About Smokers Abbey
If you're a cigar or pipe guy (or girl) in Nashville, particularly East Nashville, then you've probably heard of Smokers Abbey. We are East Nashville's only fine tobaccanist and a proud supporter of the local community. After opening our doors just over a year ago and recently being named Nashville's Best Smoke Shop for 2014 by the readers of the Nashville Scene, we are expanding to bring you more of what you love about the Abbey.
Take a few minutes to explore our awesome perks, read a bit more of why we need your help, and then join the team to help us take Smokers Abbey to the next level.
What We Need & What You Get
It's fairly simple, we need your help to fund the expansion. We have an additional 1,000+ square feet that we cannot wait to build out. Don't worry, the Abbey will not lose its vibe or sense of community. On the contrary, we will now have the space for more of us to get together, enjoy great cigars and pipes, indulge in craft beer and coffee, and host special events.
Like we said, we have the space and we've already been working on demolition and prep for the build out. How will we use funds from the campaign? Construction materials, HVAC & electrical work, air cleaners, beer & coffee bar equipment, furniture, and new cigar lockers.
We've designed the perks to give you the most for your donation. We also want to give you an opportunity for something a little extra special too - and that's our super awesome humidor & cigar prize package. We're putting together a brand new 50 count humidor filled with some of the best cigars from the shop, including a few from our personal stash. Estimated value is $750+... so don't miss out!
The Impact
It may seem a little odd to talk about the impact that a cigar shop may have on clients or the community, but we don't think we're your typical shop, so here's a little more about us. Yes, we are a business and we sell cigars, pipes, tobacco, etc. to pay the bills. The Abbey, however, is about much more. Our goal was never to be different just for the sake of being different. The culture and vibe of the Abbey is not an artificial creation but a reflection of us as owners, our staff, and more importantly, our clients. On any given day, you can find college students, local business owners, pastors, musicians, attorneys, and regular "joes" like us hanging out and building "community" over a common interest. One of the best compliments we've ever received was from a new client who described the Abbey as, "a place that you don't have to try to fit in because as soon as you walk in the door, it feels like home."
Risks & Challenges
Well there are always risks in business, but baring any catastrophies, the risks are minimal. Our business is healthy, we have the space and a long-term lease, and our client base is growing every day thanks to you. There are always challenges in expanding a physical presence and we expect there will be a hurdle here and there. That's ok, we ain't scared. If you know us, then you know that we'll get the job done.
Other Ways You Can Help
Share, share, share! It's nice to share. Share this campaign and share your time. Take a minute to share the campaign with friends. We are also doing much of the dirty work ourselves and we can always use volunteers. If you have a few hours to help out, please email us at info@smokersabbey.com and we'll let you know when and where we need help.