The system is made of a Pad, and an associated Smartphone/Tablet application.
The first time you will use the Pad, you just need to place on it the item that you want to monitor, set its current level, and…just forget it!
From now on, the Pad will start talking to your mobile, exchanging the information on the quantity of the good placed on it, silently, without you even noticing it.
When you are shopping, or arriving home, is when you really need to know that data. You take your mobile, and see for yourself if something needs to be bought or not.
- You can make your life even easier, by setting an alarm that will alert you when something is below a certain level. The alarm can be set for a specific time, or for when you approach a certain location (like your home or shop).
You can have the application send a message to a person of your choice (your partner, your trusted grocery store guy right around the corner), when something is almost finished, and he or she will bring it to you.
- You can easily edit your shopping list, and be sure that the things that really matter to you are always available.
You have a small shop, and you don’t want to spend all your day running through the corridors, to be sure that the pantries are always kept full.
Well…You can monitor them…just from your desk. And you will know when you need to refill.
There are endless scenarios, and indeed you, the user, will surely have your own special needs and ways to exploit the capabilities of the system.
Here are few things you need to know to assess if SmartQsine™ is suitable for your needs:
The Pad is as thin as possible. It is not going to be another bulky gadget in your home.
The associated app is made to be as streamlined as possible, although very flexible. It has been developed with the idea that it will do its work in the background, without bothering you and with minimal effort. It will do the job for you.
The same app will monitor several pads, thus allowing you to take care of all your items in a central, user friendly environment.
To allow the user to save costs, we have developed 2 lines of Pads: Gold Pad, and Silver Pad
The Gold Pad has the capability to communicate with the mobile application, and to monitor not only what the user places on it, but also to acquire the data coming from several other Pads linked to it.
The Silver Pad doesn’t have communication capabilities, thus allowing it to be much cheaper than the Gold one. Once a Silver Pad is physically linked to a Gold Pad, it will be seen by the mobile application as a new independent Pad, with all the required features of the Gold model.
This means that, if a user wants to monitor multiple goods, she/he can purchase several Gold Pads, or just one Gold Pad, and several Silver ones to accomplish the same task.
We know that everybody has different needs. If milk is a good example of something that many of us never want to run out, it is clear to us that we needed to provide a solution able to get close to the requirements of most of the people or businesses.
That’s why we made things so flexible!
We can easily modify the Pad and the features of the mobile application, in order to fit with your special requirements.
We need to go into production, and produce around 2500 pads in order to make them cost effective.
Moreover, we want to go beyond it... expanding devices' capabilities, its usage contexts, and the services that we can provide along with the application, which are too many to be developed in advance.
How you can help:
More ways to help...
Spread your voice! Tell as many people as possibile about SmartQsine
"Like us" on Facebook, "Follow" us on Twitter, participate, and suggest new ideas and applications.
We are hungry for customizations. If you see a particular application suitable for our system, please share it with us, and tell them about us. We can easily adapt the system for plenty of scenarios. The electronics are there, the application too... We would just need to modify the pads !
What if....
Tooling Costs are always a huge barrier...
If we reach $ 150.000, we will add this perk too: a multi Pad able to monitor 4 items at a time.
The Electronic and the Application are ready (they are actually the same as per the single Pads already developed). We would just would need to cover the Non Recurring Cost required to start the production
As for many cases, the idea came for everyday life.
Uriel has two children, and all too often realized too late that the milk would not be enough for tomorrow morning's breakfast.
While thinking on a way to be advised before actually approaching home, we realized that a system able to solve this issue, would also solve many other similar issues, and be useful in several scenarios and applications, not only in the consumer market, but also the small business environment (think about a bar, a small restaurant...)
It was February 2014
In two months, we prepared all the papers to validate the idea (Business Model Canvas, Business Plan, a maximalized architecture), selected and built the right team, patented the system, and started the development.
June 2014:
We patented the system, the brand "SmartQsine", and started the company that manages all.
We realized our first firmware using using ARM® mbed™ during the development stage to make it easy to prove the concept is viable, and a demo application running on Android and iOS.
