Please Help Make This Film a Reality
My name is Mark Colombo and I have a film production company called
Black T Productions
I am from Parkersburg, WV and have a passion for film. This is my first full feature film, and I have two or three more that are in queue once ReZistance is complete.
We need to raise funds for post production costs. These include money for music used in the film, paying our special effects crew, money for fees to submit to film festivals and money for final distribution.
Below is the link to the trailer for the film. Please watch and enjoy.
ReZistance Trailer
Synopsis – Rezistance
Luke and Greta are siblings that were raised in the hills of West Virginia. Being pulled in opposite directions, Luke a retired police officer dedicating his life to serving his community, while Greta fell victim to the pull of the darkness from the woods.
From the beginning of time there has been a darkness that resides in the Appalachian mountainsides. That darkness knows how to whisper to those that are lost and compels them to do its bidding.
This day that darkness overcame the town of Parkersburg. An outbreak of Zombies begins to overrun the area. Luke finds himself with a small group of others fighting for their lives.
With the outbreak coming so quickly no one had time to prepare. No one had time to ensure that their loved ones were safe. Communication is lost. Loved ones are missing. The outbreak is spreading.
The only way to stop the virus is to stop the source. Knowing that this type of affliction came from a darkness that was familiar and that was in close proximity the survivors seek out Greta. They know that finding her means finding the key to the destruction of the Zombie outbreak.
Please share this page with anyone that you know that may be interested in helping make our dream come true.
Thank you for checking us out !
Mark Colombo
Black T Productions