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No more zigzagging through empty queueing systems EVER again!

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No more zigzagging through empty queueing systems EVER again!

No more zigzagging through empty queueing systems EVER again!

No more zigzagging through empty queueing systems EVER again!

No more zigzagging through empty queueing systems EVER again!

Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green
1 Campaign |
EL Medano, Spain
$13 USD $13 USD 3 backers
0% of $26,148 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The ShortCutQ has been licensed to

Short Summary

My name is Jonathan and I live on a small island chain in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. I studied Engineering in the UK and have lived and worked in many countries in the world but now I am back on my island running my own internet business (which has absolutely NOTHING to do with this invention but it makes me sound all sofisticated and serious ... which I am, ofcourse.)

I have a pet hate. 

No, this doesn't mean I hate pets: There is something in this world that peeves me. 

One of the most frustrating things I find is when I am taking a plane off the island and I arrive at the check-in desk, and they have these loooong queue control barrier thingys with no-one waiting in line, I have to zigzag almost half a mile to get to the front of the line which is only 10 feet away from where I started.
And then I have to do it all over again in passport control ..... and again buying a coffee inside the terminal, and again boarding the plane ... and then all over again when I get off at the other end .... This also happens in cinemas, theme parks, shops, theatres .... I reckon millions of miles have been walked unnecesarily by people through-out the world!! I PLAN TO PUT A STOP TO THIS! (Shoe rubber manufacturers have tried to get ShortCutQ banned! We will not sucumb to their wishes!) ;-)

There are ways around this to be sure: I have tried ducking under, dragging the whole caboodle along with me when it snags on my backpack, I have tried uncliping the barrier, despite the dirty looks the security personell fire at me and then sheepisly cliping it back in when I am on the otherside ... or when I am with fellow travellers, passing the end of the tape to the person behind me in what resembles a bizare slow-motion-spinning-relay-race, I have tried going over; risking life and limb in a scissor kicking bid for freedom ... Even the employee at Duloc was forced into this degrading zigzagging ignominy .. I must admit I have yet to try Shreks solution .... but ... there is always a first. (See from 20" onwards)

BUT I have devised a simple solution: 

And I called it "ShortCutQ" 

Its a simple gate allowing you to skip the empty lanes. 

So simple; why hasn't anyone thought of it before?  They haven't. I checked.

Imagine NEVER having to zigzag all the way to the front of an empty queue again!
Check out the smile on this guys face - you can tell he is as happy as Larry using this new system. (Larry is the guy in the above picture)

What We Need & What You Get

The funding will go for the following:

  • 10000€ will go into obtaining a worldwide patent
  • 5000€ will go into developing and perfecting the shortcut gate
  • 10000€ will go into marketing and visiting trade fairs all over the world

If we dont reach the targets, we will fund the initial stages and then try to get Angel funding for the rest once the idea is protected and hopefully designed perfectly.

The Impact

Our aim is that NO ONE ever has to zigzag needlessly through queue control systems EVER again. 

If you contribute to this project, everytime you waltz up to the front of an empty queue through the ShortCutQ gate, you can smile proudly knowing that you just saved yourself, and everyone around you the time, energy, shoe rubber, humilty and boredom of zigzagging through empty queues.

I have obtained a Masters degree in Aeronautical Engineering, I have pulled a national telecoms company off its knees and into mega-profit, I have set up my own successful internet company .... but I have never made anything like this before. I have the passion and determination to make this work... but I need your help. 

Other Ways You Can Help

If you like this idea but cant contribute, just share this with your friends and you will one day never have to do that silly zigzagging thing again.



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Senkyu Birra much

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
Una birra de agradecimiento la próxima vez que nos vemos.
0 out of 100 of claimed

Be proud

Currency Conversion $2 USD
€2 EUR
Every time you use a ShortCutQ to waltz to the front of a queue, you can turn to the people next to you and proudly say "I helped get this into existence"
1 claimed

Pride Confirmed

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Every time you use a ShortCutQ to waltz to the front of a queue, you can turn to the people next to you and proudly say "I helped get this into existence" and you can prove it because your name will be on our website under "People who believed in this from the outset".
2 claimed

Pride and Product-ish

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
You will get all the pride of the above.... with your name under "Our amazing colaborators" AND you will get a personalized ShortCutQ with "Thanks #your_name for making this happen".
0 claimed

Product sample discounted

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
You will be one of the first companies in the world to get 3 ShortCutQs. Your business will show your customers that you are forward thinking and care about those silly little things that makes their lives a little easier. They will be personalised to show the world you were one of the first!
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $523 USD
€500 EUR
As you believe so much in this project and you are willing to support us so much, you will get all of the above and you will also become a friend and can come and stay for a week at our comunal beach house in one of the coolest towns in the Canary Islands after the product launches. If the product launch is successful, then all expenses will be on me.
0 out of 50 of claimed

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