The Skyline Drive-In Theater is located in Shelbyville, Indiana. The family owned theater has been in operation since 1950! The Skyline has survived the decline of drive-ins over the last several decades from a peak of over 5,000 drive-ins to merely 300 today. For 70 years, the Skyline has operated as a single screen theater, but with the increasing consolidation of film-producing studios (which limit screening options) and drive-in fans desire for increased viewing choices - it's become critical that the Skyline add a 2nd screen & projector to it's operation. Adding a 2nd screen will allow the Skyline to continue to meet the changing theater-going demands, and position itself to grow with those demands in the future. Adding a 2nd screen also allows the Skyline to present additional special events that it has become regionally known for like Super Monster Movie Fest and the Pandemonium Picture Show.
What We Need & What You Get
The Skyline is looking to raise $25,000 to realize this screen addition. Funds raised for this project will go directly to the purchase of a used digital projector and the construction of a 2nd screen using local labor/resources.
Money donated to the project will earn donors the Skyline drive-in experience. This will come in the form of Skyline merchandise, tickets/passes to enjoy your favorite movies at the Skyline as well as vouchers to enjoy the Skyline's amazing menu (and boy do we have a menu!)
If our goal of $25,000 if not fully met, funds raised will still be applied to a 2nd screen so that we can inch towards its inevitable completion - if even piece by piece and year by year. If we can build only the screen - we will. If we can only buy the projector we will. Then, we will continue to work towards full completion.
The Impact
With less than 300 drive-ins left in America, its safe to say that this cultural niche of Americana is always at threat of continuing. By adding a 2nd screen this will ensure the Skyline can continue to operate while providing an increased variety of movie entertainment.
Other Ways You Can Help
Beyond the obvious point of getting word out and making some noise about this campaign using your favorite social media platforms, be sure to use the Indiegogo share tools. Additionally, folks that are in construction and materials business can certainly opt to donate time and/or materials to this cause. To realize this project, it is possible to be largely completed by that type of donation. The only part that couldn't meet the project realization without monetary funds is the purchase of the digital projector and it's anciliiary items - but again, most aspects of this project are possible to realize by construction labor/materials alone.