August 19th 1981 I ran away from The Meridian Home for Girls in Royersford Pa to the Streets of Fort Lauderdale FL.
By 2004 I ended up living under a Bridge, Addicted, Hopeless and Alone after 30+yrs of struggling...
Then in 2005 I met Drug Court Judge Marcia Beach who Loved me until I could Love Myself..
And Then finally cleaned up my act in 2006
So on June 11th 2011 I Started Walking Home…
I am Sandra Huffman and I walked 786 miles out of 1300 from Fort Lauderdale to Washington DC and then to Philadelphia to Celebrate National Recovery Month and my 5 yrs Clean and Sober in 2011.
My walk was about Hope & Recovery and Fighting the "Stigma" Surrounding the Recovery Community
And now I plan to go Coast 2 Coast and do it all over again for my 7th year in 2013! This time we need a BUS/RV to haul our equipment and the 1000's of pounds of Resource Materials we have gathered from across the country..
Okay in Reality it's going to be a very "Short Bus",RV or even Van but hey anything will work!
Sowing a trail with 1000's of Mustard seed Necklaces of Hope to cultivate messages of hope, healing, and recovery to victims of Addiction,Abuse,Mental Illness and Homelessness. “Sandra’s Walk 2013” will begin in June 2013 starting from the Seattle/Tacoma area of Washington State USA. Walking through 50 Major Cities and Countless Dozens of Small Towns across America.
I will arrive in Washington, D.C. by September 2013 to participate in DC-based Recovery Month activities as well as PRO-ACT’s Recovery Walks in Philadelphia plus surrounding areas during the entire trip.
Please help us do this again!!