Short Summary
The Revolution of the Human Spirit is a fledgling and worldwide movement whose time has come! It is only due to COVID-19, quite unfortunately, that the American people and the world en masse has become aware of our profound problems. We see the so-called writing on the wall, and more importantly, we see that Global Warming has reached a tipping point. So what will exactly happen? What has the American media and the general media not told us?
It is that the four engines of Global Warming are the American, Chinese, Western European and Indian economies; and that they have been exponentially increasing their CO2 Emissions for the past 30 years. For us to have any hope of escaping or even mitigating Global Warming, these important economies would have to DECREASE THEIR CO2 EMISSIONS EXPONENTIALLY DURING THE NEXT 20-30 years. This is the major criterion that we need to examine when analyzing Global Warming, and this is the most important numerical figure from which we need to add or subtract from in order to figure out the harsh reality of our world-wide situation.
We are trying to create a website: so we can measure Global Warming and our other crises in Real Time. People en masse can participate and do the following: 1) Organize Protests, 2) Form Action/Support Groups, 3) Become more knowledgeable about Our Crises; 4) Gradually put The People and Mother Earth back in the driver's seat; 5) Learn Deep Meditation; 6) Revisit our Paradigms, Ideologies, and Memes and make them functional, sustainable and adaptable again; 7) Save the Earth so we can hand it down to future generations!
My name is Kevin Marley, and I have worked in aerospace, software, and education, and I have written 12 books on the mid-21st century. I'm more than competent to lead this effort and looking to have an en masse people's movement.
What We Need & What You Get
We are trying to bring attention to: so that as many people can get involved in an egalitarian manner and use their creative intelligence in terms of solving our problems. Governments and business, I assure you, won't do it! We need to rely on People Power, and this site will be different than others on that basis as they will be able to organize strikes and create an Agenda with a large enough umbrella that we can force politicians and business leaders to adopt it, or leave their positions.
What do you get?
You get a Thank You Card, a Revolution of the Human Spirit T-shirt, and your name as a Sponsor on our website. You get the satisfaction that you are on the Right Side of History and are doing what is needed to both expand human consciousness and to create a functional, sustainable, and adaptable agenda both politically and in terms of business, and even socially.
The Impact
We need to become aware of the 7 Benchmarks of the 21st Century and begin work on them not, not later. Our challenges and problems are only growing, and obviously, when this happens, Americans and other people buy into 'The Strong Man Myth' and fascism. We need to counter this by emphasizing People Power, the splitting of the atom of human potential, and the formation of individual Action/Support Groups.
This fledgling world-wide movement will only be as successful as the work we put into it. My only participation in this is to create an actual Plan for Peace and try to get as many people to participate.
Risks & Challenges
There are many risks and challenges to this project. But they are nothing to the risks and challenges that we face as a human race. This project needs exposure for as far as I know it is the only website that puts forth a functional and sustainable Peace Plan, addresses the expansion of human consciousness, and attempts to Don Quixote-like tip windmills by having large masses of people rescind the Enormous Power we give The Political Structure and Corporations on a daily basis. No one addresses that.
Other Ways You Can Help
Money is tight, and I understand if you can't help. I've been down and out myself as I've had depression for 20 years. If you still want to help, you can do the following: 1) Talk about us with enthusiasm and email all your friends and business acquaintances; 2) Put us on Your Facebook page. 3) Contact newspaper reporters and radio and TV stations so that we can get more exposure. In essence, we are not lying and being manipulative like just about everyone else, and we are not trying to sell you a product or service. We are trying to give You back to You and to protect Mother Earth. If we make mistakes down the road, we will immediately correct them.