SHADOW HUNTERS: Bite Me! is now available Only on IndieGoGo!
“SHADOW HUNTERS” : Bite Me! Follows the story of the rebellious half vampire who prefers her smokes and cold beer over drinking blood. Between the peer pressure of her clan insisting she feeds, and her enemies who see her defiance as a weakness, she refuses to give up what little is left of her humanity. Even if it means losing everything.
The Creative Team: Written by Jason Dube with Artwork by Noel Serrato & Jason Dube and with Cover Art by Summer Dale
This is a 40-page , self-contained storyline about Jenna continues the journey of the vampire world started in the pages of the "Lylith & Mara" comic book. We expand and explore the rich and dark landscape of the vampire clans, the evolution of their different races and blood that runs through its world. This is also a more "Mature Readers" comic full of blood, gore, partial nudity and vampire violence. A great read for fans of horror and vampires. Includes Art Concepts, and Cover Gallery and Cosplay photo gallery.
Lots of Vampire Goodies.
After the success of our last campaign we wanted to add a few more items this round to have something for everyone. Let's take a look at the different cover variants available to you.
NOEL SERRATO Variant Covers!
Comic Book Artist Noel Serrato, is offering this amazing homage image of Todd Mcfarlane's Spider-Man cover, but with vampire Jenna's own signature twist to it. And this cover comes in both English & Spanish variants. (**Spanish Edition is Limited to 10 Copies) NOTE: If you select the Spanish Homage you will be asked if you'd like to ADD-ON the English Edition as well.
JASON DUBE Variant Covers!
JENNA Variant
2nd Chance to get LYLITH & MARA: Sisters of the Dark
With so many requests to get a copy of Lylith & Mara after the campaign ended, we decided to offer a 2nd Chance Edition for this campaign only! If you didn't get it last time, now's your chance. With a new variant "Darkness Virgin" cover (All titles and logos removed from cover) featuring Summer Dale's artwork.
Shadow Hunters Comic Book Tie-In
Offered with this campaign only is the tie-in comic book "Shadow Hunters" special cover edition. This 28 page comic book offering will feature 2 variant covers by Randy Kintz. You don't necessarily need this comic book to understand "Bite Me", but its fun to see how the 2 books tie-in together. (**This book is filled with sexy monster girls. Purchase at your own risk). Available in Tame & Naughty covers.
Show off to the world your love for both hot vampire girls and beer! Black shirt silk screened with White Ink. (Available in all sizes.) **Note: Shirts shipped separately from comic books.
This gorgeously delicious art poster print by cover artist Summer Dale comes at a huge 11" x 17" on thick cover stock and dropped into a hard plastic protective sleeve. **Note: Oversized Prints shipped separately from comic books.
When you just can't decide on what vampire goodness to get, we've made some discounted Bundles for you to choose from.
Lots of amazing Original Art perks for you to choose from.
Original Jenna Art on CGC 9.8 Graded "Shadow Hunters #4". Noel Serrato masters his skills of drawing the vampire rebel with Ink and Colored Markers on a Blank Cover edition of the comic book. Only 1 of a kind!
John Rhodes of "Nothing-Man" and Hyperverse fame is here to add his stylish and sexy Original Artwork to a Blank Cover edition of "Shadow Hunters #4". You decide what you want drawn on your cover. He leaves the option to you if you want it to be a NUDE or TAME art piece. (Only 2 Available!!)
Jason Dube's Original Jenna Cover art. **Note: Original Artwork shipped separately from comic books.
Jason Dube's Original Vampire Sisters Cover art. **Note: Original Artwork shipped separately from comic books.
Noel Serrato's Original Cover art. **Note: Original Artwork shipped separately from comic books.
Noel Serrato's Original PENCILS to the Dia De Los Muertos Print.
Noel Serrato's Original INKS to the Dia De Los Muertos Print.
Jason Dube's Original Comic Pages artwork. **Note: Original Artwork shipped separately from comic books.
The Goal
The goal with this campaign is to provide you with fun and entertaining high quality comics. We need enough for the printing, distribution, and fees to bring these comic books to life and in your hands. Noel Serrato and myself will be packing and shipping the comic books with Gemini Comic Flash Mailers. (The choosen way to get comic books safely to you.)
ADD ON Extras!
When you check out with your comic book pledge you will be given some cool Add Ons to apply to your comics. Watch for these extras to make your purchase a one of a kind.
WE HIT $1K!! All Physical Pledge Perks will get this "Jenna" Anime Backboard Print. (Image by iRYANiC) included in their package.
WE HIT $2K!! All Physical Pledge Perks will now get a "Bite Me" Vinyl Sticker. (The tattoo that can be seen on "Jenna") included in their package.
WE HIT $3K!! Now All Physical Pledge Perks will get a "Jenna" Bookmark. (Artwork by Darth Sarch) included in their package.
WE HIT $4000 !! All Physical Pledge Perks will now get this "Dia De Los Muertos" themed 11" x 17" Print of Jenna. (Artwork by Noel Serrato) included in their pledge.
Risks & Challenges
The comic books pretty much all done, we just need to get it to the printers and ship it to you. Of course this is life and I suppose anything can happen, but I really don't foresee any kind of delay in getting these into your hands.
Please Help Us Spread the Word Please!
We would appreciate any help you can provide by Sharing this page to your friends and family by just hitting the Indiegogo share buttons at the top!
Thank you for taking the time to look things over here.
Jason Dube
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