawai’i to Oakland, CA.
  • $1000 for show costs, including fuel (fire performers/flaming sculptures) + permits + security, for all 3 events. 
  • $750 for promotional materials for all 3 events.
  • $500 to transport paintings to each event, including U-haul rental for 3 days + plus gas + help lifting crates.  
  • $1000 Food & Beverages for all 3 events.

Total $5500, for three amazing art shows in California, spreading the message of 40 inspiring people working hard to improve our world.

American Steel Studios. Oakland CA.
Aug 15th 2015

Restraint & Revolution: Burn for the Arts.

A one night extravaganza! This will be the only time Restraint & Revolution will ever be shown in its entirety. American Steel Studios is a 6 acre warehouse of amazing sculptures and fire toys; the Burning Man factory, if you will. There, we will begin with a huge, one night event, so wear your wildest corsets and costumes!

Center for Sex & Culture San Francisco Aug 19th to Aug 30th

Opening, Saturday, Aug 22nd 5:30 – 9:30
Art Talk and Book reading, Sunday Aug. 23rd 2:00 to 5:30
Panel Discussion, Thursday Aug. 27th 6:00 to 9:00                                All Things Yummy, Sun. Aug. 30th, 6 to 9

A special series of events featuring Restraint & Revolution at San Francisco’s amazing Center for Sex & Culture. Combining sensuality, curiosity, and sheer genius, the CSC is a beautiful host in the heart of San Francisco.

Academy of Art University at the Cannery

Sept. 3rd to Sept. 27nd

Opening is Thursday Sept 4th 5:30 – 7:30

A one month exhibition featuring nine originals from Restraint & Revolution at my old alma mater. A classy, high-brow affair, so wear your best!

Risk Evaluation

your perks no matter what! 

If I am running behind I'll let everyone know immediately, I did add wiggle room into the dates and I am good at deadlines too. :)

Other Important Information

  • Shipping is included if you are in the U.S.  For those outside of the U.S, please contact me and I will ship in the least expensive way and take off what shipping would be for the states. Let Restraint & Revolution travel the world!  
  • IndieGogo doesn't let you combine multiple rewards, you will have to complete the process for each reward you want, I am sorry about this, but I greatly thank you for your support!
  • As soon as the campaign is over, I'll start getting the perks out and singing your praises, actually I'll probably sing them immediately with an impromptu dance!
  • Please contact me at if you have any questions, or comments, I look forward to hearing from old friends and making some new ones!

Other Ways To Help

  • Getting the word out is the big battle, Please pass this to those who like art, those that might like the perks, oh just everyone!  
 At the top of this page you can find Indiegogo's share tools and use them to share this campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin.  Here is the link to this campaign if you just want to copy and paste it from here:
  • I could use help with moving the painting around from town to town
  • Promoting the shows
  • I would LOVE to show in other areas. Museums and Galleries are hard to cold call, it really helps to have an introduction!
  • You can always just donate or be a patron, the arts needs more patrons.

  • To all the Amazing Artists, Performers and Creators in this series, it's because of you that these paintings exist!
  • Corset Designers: Dark Garden and Iris Viacrusis for adding continuity to this series and a splash of "wow"
  • Alex Stitt for your support and help in creating these videos, text and overall well being of my art and health!
  • Liz Ambrose for amazing tech support with Indiegogo!
  • HMOCA: Hawai'i Museum of Contemporary Art and Lourdan Kimbrell for your continued support on the art endeavor!
  • To all my friends, family and family to be, thank you for your love and support!

The BEST part of my life is my friends and family and that includes you!

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Choose your Perk


Hardbound Baby!

$45 USD
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" HARD BOUND. All 120 glorious pages for you to hold in your hands! And.... a hardy THANK YOU with a virtual Hug!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
9 out of 40 of claimed

Mahalo and Thank you!

$1 USD
A personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug! Every little bit helps and I really appreciate it!
0 claimed

E-Book a-Go-Go!

$10 USD
"Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" E-Book, and... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug!
3 claimed

Didgi Down!

$10 USD
I will send you either a 5x7" of "Mahalo Nui Loa" or "Restraint & Revolution" promotional e-poster via the web for you to print up, admire and have instantly! and... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug!
2 claimed

Lil E-Bag-o-Goodies

$20 USD
"Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" E-Book + either a 5 x 7" "Mahalo Nui Loa"or "Restraint & Revolution" promotional e-poster for you to print up, admire, and have instantly! And... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug!
0 claimed

For All The Softies.

