My name is Frank Gilhooley... I'm a Scottish happily married father of three wonderful wee boys, and I'm an actor (Still Game, Outlander, Guardians Of The Galaxy etc). When we lost the referendum, I immediately started writing a movie script FREEDOM FOR A DAY (now complete), that I believe sets the record straight with regards to the underhanded scare tactics employed by Westminster upon Scotland's most vulnerable. In my opinion they had only one tactic... FEAR!
In a working class community in central Scotland, Charlie, Billy and Sam are three down to earth life long pals who's lives are simple, and whose needs are little. These friends find themselves having to overcome serious hurdles in their lives, as a direct result of various locals in the community selfishly manipulating others in order to maximise their influence in the Independence Referendum of 2014. Greed and manipulation are exposed in a town that sees Foodbank use grow exponentially whilst certain members of the community bask in a new found elitist wealth. When the referendum is all over, its only a matter of time before the walls come tumbling down for some, as Scotland awakens with a new found focus.
We need you to help us fund our Scottish independence movie FREEDOM FOR A DAY, because making a movie and taking it to cinema across the world is expensive! But with your backing, we will take our amazing script and create a liberating political movie exposing the lies and fear tactics employed for the whole world to see, whilst highlighting Scotland's deep desire to choose hope over fear. If you were hurting on September the 19th, this is an amazing chance to do something about it!
Freedom For A Day will be made in various locations across Scotland, so that we can really immerse ourselves and our storyline in the uniquely wonderful scenic country we love so much. Scotland has been used for so many multi million pound global movies recently, from space adventures such as Promethius to the wonderful Outlander series. Scotland has a breathtaking landscape that we intend to show off to the whole world within our storyline.
Upon completion, we intend to take Freedom For A Day to cinema release in Scotland shortly after entering the movie into one of the major film festivals. This is why we need to blast past our target and raise as much as we can, to ensure this projects success across the UK and across the world. The Scots are one of the most travelled peoples on the planet, and the interest in a political movie about the current state of affairs in Scotland are of great interest to a global audience.
We will use your donations to help create this incredible movie by pulling together a fantastic production team using not only Scottish based actors and crew, but as a social-enterprise our FREEDOM FOR A DAY production will create a huge number of opportunities for new actors, new musicians and new aspiring film crew, who might otherwise never be given such an opportunity. With filming locations across Scotland, we will use this movie to show the world what a wonderfully creative, dynamic and scenic country we live in, and what a diverse, inclusive and caring culture we are proud to enjoy. We will require a dynamic crew and a production base for the pre-production stage through to the release. Even simple things like office personnel, legal costs, premises, telephones, lighting, security etc etc. Not one penny will be wasted.
Our movie FREEDOM FOR A DAY will generate profit... We will inject 100% of this profit directly into our future movies giving even more opportunities to brand new Scottish talent, ensuring that our status and ethos as a Social Enterprise is maintained perfectly. We believe we can reinvest and create a production legacy which will see the creation of more and more opportunities for Scots of all ages and backgrounds for decades to come.
Product Placement is a wonderful tool for businesses to expose their products to millions of potential customers within the genre of movies. We have rewards for keen business people to explore within our movie. If you are a business person, imagine a scene being shot in a positive way in your hotel, or enjoying your beer, or picture our actors wearing your clothing range. These opportunities are real and so easy for our production to arrange. You can be rewarded with these opportunities directly from this site, or you can contact us via our facebook page to arrange a meeting to discuss face to face. We are open and ready for your business proposals.
As a social enterprise, we are all about communities. We will be giving opportunities for ordinary people in Scottish communities to be part of this amazing movie. As well as this, we will be filming in several scottish towns, drawing attention to the needs of these communities which are being ignored by Westminster. Within our storyline, we tackle some of these issues on your behalf. The Bedroom Tax is one of the most vile taxes ever to be thrust upon poorer people who literally have nothing. We tackle this tax within our storyline head on!
The entire FREEDOM FOR A DAY movie production supports the wonderful Angels who volunteer at the foodbanks... these men and women are true heroes!. The governements Austerity policy of mass welfare sanctions is now readily directing victims in the direction of foodbanks, as opposed to sorting out their genuine need for welfare assistance. This is disgusting practice by Westminster's elite, using the charitable foodbanks almost as a governement department. Our storyline exposes the truth of the beautiful people who give so freely helping at the foodbanks, whilst displaying the true plight of Westminster's victims, being ignored by Westminster. As this graph shows, the government has caused a surge in food bank use.
As a supporter of FREEDOM FOR A DAY, we have a range of rewards... from being an extra in the movie, or receiving a signed copy of the script, to appearing in the movie as a character, or even appearing in the end titles in your own personal scene, stating why you want Independence for Scotland.
FREEDOM FOR A DAY is going to be a movie with a diffference. Scotlands great tourism industry will benefit from the artistic shots of these scenic locations within our shoot. The independence movement will benefit from our movie exposing the truth about Westminster's tactics that seem to have caused a surge in support for independence, if the May 2015 general election is anything to go by.
KEEP ON GOING!!!!!!!!! The figure we are working on is our minimum target to begin a pre-production phase on the movie. Crowdfunding is an amazing tool, but the movie is going to cost at least £800k to make in full. However, if we can surpass this £75k initial figure and keep going beyond, we can begin the journey to create something truly spectacular for Scotland. So remember, the crowdfunding is only part of our funding. We will be looking for additional funding from industry sources to boost this project and create an incredible Scottish movie. So lets create a legacy of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum and turn a negative, into an amazing positive, with a movie that will keep independence in everyones minds for a generation. LETS BLAST PAST THE £75k and keep going!
I've set a target of £75k because I think its a good figure to take to industry partners and begin the process of 'match-funding'. It'll be an incredible start! But lets not forget, the global success movie The Blair Witch Project cost less than £20k to make... WE'RE MAKING THIS MOVIE NO MATTER WHAT!