Everything was very ugly...but functioning
September 2014
While moving forward on the Software side, we also began developing our own first PCB, and started seeing how the pad would look like
November 2014
Finally...the product was ready!
Android application fully developed, a new PCB board, Firmware optimized, mechanical interface and case finalized!
So, we decided to go to CES2015....
January 2015
A very small batch of pads were realized, and the application consolidated. The system was introduced for the first time to the public, at CES 2015.
returning from CES, we were invited by the Italian National Broadcasting TV, to
show it live.
February 2015
New features have been implemented, bug fixing was in process and we had several rounds to find the best way and right manufacturers for the mass production.
ARM people came to know that we have been using mbed™ during the development process. They invited us at their headquarters in Cambridge, tested and shot the Catering Scenario, and placed a Gold Pad in their demo room (where it still is).
March 2015Started preparing the crowdfunding campaign, and attended another exhibition, this time, in Milan, called "Seeds & Chips".
Background Synchronization
Family/Group Data Sharing
Time based notifications
Notifications automatically sent to third parties
How are the Pads Powered?
The Pads are powered by a standard coin battery (CR2032). It lasts for about 6 months and can be easily replaced once it runs out.
How do I know when the battery is running out?
Nothing should ever run out in the SmartQsine world....
An alert will show up at the Pad tab on the application, to alert you that the battery is almost over.
How many Pads can the application manage?
No Limit
Why BLE?
The system, as you see it now, and as you will receive it, is based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology.
We decided to go in this direction for mainly two reasons:
- Power. Using BLE we can provide a product whose battery lasts for 6 months.
- BLE is now present in every new phone and smartphone, thus allowing the user to exploit what is already at hand.
Using WiFi would have enabled the user to directly connect to the pads from the street. However, it would have been too power consuming, and we didn't want the user to change the battery or recharge it every week.
Z-Wave, by comparison, is not as power hungry as WiFi, but it would have required a gateway in order to allow the user to reach the pads from outside.
We therefore decided for BLE, and automatic Background Synchronization. The user can decide how often he wants the Smartphone to synchronize with the pads and set the hours that he wants this synchronization to happen (it would be useless to try to sync when you are not home).
At the same time we have already started the development of a BLE/WiFi gateway, to allow the users to have a real time access, if he or she wishes, and the development of pads based on WiFi technology, for "plugged" scenarios.
Can different people be linked on the same pad?
Every member of a family, or roommates, can have the data synched between them. So, if your partner consumes a good when you are away from home, his/her Smartphone will be synched, and so will be yours.
Which kind of alerts may I set up?
We have so far developed two kinds of alerts:
- Time based: at a certain time, specified by the user, the application will notify the user if an item is below a certain level (for example, a user can set the time that he usually gets out of the office, in order to be alerted if something needs to be procured before getting home).
- Person based: a message will automatically be sent to a person of choice when items go below a specified threshold (yourself, your partner, the grocery store, or catering service like the scenario seen in the video regarding the Kitchen in ARM's laboratories).
- Geographically based: An alert will show up when you reach a specific place (like
your local grocery store), for any item that is below a specified threshold (you need to have GPS enabled for this)
More might be introduced based on your suggestions
Would you provide API/SDKs for partners to integrate the pads in other systems?
We are very open to integrate SmartQsine into the current available Home Automation systems and provide the required APIs
You could either access to the pads directly and build/integrate your own application, or exploit all the development already undertaken by ourselves on the application side.
There is always a certain degree of risk,
when you support a product that has not yet been certified. However, we think we
have taken all the required measures to minimize it as far as reasonably
possible, and are now able to go crowdfounding with an already developed product,
intensively tested, showed and demoed in public.
What we are missing is the money to move to
full scale production, and believe that with the target set in this campaign,
it would be more than enough to achieve this.
We have also decided against going for
flexible funding, since receiving less money than what we believe is required
for full production, would have jeopardized the ability to fulfill our commitment
to our backers, and hence our decision to approach the crowdfunding