$25 USD
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL!!!"Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" SOFT COVER. All 120 glorious pages to hold in your hands! And... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
15 out of 40 of claimed

Still A Softy!

$30 USD
Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" SOFT COVER. All 120 glorious pages to hold in your hands! And... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug!
4 claimed

Juicy Giclee's

$75 USD
A half sized canvas gicle'e of your favorite image from my site (, signed by yours truly. And... a personal THANK YOU on my website, with a hardy, rather large virtual hug!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
5 out of 12 of claimed

Plethora of Perks

$75 USD
A SIGNED (Yes Signed! With a lil Rosey love message!) "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" HARD COVER. And...a 45 min DVD Restraint & Revolution Documentary! And a lip-stick kissed poster-card!
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
3 out of 50 of claimed

I Sketch You!!!

$80 USD
I will sketch you! Send me a picture and I will sketch you, tear the page out of my notebook and mail it to you. And Thank You on my website with a hardy virtual hug!
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
6 out of 10 of claimed

Two for Two!

$85 USD
I will send you 2 "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" HARD BOUND books. That's all 120 glorious pages for you to hold in your hands! One for each hand! And... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy virtual Hug!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
4 claimed

A Four-Some

$125 USD
Any four images from my website ( Around 13x19" (small poster size) printed on archival quality paper! And... "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare" E-Book. And... a personal THANK YOU on my website with a HUGE hug!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
4 claimed

I Draw You!

$250 USD
An 8x10" drawing of you or a loved one of your choice. This is an original (about ten hours of draw time). And...a personal THANK YOU on my website with a virtual kiss!
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
2 out of 5 of claimed

OH I want that on my wall!

$300 USD
A 3/4 size, signed Canvas Giclee of any 2x4 ft. painting on my site ( Retail value is $375, That's an 18x36", with a 2 1/2" border all the way around for easy "gallery wrap" stretching at your local frame store! (not stretched...remember I live in Hawai'i so it'll arrive rolled in a tube). And...a personal THANK YOU on my website with a hardy, virtual smooch!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 7 of claimed

I Want THAT One Too!

$400 USD
Here's a 3/4 size, signed Canvas Giclee of any 3x4 ft. painting on my site. Retail value is $485. That's a 24x36" with a 2 1/2" border all the way around for easy "gallery wrap" stretching at your local frame store! (Not stretched.remember I live in Hawai'i so it will arrive rolled in a tube). And a "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare," E-book. And.... a Massive Thank you & virtual smooch on the lips!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 7 of claimed

Wow, numbered and all!

$600 USD
A full size canvas giclee of any 2x4 ft. painting on my site. Retail value is $730. Signed by me and numbered (_/60 limited edition). A 2 1/2" border all the way around for easy "gallery wrap" stretching at your local frame store! (Not stretched. Remember I live in Hawai'i, so it will arrive rolled in a tube). And a "Restraint & Revolution" E-book. And... a Massive Thank You with a virtual smooch on the lips!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

I Paint You!

$1,750 USD
Yes, I would love to paint you, yes YOU!!!! 12x48 " . I'll walk you through a photo-shoot via phone or skype, or you can pop by my studio! Retail value $3100. And... "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare," HARD BOUND book, signed. And...A 45 min documentary! And...a personal THANK YOU on my website with a virtual smooch!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed

I Paint You, Bigger!

$3,100 USD
I will paint you! Yes YOU!!!! Only Bigger! 24x24". I'll walk you through a photoshoot via the phone or Skype if we need to! Retail value $4300. And "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare," HARD BOUND! All 120 glorious pages! And... the 45 min documentary. And a personal THANK YOU on my website with a virtual smooch on the lips!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed

Twinsy Time!!!

$4,800 USD
I will paint you, and another (couple portrait!), or you alone on a bigger canvas! 36x48 " (3x4ft) painting. I'll walk you through a photoshoot via the phone or Skype if we need. Retail value $5400. And "Restraint & Revolution: The Art of Adare," HARD BOUND book, signed. All 120 glorious pages with a 45 min documentary! And...a personal THANK YOU on my website with a virtual smooch!
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed

Forget the Virtual Kiss!

$5,000 USD
I will come to you, hardbound, signed book in hand, DVD too, with your favorite full sized limited edition giclee', buy ya dinner , give you an art lesson or two if you wish and we’ll have a lovely chat about art, life and everything! PS- if I can even bring them, I'll even spin fire for you! This perk is only available in the United States. Double it and I'll fly anywhere!
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 claimed
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