![Urban Gardens Info]()
Why Gardens?
Because gardens produce healthier food. Only 2% of American children eat enough fruits and vegetables, and 1 in 3 American children born after 2000 is at risk for Type II diabetes. A garden is an introduction to the real, healthy food students and families need access to.
Because gardens can help fix America's nature deficit. With more than 80% of Americans living in cities and suburbs, we need to work harder than ever to teach the values of natural processes.
Because gardens are a living laboratory for education. Not just healthy food—a lesson on what producing healthy food requires. Not just exposure to nature—a way for children to literally harvest the fruits of their labor.
A True Seed Investment
For as little as $10, you can help a community reap all the benefits a garden has to offer. In just 39 days, we plan to raise $2500 per garden; to feed, teach, and inspire people in each of these 100 communities. Here are a few things our garden plans to do with your donations:
Bronco garden is a wonderful place for our students. We implement Growing Great and Grades of Green curriculum and our goal is to engage all students in the garden (k-5th grade). Additionally, we have a weekly Friday garden club. Green ambassadors help with green programs, including composting. We are in need of an outdoor classroom to increase student and teacher participation and to implement cooking and science teachings.
Look Good, Do Good
With every contribution to our garden, donors will receive organic, ethical perks from PACT. Our socks, undies, and t-shirts are produced to high standards of sustainability, with the comfiest organic materials we can find. You'll be giving out of the goodness of your heart, and in return you'll get PACT goodies. It's a win-win situation.