Ever since I was a little kid I've wanted to explore. My father worked for the BLM as a firefighter in Alaska during the 70s, and one of my earliest memories is staring off into the horizon at a snow covered Denali. For me the natural world is a church, and I have found comfort, refuge and wisdom in the land at a time when man's behavior seems completely out of touch with reality.
Since young adulthood I have traveled as much of the world as my budget would allow. Working as an arborist/tree climber, I'd save through the year and travel in the winter when work was slow. I have explored in most of the world's major mountain ranges and have traveled in nearly 40 countries. I fell in love a couple years ago while traveling in La Paz, Bolivia, and recently made my home here. My fiancé and I will be married in a few months.
In all the places I've been the land that is Bolivia struck me as one of the most splendid and untouched on Earth. It is also one of the least populated and explored. My experience traveling, passion for the outdoors and need of a good job led me to consider creating a company that would offer travelers to Bolivia's capital and most visited city, La Paz, something I felt was sorely lacking: comfortable, relaxing and enjoyable access to the natural and cultural treasures that surround this amazing city.
My goals are simple: To provide people with affordable relaxation in some of the finest natural scenery in the world and an experience they will remember for years. Our trekkers will travel to seldom seen areas of the Bolivian Andes and Amazon while enjoying a thoughtfully designed menu that includes locally produced ingredients purchased from the farmers that grew them. As every business needs core values, and has a responsibility to the community in which it operates, contributing to the local economy in a thoughtful manner while raising awareness for the local environment and history are things I carefully considered while planning to operate tours here. Travel should never mean intrusion.
I am investing everything I have in this dream, but it is still not enough to make it a reality. I have always been generous with what little I have, and although I felt awkward about asking for money online when a relative suggested it, I decided to try anyway. I am asking for enough to buy a quality used van for transporting clients and rent money for an office for the first couple months. I am determined to succeed in this venture, love a good challenge, and if I do not reach my goal I will make do with whatever I have, so any little bit would help.
Whether or not you can help me in realizing this dream I want to thank you for taking the time to read and invite you to come and take a tour with us in this incredible part of the world. I also hope you enjoyed the photos and understand why I think you would love Boivia as much as I do. You can contact us at (+591) 61119086, or on our Facebook page:
Caleb T Brewer
Solace Trekking and Tours
(all photographs were taken by me, on treks we offer)