Shirts are in the works!
"We fight for you now because the world has fought for us before. We will fight them in our cities so you do not have to fight them in yours." - An ISOF Commander
As ISIL forces occupy much of northern Iraq, prosecute religious minorities, and close in on Baghdad, Iraqi Special Operations Forces continue to fight and slow the advance of the terrorist army. Suffering staggering losses and facing heavily armed resistance, the ISOF continues to deploy to the front lines and fight. With over ten years of combat experience in Iraq, ISOF is the backbone of the Iraqi Security Forces and is a capable fighting force. With coalition support, ISOF Officers and Soldiers believe that ISIL will be driven from Iraq.
ten years of sustained conflict, the individual equipment used by ISOF
soldiers has become worn and unserviceable. Soldiers are in need of basic
equipment to include:
Now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/specialopssupport
All donations will go directly towards supplying ISOF units with basic necessities and shipping/operations costs associated with delivering items. No materials barred from export will be purchased or sent.