Hi I'm Gwen Hurt the founder of Shoe Crazy Wine, LLC and PTE LTD. My love of wine and shoes has given birth to a company that my family and I are very proud of.
From IT to Vintner: It's been a Journey of Leadership, Innovation, Family and Passion!
Shoe Crazy Wine is a private
label wine company operating in the US and Asia.
Shoe Crazy Wine brings you an amazing and decadent collection of 8 Varietals.
We believe a great wine is like a pair of fabulous shoes...To be enjoyed over
and over again!!! Experience Something Special!!!
We are on a mission to disrupt the traditional wine buying landscape in Asia! In Asia today,the wine buying market is dominated by men! We aim to change that!
At Shoe Crazy Wine, we are branded to market and sell wine to women.
Women in Asia are part of a growing middle and upper class of executives and leaders and are exerting their independence. They
want products, brands and
labels that resonate with them and for them. Shoe Crazy Wine is delivering that branded product and experience with our wonderful tasting and delightfully fruity wines. We want to be there when women in Asia take that next step.
Raising funds through this campaign, we will expand into other Asian countries, specifically Thailand, The Philippines and Malaysia. We are truly on a mission! Just so you know it's not all about us...Our mission also includes giving back. We proudly donate a portion of our sales to children in need and handi-capable athletes who through hard work and determination have pushed through adversity to exceed their physical limitations! We are and will continue to be philanthropists, if we have a lot to give or just a little.
This all sounds great and inspirational but:
We've been working for the last 1.5 years to
get us to where we are today. We
trademarked our labels, strategy and brand. We opened our Asia
office, acquired all licenses to import, export, sell and market our wines in the US and Asia. We landed a key distributor and 2 supermarket chains in Singapore! We are partnering with two Distributors in the US for domestic expansion. We created
and invested in a solid supply chain to support our planned expansion. Our extensive business experience working in fortune 100 companies has been key in building Shoe Crazy Wine. We
are now in the middle of a big capital raise push. Don't forget, we're doing
this from the ground up and we
aren't underwritten by anyone but our friends, family and YOU. Once we finish raising money, we will begin bottling more wine to ship and sell.
So how do you fit in?
Have you ever invested in a wine business? Well now is your chance to be a part of this amazing industry! Our products are
only months away from reaching more
customers, but we can't get there without your help.
In order to keep that “Global Shoe Print” moving,
we need your contribution to help us reach
our goal -$50,000!!
This money will help us pay for the export costs, import costs, a few thousand more bottles of wine and marketing. You will help us achieve and spread the
American dream which is everyone’s dream... to be an entrepreneur, owning their own
business... building something from the ground up…from idea to reality!
are the Risks?
Our risks and challenges are clear. Men buy the majority of wine in Asia. It will take some time and marketing efforts to change this. We are up to the challenge, but need your help to help us move the needle in the direction of women buyers.
Asia Is the fastest growing market for
American and French wine and spirits!
We want to capture a percentage of that
amazing growth!
Women have money and aren’t afraid to
spend it!
your investment really make a difference? Your
impact is larger than mere words. You will help create the moments that propel
life. Think of everything realized,
decided and solved over a glass
of wine. The good and bad of life. Women exerting
their independence and socializing for "girls night out" or in”. After all the concept began when, I made
a batch of wine in my kitchen and needed a name for it.. My daughter suggested that I name it after something I love. I
love and am crazy about shoes. Done!!!
will have the chance to be part of the journey of an upstart – Start up! We launched
in two countries simultaneously!! We aren’t funded by any of the big wine
conglomerates! We believe in “giving back” a portion
of our sales proceeds to charity. We aren’t just funded by one single family;
we are funded by YOU. And when you see a TV commercial for a bottle of wine with the “Lady in a Shoe”. You'll take
pride in saying…I’m
part of the family that helped
expand Shoe Crazy Wine further into Asia and in doing so make a social difference!!! Truly Wine Redefined!! Please help us to let them "Experience Something Special" with Shoe Crazy Wine...
What else can you do to help?
Thought you'd never ask! Please be our brand ambassadors by sharing this campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and E-mail using the Indiegogo
tools at the top left of this page. The more we can spread the word about this great campaign,
the better.