Greetings, I'm the director of ROBERT BLY: A Thousand Years of Joy,
and happy to report that from our festival screenings around the world,
I know the film is striking a powerful chord with audiences. Now is the
time to help more people see the film, and Public Television is the ideal venue.
lined up a great PBS affiliate to be the required presenting station,
and we have a veteran PBS station relations person to promote and market
within the PBS network. (Unlike a nationally syndicated PBS show like,
for example, American Experience or Nova, individual
programs like ours have to work their way into the network station by
station). We have a perfect broadcast tie-in with National Poetry Month
in April. What we need in order to launch these efforts is funding.
Programs like ours are offered for FREE to the PBS network, while we
must cover costs such as station fees, closed-captioning, marketing,
etc. (It's been this way for decades with Public Television.) And because 82 mins. is
an uneven length (programmers think in terms of hours and half-hours) to
schedule, and our goal is acceptance by the greatest number of
stations, we will be making a one-hour version. That requires hiring an
editor and other costs but insures the highest likelihood of getting
The perks offered are all the films I've made
featuring Robert, along with a wonderful recent collection of his
poetry. Most importantly you will be helping ROBERT BLY: A Thousand Years of Joy be seen on television.
To our international friends, your support is needed, too. A Public Televison broadcast will help open doors to non-US broadcasters and venues.
pull this campaign off, we also welcome and need your help in alerting
more people about it. Please spread the word via social media (Facebook
especially as the film has a FB page), Twitter, emails, posts, etc.
Indiegogo offers sharetools on its site to help.
With your
support, down the road we will have the pleasure of posting the stations
and times when the film will be aired. I'm sure you'll agree that in
times like these, finding ROBERT BLY: A Thousand Years of Joy on your local PBS station will be a very fine thing indeed.
Many thanks,
Haydn Reiss