Lavishly illustrated by the late, great Adrian Sibar and Preston Asevedo, this 96 page trade-paperback includes both issues #7 and #8, plus brand new issues #9 and #10 that bring the LONG DAYS OF VENGEANCE arc that began in V.1 to its explosive conclusion! I'm so confident you will love this story that I'm giving away the entire first issue as a free digital download right here.
New to the World of SIX-GUN GORILLA? You can get the first trade paperback VOL. 1: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST 148 page graphic novel collecting chapters #1-#6, either by itself or bundled with VOL. 2 at a special discounted price.
Just added! Our $5K stretch goal! Every order comes with a WANTED poster and 6AM sticker!
"Majestic!" - MIKE BARON (Nexus, Badger, The Punisher)
"It don't get much better than this, Pal. A rootin--tootin' six-gun shootin', Western adventure that makes me run off at the adjectives. Wonderful stuff." - JOE R. LANSDALE (author of Bubba Ho-Tep , Hap and Leonard and Cold In July)
“ has real weight and emotion… a well-crafted western that just happens to have a gun-toting gorilla as the main character. If you like westerns, gorillas, crazy concepts, or just plain ol’ good comics, then this is one worth checking out.” - COMIC BOOK THERAPY
“…an indie book that deserves to play with the big boys.” - GEEKASM
"Who can say no to a well-executed western starring a ferocious six-gun wielding simian? ...a really good comic-book." - THE COMIC AGE
“Together with artist Adrian Sibar, writer Brian Christgau has revised and changed-up the classic Six-Gun Gorilla pulp tale, blending it with beloved old school western cinematic tropes that make it an ingenious cross between Clint Eastwood’s Pale Rider and a wild Twilight Zone episode.” - NERDVANA
“Read this comic book. I’m dead serious. Find it, buy it, and enjoy how Six-Gun Gorilla: Long Days of Vengeance succeeds as any good comic book should.” - COMIC BASTARDS
"...a work of art that pushes the classic notions of a true western with modern ideals and updated storytelling providing a cohesive product that is a ride to read and pleasure to look at." - - PULP CULTURED
"An awesome, awesome comic." - ETHAN VAN SCIVER (Green Lantern, Cyberfrog)